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Points analysis

Name: GIRAUD (France)
User ID: cats26
Points: 0

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
0.9 -0.9 0 account closed GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
48.9 -48 0.9 donated points to charity Books for Schools and Classrooms (USA) 2018/05/20
49 -0.1 48.9 removed book from inventory 0380807742 GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
49.1 -0.1 49 removed book from inventory 055329959X GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
49.2 -0.1 49.1 removed book from inventory 0060092149 GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
49.3 -0.1 49.2 removed book from inventory 1416537317 GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
49.4 -0.1 49.3 removed book from inventory 0440243947 GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
49.5 -0.1 49.4 removed book from inventory 0451218000 GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
49.6 -0.1 49.5 removed book from inventory 0553578936 GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
49.7 -0.1 49.6 removed book from inventory 0380754517 GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
49.8 -0.1 49.7 removed book from inventory 051514844X GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
49.9 -0.1 49.8 removed book from inventory 0380815419 GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
50 -0.1 49.9 removed book from inventory B018CJQAFO GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
50.1 -0.1 50 removed book from inventory B00SB3JC3E GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
50.2 -0.1 50.1 removed book from inventory 1416505466 GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
50.3 -0.1 50.2 removed book from inventory 0061247820 GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
50.4 -0.1 50.3 removed book from inventory 141654710X GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
50.5 -0.1 50.4 removed book from inventory 038078145X GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
50.6 -0.1 50.5 removed book from inventory 0440243955 GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
50.7 -0.1 50.6 removed book from inventory 051509160X GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
50.8 -0.1 50.7 removed book from inventory 0061905895 GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
50.9 -0.1 50.8 removed book from inventory 0553587323 GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
51 -0.1 50.9 removed book from inventory 0440220750 GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
51.1 -0.1 51 removed book from inventory 0553575244 GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
54.1 -3 51.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0553575244 nomoredrivin (USA: MD) 2018/05/20
51.1 +3 54.1 gave points for mooch request 0553575244 nomoredrivin (USA: MD) 2018/05/11
51.2 -0.1 51.1 removed book from inventory 067174383X GIRAUD (France) 2017/05/31
51.3 -0.1 51.2 removed book from inventory 0373791143 GIRAUD (France) 2017/05/31
51.4 -0.1 51.3 removed book from inventory B000B7634E GIRAUD (France) 2017/05/31
51.3 +0.1 51.4 added book to inventory 0553575244 GIRAUD (France) 2017/04/02
48.3 +3 51.3 gave points for mooch request 0380776170 ToraTang (USA: MN) 2017/03/21
45.3 +3 48.3 gave points for mooch request 0061733962 ToraTang (USA: MN) 2017/03/21
45.2 +0.1 45.3 added book to inventory 0060092149 GIRAUD (France) 2016/08/03
45.1 +0.1 45.2 added book to inventory 0061905895 GIRAUD (France) 2016/08/03
48.1 -3 45.1 deducted points for mooch request 0440241049 Maggie (Netherlands) 2016/08/02
51.1 -3 48.1 deducted points for mooch request 0553575244 LilyM (United Kingdom) 2016/08/02
54.1 -3 51.1 deducted points for mooch request 0553564706 Maggie (Netherlands) 2016/08/02
57.1 -3 54.1 deducted points for mooch request 0553293176 Cath Scott (United Kingdom) 2016/08/01
58.1 -1 57.1 deducted points for mooch request 0440244625 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2016/08/01
58 +0.1 58.1 added book to inventory 0451218000 GIRAUD (France) 2016/07/19
55 +3 58 gave points for mooch request 1420108522 Ann (USA) 2016/07/18
52 +3 55 gave points for mooch request 0062244922 Ann (USA) 2016/07/18
51.9 +0.1 52 added book to inventory 0373791143 GIRAUD (France) 2016/07/18
51.8 +0.1 51.9 added book to inventory 1420108522 GIRAUD (France) 2016/07/18
51.7 +0.1 51.8 added book to inventory 0061247820 GIRAUD (France) 2016/07/18
51.6 +0.1 51.7 added book to inventory 055329959X GIRAUD (France) 2016/07/18
51.7 -0.1 51.6 removed book from inventory 0061247820 GIRAUD (France) 2016/07/18
51.8 -0.1 51.7 removed book from inventory 0380756250 GIRAUD (France) 2016/07/18
51.7 +0.1 51.8 added book to inventory 0061247820 GIRAUD (France) 2016/07/18
51.6 +0.1 51.7 added book to inventory 0380776170 GIRAUD (France) 2016/07/18