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Points analysis

Name: GIRAUD (France)
User ID: cats26
Points: 0

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
0.9 -0.9 0 account closed GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
48.9 -48 0.9 donated points to charity Books for Schools and Classrooms (USA) 2018/05/20
49 -0.1 48.9 removed book from inventory 0380807742 GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
49.1 -0.1 49 removed book from inventory 055329959X GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
49.2 -0.1 49.1 removed book from inventory 0060092149 GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
49.3 -0.1 49.2 removed book from inventory 1416537317 GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
49.4 -0.1 49.3 removed book from inventory 0440243947 GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
49.5 -0.1 49.4 removed book from inventory 0451218000 GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
49.6 -0.1 49.5 removed book from inventory 0553578936 GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
49.7 -0.1 49.6 removed book from inventory 0380754517 GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
49.8 -0.1 49.7 removed book from inventory 051514844X GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
49.9 -0.1 49.8 removed book from inventory 0380815419 GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
50 -0.1 49.9 removed book from inventory B018CJQAFO GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
50.1 -0.1 50 removed book from inventory B00SB3JC3E GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
50.2 -0.1 50.1 removed book from inventory 1416505466 GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
50.3 -0.1 50.2 removed book from inventory 0061247820 GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
50.4 -0.1 50.3 removed book from inventory 141654710X GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
50.5 -0.1 50.4 removed book from inventory 038078145X GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
50.6 -0.1 50.5 removed book from inventory 0440243955 GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
50.7 -0.1 50.6 removed book from inventory 051509160X GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
50.8 -0.1 50.7 removed book from inventory 0061905895 GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
50.9 -0.1 50.8 removed book from inventory 0553587323 GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
51 -0.1 50.9 removed book from inventory 0440220750 GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
51.1 -0.1 51 removed book from inventory 0553575244 GIRAUD (France) 2018/05/20
54.1 -3 51.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0553575244 nomoredrivin (USA: MD) 2018/05/20
51.1 +3 54.1 gave points for mooch request 0553575244 nomoredrivin (USA: MD) 2018/05/11
51.2 -0.1 51.1 removed book from inventory 067174383X GIRAUD (France) 2017/05/31
51.3 -0.1 51.2 removed book from inventory 0373791143 GIRAUD (France) 2017/05/31
51.4 -0.1 51.3 removed book from inventory B000B7634E GIRAUD (France) 2017/05/31
51.3 +0.1 51.4 added book to inventory 0553575244 GIRAUD (France) 2017/04/02
48.3 +3 51.3 gave points for mooch request 0380776170 ToraTang (USA: MN) 2017/03/21
45.3 +3 48.3 gave points for mooch request 0061733962 ToraTang (USA: MN) 2017/03/21
45.2 +0.1 45.3 added book to inventory 0060092149 GIRAUD (France) 2016/08/03
45.1 +0.1 45.2 added book to inventory 0061905895 GIRAUD (France) 2016/08/03
48.1 -3 45.1 deducted points for mooch request 0440241049 Maggie (Netherlands) 2016/08/02
51.1 -3 48.1 deducted points for mooch request 0553575244 LilyM (United Kingdom) 2016/08/02
54.1 -3 51.1 deducted points for mooch request 0553564706 Maggie (Netherlands) 2016/08/02
57.1 -3 54.1 deducted points for mooch request 0553293176 Cath Scott (United Kingdom) 2016/08/01
58.1 -1 57.1 deducted points for mooch request 0440244625 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2016/08/01
58 +0.1 58.1 added book to inventory 0451218000 GIRAUD (France) 2016/07/19
55 +3 58 gave points for mooch request 1420108522 Ann (USA) 2016/07/18
52 +3 55 gave points for mooch request 0062244922 Ann (USA) 2016/07/18
51.9 +0.1 52 added book to inventory 0373791143 GIRAUD (France) 2016/07/18
51.8 +0.1 51.9 added book to inventory 1420108522 GIRAUD (France) 2016/07/18
51.7 +0.1 51.8 added book to inventory 0061247820 GIRAUD (France) 2016/07/18
51.6 +0.1 51.7 added book to inventory 055329959X GIRAUD (France) 2016/07/18
51.7 -0.1 51.6 removed book from inventory 0061247820 GIRAUD (France) 2016/07/18
51.8 -0.1 51.7 removed book from inventory 0380756250 GIRAUD (France) 2016/07/18
51.7 +0.1 51.8 added book to inventory 0061247820 GIRAUD (France) 2016/07/18
51.6 +0.1 51.7 added book to inventory 0380776170 GIRAUD (France) 2016/07/18
51.5 +0.1 51.6 added book to inventory 0062244922 GIRAUD (France) 2016/07/18
51.4 +0.1 51.5 added book to inventory B018CJQAFO GIRAUD (France) 2016/07/18
51.3 +0.1 51.4 added book to inventory 0061733962 GIRAUD (France) 2016/07/18
48.3 +3 51.3 mooch rejected by book owner 0061706485 kisah (USA: FL) 2016/07/10
51.3 -3 48.3 deducted points for mooch request 0061706485 kisah (USA: FL) 2016/07/10
54.3 -3 51.3 deducted points for mooch request 0373775059 Brittney C. (USA: AR) 2016/07/10
57.3 -3 54.3 deducted points for mooch request 0061905895 Jessica (USA: NY) 2016/07/10
54.3 +3 57.3 gave points for mooch request 0440241987 Froglady (United Kingdom) 2016/03/11
51.3 +3 54.3 gave points for mooch request 0060840870 Froglady (United Kingdom) 2016/03/11
48.3 +3 51.3 gave points for mooch request 0061354163 Froglady (United Kingdom) 2016/03/11
48.2 +0.1 48.3 added book to inventory B00SB3JC3E GIRAUD (France) 2016/01/25
48.3 -0.1 48.2 removed book from inventory 0194242811 GIRAUD (France) 2016/01/13
51.3 -3 48.3 deducted points for mooch request 0425213447 Laura G (USA: IN) 2016/01/09
50.3 +1 51.3 received a smooch jacquie (United Kingdom) 2016/01/09
49.3 +1 50.3 gave points for mooch request 0380781441 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2016/01/09
46.3 +3 49.3 gave points for mooch request 0380797488 missiek (USA: LA) 2016/01/06
46.2 +0.1 46.3 added book to inventory 0553587323 GIRAUD (France) 2016/01/05
46.1 +0.1 46.2 added book to inventory 0440243955 GIRAUD (France) 2016/01/05
46 +0.1 46.1 added book to inventory 0380781441 GIRAUD (France) 2016/01/05
45.9 +0.1 46 added book to inventory 0380797488 GIRAUD (France) 2016/01/05
46.9 -1 45.9 deducted points for mooch request 0060896450 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2016/01/05
47.9 -1 46.9 deducted points for mooch request 0451404327 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2016/01/05
46.9 +1 47.9 gave points for mooch request 0380815265 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2016/01/02
45.9 +1 46.9 gave points for mooch request 0380809176 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2016/01/02
44.9 +1 45.9 gave points for mooch request 0312995229 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2016/01/02
43.9 +1 44.9 gave points for mooch request 0061245542 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2016/01/02
44.9 -1 43.9 deducted points for mooch request 0312949820 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2016/01/02
41.9 +3 44.9 gave points for mooch request 0060002069 Lisa (Canada) 2015/12/21
40.9 +1 41.9 gave points for mooch request 0446574473 Christelle (France) 2015/06/20
40.8 +0.1 40.9 added book to inventory 0446574473 GIRAUD (France) 2015/06/18
40.7 +0.1 40.8 added book to inventory 0440241987 GIRAUD (France) 2015/06/18
37.7 +3 40.7 gave points for mooch request B002CKEG92 ASDfriendly (United Kingdom) 2015/06/14
34.7 +3 37.7 gave points for mooch request 0451413113 ASDfriendly (United Kingdom) 2015/06/14
33.7 +1 34.7 received points from charity MarchRose (Italy) 2015/05/12
30.7 +3 33.7 gave points for mooch request 0373691548 Emily (USA: PA) 2015/05/10
27.7 +3 30.7 gave points for mooch request 067103412X Emily (USA: PA) 2015/05/10
24.7 +3 27.7 gave points for mooch request 0440243076 Emily (USA: PA) 2015/05/10
21.7 +3 24.7 gave points for mooch request 1416516174 Emily (USA: PA) 2015/05/10
24.7 -3 21.7 deducted points for mooch request 0061885681 MarchRose (Italy) 2015/05/03
27.7 -3 24.7 deducted points for mooch request 1455508349 MarchRose (Italy) 2015/05/03
30.7 -3 27.7 deducted points for mooch request 0380781441 MarchRose (Italy) 2015/05/03
33.7 -3 30.7 deducted points for mooch request 0380797488 MarchRose (Italy) 2015/05/03
32.7 +1 33.7 gave points for mooch request 0515139807 judy (France) 2015/03/24
31.7 +1 32.7 gave points for mooch request 0380812975 judy (France) 2015/03/24
30.7 +1 31.7 gave points for mooch request 1402237529 Christelle (France) 2015/03/19
27.7 +3 30.7 gave points for mooch request 0446574481 Janine (USA: PA) 2015/03/18
24.7 +3 27.7 gave points for mooch request 1250042070 Janine (USA: PA) 2015/03/18
24.6 +0.1 24.7 added book to inventory 0446574481 GIRAUD (France) 2015/03/18
24.5 +0.1 24.6 added book to inventory 1402237529 GIRAUD (France) 2015/03/18
24.4 +0.1 24.5 added book to inventory 0451413113 GIRAUD (France) 2015/03/18
24.3 +0.1 24.4 added book to inventory 1250042070 GIRAUD (France) 2015/03/18
23.3 +1 24.3 gave points for mooch request 055357521X judy (France) 2015/02/19
22.3 +1 23.3 gave points for mooch request 0345483081 judy (France) 2015/02/19
21.3 +1 22.3 gave points for mooch request 0440221986 judy (France) 2015/02/19
20.3 +1 21.3 gave points for mooch request 0060882638 judy (France) 2015/02/19
21.3 -1 20.3 deducted points for mooch request 0440243955 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2015/02/08
22.3 -1 21.3 deducted points for mooch request 0060517638 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2015/02/08
21.3 +1 22.3 gave points for mooch request 0671004131 Christelle (France) 2015/01/27
20.3 +1 21.3 gave points for mooch request 0446574503 Christelle (France) 2015/01/27
20.2 +0.1 20.3 added book to inventory 0446574503 GIRAUD (France) 2015/01/26
21.2 -1 20.2 deducted points for mooch request 0060561181 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2015/01/26
22.2 -1 21.2 deducted points for mooch request 0440241987 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2015/01/26
23.2 -1 22.2 deducted points for mooch request 0553587323 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2015/01/26
26.2 -3 23.2 deducted points for mooch request 0553571907 Kate (USA: CA) 2015/01/26
23.2 +3 26.2 gave points for mooch request 0553561537 Jeanne (Canada) 2015/01/06
20.2 +3 23.2 gave points for mooch request 044657449X Jeanne (Canada) 2015/01/06
20.1 +0.1 20.2 added book to inventory 044657449X GIRAUD (France) 2015/01/05
17.1 +3 20.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0061256374 Maria (USA: NY) 2014/11/11
16.1 +1 17.1 gave points for mooch request 0671723413 Lisseut (France) 2014/11/10
15.1 +1 16.1 gave points for mooch request 044655894X Lisseut (France) 2014/11/10
15 +0.1 15.1 added book to inventory 038078145X GIRAUD (France) 2014/11/09
14.9 +0.1 15 added book to inventory 055357521X GIRAUD (France) 2014/11/09
14.8 +0.1 14.9 added book to inventory 044655894X GIRAUD (France) 2014/11/09
14.7 +0.1 14.8 added book to inventory 0380815265 GIRAUD (France) 2014/11/09
11.7 +3 14.7 gave points for mooch request 0380786451 biancasibert (Italia) 2014/11/05
8.7 +3 11.7 gave points for mooch request 1416593128 biancasibert (Italia) 2014/11/05
11.7 -3 8.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0060840870 Janeanne (USA: CT) 2014/10/07
8.7 +3 11.7 gave points for mooch request 0060840870 Janeanne (USA: CT) 2014/10/07
8.6 +0.1 8.7 added book to inventory 1416593128 GIRAUD (France) 2014/09/23
11.6 -3 8.6 deducted points for mooch request 0061256374 Maria (USA: NY) 2014/08/27
14.6 -3 11.6 deducted points for mooch request 0515090379 Julie (USA: AZ) 2014/08/27
11.6 +3 14.6 received points from charity MarchRose (Italy) 2014/07/23
10.6 +1 11.6 gave points for mooch request 0451451430 Lisseut (France) 2014/07/19
9.6 +1 10.6 gave points for mooch request 0440240980 Lisseut (France) 2014/07/19
12.6 -3 9.6 deducted points for mooch request 1416593128 MarchRose (Italy) 2014/07/17
9.6 +3 12.6 gave points for mooch request 0062078178 MarchRose (Italy) 2014/07/16
6.6 +3 9.6 gave points for mooch request 0804119732 MarchRose (Italy) 2014/07/16
5.6 +1 6.6 gave points for mooch request 1416547118 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2014/07/15
2.6 +3 5.6 gave points for mooch request 0440240999 MarchRose (Italy) 2014/07/15
1.6 +1 2.6 gave points for mooch request 0440243068 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2014/07/14
4.6 -3 1.6 deducted points for mooch request 0380815265 MarchRose (Italy) 2014/07/13
4.5 +0.1 4.6 added book to inventory 0440240980 GIRAUD (France) 2014/07/12
4.4 +0.1 4.5 added book to inventory 0440240999 GIRAUD (France) 2014/07/12
4.3 +0.1 4.4 added book to inventory 0062078178 GIRAUD (France) 2014/07/12
4.2 +0.1 4.3 added book to inventory 0451451430 GIRAUD (France) 2014/07/12
4.1 +0.1 4.2 added book to inventory 0440243076 GIRAUD (France) 2014/07/12
4 +0.1 4.1 added book to inventory 0440243068 GIRAUD (France) 2014/07/12
1 +3 4 gave points for mooch request 0425227022 Schwan (Germany) 2014/07/11
0.9 +0.1 1 added book to inventory 0671004131 GIRAUD (France) 2014/06/21
3.9 -3 0.9 deducted points for mooch request 0451232712 MarchRose (Italy) 2014/06/21
6.9 -3 3.9 deducted points for mooch request 044655894X MarchRose (Italy) 2014/06/15
9.9 -3 6.9 deducted points for mooch request 0440243076 Maggie (Netherlands) 2014/06/15
12.9 -3 9.9 deducted points for mooch request 0440243068 Maggie (Netherlands) 2014/06/15
15.9 -3 12.9 deducted points for mooch request 0380820846 Maggie (Netherlands) 2014/06/14
12.9 +3 15.9 mooch rejected by book owner 044655894X MarchRose (Italy) 2014/05/31
15.9 -3 12.9 deducted points for mooch request 044655894X MarchRose (Italy) 2014/05/31
14.9 +1 15.9 received a smooch jacquie (United Kingdom) 2014/05/28
13.9 +1 14.9 gave points for mooch request 1420128620 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2014/05/11
12.9 +1 13.9 gave points for mooch request 044024529X jacquie (United Kingdom) 2014/05/11
12.8 +0.1 12.9 added book to inventory 0425227022 GIRAUD (France) 2014/05/10
12.7 +0.1 12.8 added book to inventory 044024529X GIRAUD (France) 2014/05/10
12.6 +0.1 12.7 added book to inventory 0345483081 GIRAUD (France) 2014/05/10
12.5 +0.1 12.6 added book to inventory B002CKEG92 GIRAUD (France) 2014/05/10
12.4 +0.1 12.5 added book to inventory 1420128620 GIRAUD (France) 2014/05/10
12.3 +0.1 12.4 added book to inventory 0671723413 GIRAUD (France) 2014/05/10
12.2 +0.1 12.3 added book to inventory 0060840870 GIRAUD (France) 2014/05/10
12.1 +0.1 12.2 added book to inventory 0440221986 GIRAUD (France) 2014/05/10
12 +0.1 12.1 added book to inventory 0440243947 GIRAUD (France) 2014/05/10
11.9 +0.1 12 added book to inventory 0380807742 GIRAUD (France) 2014/05/10
11.8 +0.1 11.9 added book to inventory 067103412X GIRAUD (France) 2014/05/10
11.7 +0.1 11.8 added book to inventory 0440220750 GIRAUD (France) 2014/05/10
11.6 +0.1 11.7 added book to inventory 051509160X GIRAUD (France) 2014/05/10
8.6 +3 11.6 gave points for mooch request 0553578960 penelopewanders (France) 2014/01/09
5.6 +3 8.6 gave points for mooch request 055358068X penelopewanders (France) 2014/01/09
8.6 -3 5.6 deducted points for mooch request 051509160X Harvey (USA: OR) 2013/11/17
8.5 +0.1 8.6 added book to inventory 0061245542 GIRAUD (France) 2013/11/15
5.5 +3 8.5 mooch cancelled by requestor 0515090379 Musehere (USA: MO) 2013/11/11
8.5 -3 5.5 deducted points for mooch request 0515090379 Musehere (USA: MO) 2013/11/03
11.5 -3 8.5 deducted points for mooch request 0380470845 Wayne C. (USA: FL) 2013/11/03
11.4 +0.1 11.5 added book to inventory 0380809176 GIRAUD (France) 2013/11/03
11.3 +0.1 11.4 added book to inventory 0060882638 GIRAUD (France) 2013/11/03
11.2 +0.1 11.3 added book to inventory 0804119732 GIRAUD (France) 2013/11/03
11.1 +0.1 11.2 added book to inventory 0380786451 GIRAUD (France) 2013/11/03
10.1 +1 11.1 received a smooch jacquie (United Kingdom) 2013/10/31
9.1 +1 10.1 gave points for mooch request 0380756277 Lisseut (France) 2013/10/27
8.1 +1 9.1 gave points for mooch request 0671027360 Lisseut (France) 2013/10/27
5.1 +3 8.1 gave points for mooch request 0061626821 claudia (Portugal) 2013/10/25
5 +0.1 5.1 added book to inventory 051514844X GIRAUD (France) 2013/10/25
5.1 -0.1 5 removed book from inventory 0451224663 GIRAUD (France) 2013/10/25
4.1 +1 5.1 gave points for mooch request 0061579173 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2013/10/18
3.1 +1 4.1 gave points for mooch request 0449149277 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2013/10/18
2.1 +1 3.1 gave points for mooch request 0515133086 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2013/10/18
1.1 +1 2.1 gave points for mooch request 0061885665 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2013/10/17
0.1 +1 1.1 gave points for mooch request 0060505729 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2013/10/17
3.1 -3 0.1 deducted points for mooch request 067103412X Jonna (Finland) 2013/10/15
3 +0.1 3.1 added book to inventory 1416505466 GIRAUD (France) 2013/10/15
2.9 +0.1 3 added book to inventory 0515133086 GIRAUD (France) 2013/10/15
2.8 +0.1 2.9 added book to inventory 0061885665 GIRAUD (France) 2013/10/15
2.7 +0.1 2.8 added book to inventory 0060505729 GIRAUD (France) 2013/10/15
2.6 +0.1 2.7 added book to inventory 0061579173 GIRAUD (France) 2013/10/15
2.5 +0.1 2.6 added book to inventory 1416516174 GIRAUD (France) 2013/10/15
5.5 -3 2.5 deducted points for mooch request 051514844X Brandi M. (USA: TX) 2013/09/18
4.5 +1 5.5 received a smooch jacquie (United Kingdom) 2013/09/10
7.5 -3 4.5 deducted points for mooch request 0060505729 Jennifer (USA: FL) 2013/09/04
10.5 -3 7.5 deducted points for mooch request 1451606931 Anna Sipocz (Canada) 2013/09/04
9.5 +1 10.5 gave points for mooch request 0553592742 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2013/09/01
8.5 +1 9.5 gave points for mooch request 0553564706 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2013/09/01
8.4 +0.1 8.5 added book to inventory 0553564706 GIRAUD (France) 2013/08/31
8.3 +0.1 8.4 added book to inventory 0553592742 GIRAUD (France) 2013/08/31
8.2 +0.1 8.3 added book to inventory 0380756277 GIRAUD (France) 2013/08/31
8.1 +0.1 8.2 added book to inventory 0061626821 GIRAUD (France) 2013/08/31
11.1 -3 8.1 deducted points for mooch request 0061579173 Jennifer (USA: FL) 2013/08/31
8.1 +3 11.1 gave points for mooch request 0061340278 ylef (Germany) 2013/08/04
5.1 +3 8.1 gave points for mooch request 0671778633 ylef (Germany) 2013/08/04
8.1 -3 5.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0451224663 eledezma (USA: CA) 2013/07/24
5.1 +3 8.1 gave points for mooch request 0451224663 eledezma (USA: CA) 2013/07/24
5 +0.1 5.1 added book to inventory 0515139807 GIRAUD (France) 2013/07/24
2 +3 5 gave points for mooch request 0446406910 ericasmith (USA: GA) 2013/06/15
1.9 +0.1 2 added book to inventory 141654710X GIRAUD (France) 2013/06/09
1.8 +0.1 1.9 added book to inventory 1416547118 GIRAUD (France) 2013/06/09
1.7 +0.1 1.8 added book to inventory 0060002069 GIRAUD (France) 2013/06/09
1.6 +0.1 1.7 added book to inventory B000B7634E GIRAUD (France) 2013/06/09
0.6 +1 1.6 received points from charity MarchRose (Italy) 2013/06/08
3.6 -3 0.6 deducted points for mooch request 0380815583 Harvey (USA: OR) 2013/05/30
2.6 +1 3.6 received a smooch jacquie (United Kingdom) 2013/05/28
5.6 -3 2.6 deducted points for mooch request 0380786451 MarchRose (Italy) 2013/05/26
8.6 -3 5.6 deducted points for mooch request 0312949804 MarchRose (Italy) 2013/05/26
11.6 -3 8.6 deducted points for mooch request 0515139807 MarchRose (Italy) 2013/05/26
11.5 +0.1 11.6 added book to inventory 0671778633 GIRAUD (France) 2013/05/22
11.4 +0.1 11.5 added book to inventory 0553561537 GIRAUD (France) 2013/05/22
11.3 +0.1 11.4 added book to inventory 0449149277 GIRAUD (France) 2013/05/22
14.3 -3 11.3 deducted points for mooch request 0380776170 MarchRose (Italy) 2013/05/22
13.3 +1 14.3 gave points for mooch request 0061783498 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2013/05/21
12.3 +1 13.3 gave points for mooch request 0451404599 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2013/05/21
11.3 +1 12.3 gave points for mooch request 0380787180 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2013/05/21
14.3 -3 11.3 deducted points for mooch request 1416516174 Daria (Australia) 2013/05/20
17.3 -3 14.3 deducted points for mooch request 141654710X luciana verre (Italia) 2013/05/17
20.3 -3 17.3 deducted points for mooch request 1416547118 Maggie (Netherlands) 2013/05/14
23.3 -3 20.3 deducted points for mooch request 0060002069 Maggie (Netherlands) 2013/05/14
26.3 -3 23.3 deducted points for mooch request 0061626821 luciana verre (Italia) 2013/05/14
27.3 -1 26.3 deducted points for mooch request 0061245542 léa (France) 2013/05/14
27.2 +0.1 27.3 added book to inventory 0446406910 GIRAUD (France) 2013/04/09
28.2 -1 27.2 deducted points for mooch request 0446406910 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2013/04/03
25.2 +3 28.2 gave points for mooch request 055329959X lorraine malone (USA: CT) 2013/01/27
24.2 +1 25.2 received points from charity Stéphanie (France) 2013/01/16
21.2 +3 24.2 gave points for mooch request 1402213980 Shawna (USA: CA) 2013/01/15
21.1 +0.1 21.2 added book to inventory 1402213980 GIRAUD (France) 2013/01/14
18.1 +3 21.1 gave points for mooch request 0061124974 lorraine malone (USA: CT) 2013/01/10
19.1 -1 18.1 deducted points for mooch request 0449149277 Stéphanie (France) 2012/12/25
20.1 -1 19.1 deducted points for mooch request 044640053X Stéphanie (France) 2012/12/25
19.1 +1 20.1 received a smooch A.Torres (USA: FL) 2012/12/10
18.1 +1 19.1 received a smooch A.Torres (USA: FL) 2012/12/10
17.1 +1 18.1 received a smooch A.Torres (USA: FL) 2012/12/10
20.1 -3 17.1 deducted points for mooch request 038077013X A.Torres (USA: FL) 2012/12/10
23.1 -3 20.1 deducted points for mooch request 0380811081 A.Torres (USA: FL) 2012/12/10
26.1 -3 23.1 deducted points for mooch request 0380802309 A.Torres (USA: FL) 2012/12/10
23.1 +3 26.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0553571907 Aaron (USA: CA) 2012/11/24
26.1 -3 23.1 deducted points for mooch request 0671778633 Nicky B (USA: NY) 2012/11/22
29.1 -3 26.1 deducted points for mooch request 0060531258 Paula Milazzo (USA: NY) 2012/11/10
32.1 -3 29.1 deducted points for mooch request 0758204442 Louise Amos McCaskill (USA: MS) 2012/11/07
29.1 +3 32.1 gave points for mooch request 0553561189 Mike Van Wormer II (USA: MI) 2012/10/20
32.1 -3 29.1 deducted points for mooch request 0061885665 Anna Sipocz (Canada) 2012/10/20
29.1 +3 32.1 mooch rejected by book owner 0380812967 Natalie (USA: UT) 2012/10/10
32.1 -3 29.1 deducted points for mooch request 0380812967 Natalie (USA: UT) 2012/10/10
31.1 +1 32.1 gave points for mooch request 0380470845 Kallikrates (France) 2012/10/02
30.1 +1 31.1 gave points for mooch request 0312932391 Kallikrates (France) 2012/10/02
29.1 +1 30.1 gave points for mooch request 0821764012 Kallikrates (France) 2012/10/02
32.1 -3 29.1 deducted points for mooch request 0553571907 Aaron (USA: CA) 2012/10/02
29.1 +3 32.1 gave points for mooch request 038081790X Schwan (Germany) 2012/09/26
29 +0.1 29.1 added book to inventory 0553578960 GIRAUD (France) 2012/09/26
28.9 +0.1 29 added book to inventory 055358068X GIRAUD (France) 2012/09/26
25.9 +3 28.9 gave points for mooch request 0061087130 Dragana (Bosnia and Herzegowina) 2012/09/16
25.8 +0.1 25.9 added book to inventory 0553561189 GIRAUD (France) 2012/09/15
25.7 +0.1 25.8 added book to inventory 0061340278 GIRAUD (France) 2012/09/15
25.6 +0.1 25.7 added book to inventory 038081790X GIRAUD (France) 2012/09/15
25.5 +0.1 25.6 added book to inventory 0061087130 GIRAUD (France) 2012/09/15
25.4 +0.1 25.5 added book to inventory 0451224663 GIRAUD (France) 2012/09/15
25.3 +0.1 25.4 added book to inventory 0821764012 GIRAUD (France) 2012/09/15
28.3 -3 25.3 deducted points for mooch request 0553592432 Valerie LaMont (USA: PA) 2012/09/10
31.3 -3 28.3 deducted points for mooch request 0446406945 Debbie S (Canada) 2012/09/09
34.3 -3 31.3 deducted points for mooch request 055358068X orla johnston (Ireland) 2012/09/07
31.3 +3 34.3 gave points for mooch request 0380802929 Rodz (USA: OH) 2012/08/23
28.3 +3 31.3 gave points for mooch request 0263862925 Rodz (USA: OH) 2012/08/22
31.3 -3 28.3 deducted points for mooch request 0345461223 brownbear (United Kingdom) 2012/08/09
30.3 +1 31.3 received a smooch alicemeg (USA: VI) 2012/07/29
33.3 -3 30.3 deducted points for mooch request 0515133086 alicemeg (USA: VI) 2012/07/27
36.3 -3 33.3 deducted points for mooch request 0515130990 alicemeg (USA: VI) 2012/07/27
33.3 +3 36.3 mooch rejected by book owner 044655894X saffiregreek (USA: NC) 2012/07/17
36.3 -3 33.3 deducted points for mooch request 0061247820 penelopewanders (France) 2012/07/10
39.3 -3 36.3 deducted points for mooch request 1402239785 penelopewanders (France) 2012/07/10
38.3 +1 39.3 received points from charity MarchRose (Italy) 2012/06/30
39.3 -1 38.3 deducted points for mooch request B000B7634E solanne (France) 2012/06/20
40.3 -1 39.3 deducted points for mooch request 0553561537 Christelle (France) 2012/06/20
37.3 +3 40.3 gave points for mooch request 0843954892 MarjorieK (USA: IN) 2012/06/13
34.3 +3 37.3 gave points for mooch request 9780060882648 MarjorieK (USA: IN) 2012/06/13
37.3 -3 34.3 deducted points for mooch request 0440220750 MarchRose (Italy) 2012/06/10
40.3 -3 37.3 deducted points for mooch request 0821764012 MarchRose (Italy) 2012/06/04
43.3 -3 40.3 deducted points for mooch request 0451224663 MarchRose (Italy) 2012/06/04
46.3 -3 43.3 deducted points for mooch request 1402213980 MarchRose (Italy) 2012/06/04
43.3 +3 46.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 067103412X Nada (Australia) 2012/06/02
46.3 -3 43.3 deducted points for mooch request 044655894X saffiregreek (USA: NC) 2012/06/01
49.3 -3 46.3 deducted points for mooch request 0312943105 Lynn R. (USA: WI) 2012/05/14
49.2 +0.1 49.3 added book to inventory 9780060882648 GIRAUD (France) 2012/05/05
49.1 +0.1 49.2 added book to inventory 0843954892 GIRAUD (France) 2012/05/05
49 +0.1 49.1 added book to inventory 0061783498 GIRAUD (France) 2012/05/05
50 -1 49 deducted points for mooch request 0553293168 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2012/05/01
47 +3 50 gave points for mooch request 0446540293 luciana verre (Italia) 2012/04/29
44 +3 47 lost in the mail says book owner 0061247820 Kay (USA: MT) 2012/04/27
41 +3 44 mooch cancelled by requestor 0553293168 Aaron (USA: CA) 2012/04/27
44 -3 41 deducted points for mooch request 9780060882648 LaVonne (USA: MN) 2012/04/18
41 +3 44 gave points for mooch request 0451213459 Debbie (Australia) 2012/04/16
38 +3 41 gave points for mooch request 0060514051 claire163 (United Kingdom) 2012/04/16
35 +3 38 gave points for mooch request 0380782332 claire163 (United Kingdom) 2012/04/16
32 +3 35 gave points for mooch request 0380801701 Debbie (Australia) 2012/04/15
29 +3 32 mooch cancelled by requestor 055358068X Kay (USA: MT) 2012/04/11
26 +3 29 gave points for mooch request 0451218973 felicity (United Kingdom) 2012/04/07
23 +3 26 gave points for mooch request 0380805863 felicity (United Kingdom) 2012/04/07
20 +3 23 gave points for mooch request 0373295502 felicity (United Kingdom) 2012/04/07
19.9 +0.1 20 added book to inventory 0451218973 GIRAUD (France) 2012/03/31
19.8 +0.1 19.9 added book to inventory 0553578936 GIRAUD (France) 2012/03/31
19.7 +0.1 19.8 added book to inventory 0380756250 GIRAUD (France) 2012/03/31
16.7 +3 19.7 mooch rejected by book owner 0449006379 Lizette (USA: PR) 2012/03/26
17.7 -1 16.7 deducted points for mooch request 0061087130 Pat (France) 2012/03/26
18.7 -1 17.7 deducted points for mooch request 038081790X Pat (France) 2012/03/26
21.7 -3 18.7 deducted points for mooch request 0449006379 Lizette (USA: PR) 2012/03/26
24.7 -3 21.7 deducted points for mooch request 0061783498 flohon (Belgium) 2012/03/26
27.7 -3 24.7 deducted points for mooch request 0804119732 Lizette (USA: PR) 2012/03/21
30.7 -3 27.7 deducted points for mooch request 0843954892 Debbie S (Canada) 2012/03/03
33.7 -3 30.7 deducted points for mooch request 0553293168 Aaron (USA: CA) 2012/02/29
30.7 +3 33.7 gave points for mooch request 0061129593 Kyra (USA: NY) 2012/02/19
27.7 +3 30.7 gave points for mooch request 0440243963 Kyra (USA: NY) 2012/02/19
30.7 -3 27.7 deducted points for mooch request 055358068X Kay (USA: MT) 2012/02/17
27.7 +3 30.7 gave points for mooch request 006112494X Follonier Dorothée (Suisse) 2012/02/15
24.7 +3 27.7 gave points for mooch request 0060593199 Follonier Dorothée (Suisse) 2012/02/15
21.7 +3 24.7 gave points for mooch request B000E5ZBR8 Follonier Dorothée (Suisse) 2012/02/15
18.7 +3 21.7 gave points for mooch request 1410423018 Follonier Dorothée (Suisse) 2012/02/15
15.7 +3 18.7 gave points for mooch request 0061253626 Follonier Dorothée (Suisse) 2012/02/15
12.7 +3 15.7 gave points for mooch request 0060549319 Follonier Dorothée (Suisse) 2012/02/15
9.7 +3 12.7 gave points for mooch request 0380814803 Follonier Dorothée (Suisse) 2012/02/15
9.6 +0.1 9.7 added book to inventory 0380787180 GIRAUD (France) 2012/02/04
9.5 +0.1 9.6 added book to inventory 0380782332 GIRAUD (France) 2012/02/04
12.5 -3 9.5 deducted points for mooch request 067103412X Nada (Australia) 2012/02/04
12.4 +0.1 12.5 added book to inventory B000E5ZBR8 GIRAUD (France) 2012/01/29
12.3 +0.1 12.4 added book to inventory 1416537317 GIRAUD (France) 2012/01/29
12.2 +0.1 12.3 added book to inventory 0440243963 GIRAUD (France) 2012/01/29
15.2 -3 12.2 deducted points for mooch request 0061673404 Janie (USA: CA) 2012/01/28
18.2 -3 15.2 deducted points for mooch request 0380807742 Janie (USA: CA) 2012/01/28
21.2 -3 18.2 deducted points for mooch request 006056167X Janie (USA: CA) 2012/01/27
24.2 -3 21.2 deducted points for mooch request 0380756277 Maarit (Finland) 2012/01/27
21.2 +3 24.2 gave points for mooch request 0451198646 luciana verre (Italia) 2012/01/11
24.2 -3 21.2 deducted points for mooch request 0553572490 luciana verre (Italia) 2012/01/11
27.2 -3 24.2 deducted points for mooch request 0345461215 Christina (USA: ME) 2012/01/10
24.2 +3 27.2 gave points for mooch request 1420104454 Kim (USA: OH) 2012/01/04
24.1 +0.1 24.2 added book to inventory 1420104454 GIRAUD (France) 2012/01/04
21.1 +3 24.1 gave points for mooch request B0069WXAVO Tash (USA: NC) 2012/01/04
24.1 -3 21.1 deducted points for mooch request 0061247820 Kay (USA: MT) 2011/12/30
21.1 +3 24.1 gave points for mooch request 0425230201 Nina (USA: MN) 2011/12/17
21 +0.1 21.1 added book to inventory 0060549319 GIRAUD (France) 2011/12/16
20 +1 21 gave points for mooch request 9780441016990 Mdme. deMarigny (USA: GA) 2011/12/11
19.9 +0.1 20 added book to inventory B0069WXAVO GIRAUD (France) 2011/12/11
18.9 +1 19.9 gave points for mooch request 0449006360 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2011/12/11
17.9 +1 18.9 gave points for mooch request 0575089385 Mdme. deMarigny (USA: GA) 2011/12/11
14.9 +3 17.9 gave points for mooch request 0061355445 Chanpreet (USA: GA) 2011/12/10
11.9 +3 14.9 gave points for mooch request B000FWHU56 Chanpreet (USA: GA) 2011/12/10
8.9 +3 11.9 gave points for mooch request 0451230949 Nina (USA: MN) 2011/12/10
5.9 +3 8.9 gave points for mooch request 0451232488 Kim (USA: OH) 2011/12/10
8.9 -3 5.9 deducted points for mooch request 0380787180 Kay (USA: MT) 2011/12/10
9.9 -1 8.9 mooch rejected by book owner 0441012183 Mdme. deMarigny (USA: GA) 2011/12/10
10 -0.1 9.9 removing book from inventory 0441012183 GIRAUD (France) 2011/12/10
9 +1 10 gave points for mooch request 0441012183 Mdme. deMarigny (USA: GA) 2011/12/10
6 +3 9 gave points for mooch request 0575089423 Rae (Canada) 2011/12/10
3 +3 6 gave points for mooch request 0786004827 Rae (Canada) 2011/12/10
2.9 +0.1 3 added book to inventory 0441012183 GIRAUD (France) 2011/12/10
2.8 +0.1 2.9 added book to inventory 0575089423 GIRAUD (France) 2011/12/10
2.7 +0.1 2.8 added book to inventory 0575089385 GIRAUD (France) 2011/12/10
2.6 +0.1 2.7 added book to inventory 0061355445 GIRAUD (France) 2011/12/10
2.5 +0.1 2.6 added book to inventory 0446540293 GIRAUD (France) 2011/12/10
2.4 +0.1 2.5 added book to inventory B000FWHU56 GIRAUD (France) 2011/12/10
2.3 +0.1 2.4 added book to inventory 0060593199 GIRAUD (France) 2011/12/10
2.2 +0.1 2.3 added book to inventory 0380802929 GIRAUD (France) 2011/12/10
2.1 +0.1 2.2 added book to inventory 9780441016990 GIRAUD (France) 2011/12/10
2 +0.1 2.1 added book to inventory 0425230201 GIRAUD (France) 2011/12/10
1.9 +0.1 2 added book to inventory 0449006360 GIRAUD (France) 2011/12/10
1.8 +0.1 1.9 added book to inventory 0451232488 GIRAUD (France) 2011/12/10
1.7 +0.1 1.8 added book to inventory 0451230949 GIRAUD (France) 2011/12/10
1.6 +0.1 1.7 added book to inventory 0786004827 GIRAUD (France) 2011/12/10
1.7 -0.1 1.6 removed book from inventory 0553592742 GIRAUD (France) 2011/11/20
1.8 -0.1 1.7 removed book from inventory 0553578936 GIRAUD (France) 2011/11/20
4.8 -3 1.8 deducted points for mooch request 0380782332 Nichoël (USA: CA) 2011/11/20
7.8 -3 4.8 deducted points for mooch request 1416537317 Nichoël (USA: CA) 2011/11/20
10.8 -3 7.8 deducted points for mooch request 0380811065 Nichoël (USA: CA) 2011/11/19
10.7 +0.1 10.8 added book to inventory 0061129593 GIRAUD (France) 2011/11/17
7.7 +3 10.7 gave points for mooch request 0312611641 Kari (Canada) 2011/11/16
4.7 +3 7.7 gave points for mooch request 0380802600 Jonna (Finland) 2011/11/14
4.6 +0.1 4.7 added book to inventory 0312611641 GIRAUD (France) 2011/11/13
4.5 +0.1 4.6 added book to inventory 1410423018 GIRAUD (France) 2011/11/13
4.4 +0.1 4.5 added book to inventory 0380802600 GIRAUD (France) 2011/11/13
4.3 +0.1 4.4 added book to inventory 0380812975 GIRAUD (France) 2011/11/13
1.3 +3 4.3 gave points for mooch request 0451217888 eledezma (USA: CA) 2011/11/13
4.3 -3 1.3 deducted points for mooch request 0312611641 Penny (USA: SC) 2011/10/22
7.3 -3 4.3 deducted points for mooch request 0451218973 penelopewanders (France) 2011/10/15
4.3 +3 7.3 lost in the mail says book owner 0380802600 Denise (USA: TX) 2011/10/14
7.3 -3 4.3 deducted points for mooch request 0380802600 Denise (USA: TX) 2011/10/14
10.3 -3 7.3 deducted points for mooch request 0380812975 savina (Greece) 2011/10/09
9.3 +1 10.3 gave points for mooch request 0671775499 Joelle (France) 2011/10/07
8.3 +1 9.3 gave points for mooch request 0380804514 Joelle (France) 2011/10/07
5.3 +3 8.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0553293168 Kezia (Brazil) 2011/09/25
8.3 -3 5.3 deducted points for mooch request 0440243963 Kate (USA: MO) 2011/09/19
5.3 +3 8.3 gave points for mooch request 0060732105 luciana verre (Italia) 2011/09/11
5.2 +0.1 5.3 added book to inventory 0060732105 GIRAUD (France) 2011/09/06
8.2 -3 5.2 deducted points for mooch request 0553293168 Kezia (Brazil) 2011/09/03
11.2 -3 8.2 deducted points for mooch request 0440243947 luciana verre (Italia) 2011/09/01
8.2 +3 11.2 gave points for mooch request 0515126810 Falon (USA: CA) 2011/08/27
11.2 -3 8.2 deducted points for mooch request 0061235075 Janie (USA: CA) 2011/08/26
14.2 -3 11.2 deducted points for mooch request 0061673420 Janie (USA: CA) 2011/08/26
17.2 -3 14.2 deducted points for mooch request 0804119791 Janie (USA: CA) 2011/08/26
16.2 +1 17.2 gave points for mooch request B003ENEP2E jacquie (United Kingdom) 2011/08/21
13.2 +3 16.2 gave points for mooch request 0060727225 orla johnston (Ireland) 2011/08/21
10.2 +3 13.2 gave points for mooch request 0671621963 orla johnston (Ireland) 2011/08/21
7.2 +3 10.2 gave points for mooch request 0380802317 Jenger (USA: OK) 2011/08/20
7.1 +0.1 7.2 added book to inventory 0060727225 GIRAUD (France) 2011/08/20
7 +0.1 7.1 added book to inventory 0451404599 GIRAUD (France) 2011/08/20
6.9 +0.1 7 added book to inventory B003ENEP2E GIRAUD (France) 2011/08/20
9.9 -3 6.9 deducted points for mooch request 0061129593 mareofthesea (Canada) 2011/08/18
9.8 +0.1 9.9 added book to inventory 0553592742 GIRAUD (France) 2011/08/08
6.8 +3 9.8 gave points for mooch request 0061712787 Chanpreet (USA: GA) 2011/08/05
6.7 +0.1 6.8 added book to inventory 0380815419 GIRAUD (France) 2011/08/05
4.7 +2 6.7 lost in the mail says book owner 0451403673 Jennifer (USA: NY) 2011/08/05
3.7 +1 4.7 received a smooch Bertha (USA: FL) 2011/07/16
2.7 +1 3.7 received a smooch Bertha (USA: FL) 2011/07/16
1.7 +1 2.7 received a smooch Bertha (USA: FL) 2011/07/16
4.7 -3 1.7 deducted points for mooch request 0451228790 Bertha (USA: FL) 2011/07/16
7.7 -3 4.7 deducted points for mooch request 0380815419 Bertha (USA: FL) 2011/07/16
10.7 -3 7.7 deducted points for mooch request B003ENEP2E Bertha (USA: FL) 2011/07/16
10.8 -0.1 10.7 removed book from inventory 0380811995 GIRAUD (France) 2011/07/10
7.8 +3 10.8 gave points for mooch request 0380808331 orla johnston (Ireland) 2011/07/10
10.8 -3 7.8 deducted points for mooch request 0553592742 Valerie LaMont (USA: PA) 2011/07/09
13.8 -3 10.8 deducted points for mooch request 0451404599 luciana verre (Italia) 2011/07/09
10.8 +3 13.8 gave points for mooch request 0099465833 jude (Australia) 2011/07/08
7.8 +3 10.8 gave points for mooch request 0380789345 Nisha (Australia) 2011/07/07
4.8 +3 7.8 gave points for mooch request 0060876115 Nisha (Australia) 2011/07/07
1.8 +3 4.8 gave points for mooch request 0425203956 VirginiaHelen (USA: CA) 2011/07/07
4.8 -3 1.8 deducted points for mooch request 0553587722 victoria (USA: NJ) 2011/07/07
4.7 +0.1 4.8 added book to inventory 0061712787 GIRAUD (France) 2011/07/06
4.6 +0.1 4.7 added book to inventory 0380789345 GIRAUD (France) 2011/07/06
4.5 +0.1 4.6 added book to inventory 0451217888 GIRAUD (France) 2011/07/06
4.4 +0.1 4.5 added book to inventory 0061354163 GIRAUD (France) 2011/07/06
4.3 +0.1 4.4 added book to inventory 0451213459 GIRAUD (France) 2011/07/06
4.2 +0.1 4.3 added book to inventory 0380811995 GIRAUD (France) 2011/07/06
4.1 +0.1 4.2 added book to inventory 0425203956 GIRAUD (France) 2011/07/06
4 +0.1 4.1 added book to inventory 0671775499 GIRAUD (France) 2011/07/06
3.9 +0.1 4 added book to inventory 0099465833 GIRAUD (France) 2011/07/06
3.8 +0.1 3.9 added book to inventory 0380805863 GIRAUD (France) 2011/07/06
3.7 +0.1 3.8 added book to inventory 0373691548 GIRAUD (France) 2011/07/06
3.6 +0.1 3.7 added book to inventory 0380808331 GIRAUD (France) 2011/07/06
3.5 +0.1 3.6 added book to inventory 0515126810 GIRAUD (France) 2011/07/06
4.5 -1 3.5 mooch cancelled by requestor 0671027360 Renoncule (France) 2011/07/01
3.5 +1 4.5 gave points for mooch request 0671027360 Renoncule (France) 2011/07/01
6.5 -3 3.5 deducted points for mooch request 0312605382 Andrea T. (USA: LA) 2011/06/29
3.5 +3 6.5 gave points for mooch request 0060560789 Teri (USA: IA) 2011/06/28
3.4 +0.1 3.5 added book to inventory 0060560789 GIRAUD (France) 2011/06/27
2.4 +1 3.4 received a smooch Martina (Italy) 2011/06/26
5.4 -3 2.4 deducted points for mooch request 0380761319 Martina (Italy) 2011/06/26
8.4 -3 5.4 deducted points for mooch request 0449006360 Martina (Italy) 2011/06/26
11.4 -3 8.4 deducted points for mooch request 0425203956 Martina (Italy) 2011/06/26
14.4 -3 11.4 deducted points for mooch request 0671775499 Martina (Italy) 2011/06/26
11.4 +3 14.4 gave points for mooch request 1599985608 Deidre (USA: MO) 2011/06/22
10.4 +1 11.4 gave points for mooch request 0061350990 tina (USA: TX) 2011/06/21
10.3 +0.1 10.4 added book to inventory 1599985608 GIRAUD (France) 2011/06/21
10.2 +0.1 10.3 added book to inventory 0061350990 GIRAUD (France) 2011/06/21
13.2 -3 10.2 deducted points for mooch request 0380811995 Rhabbitt (USA: NJ) 2011/06/21
16.2 -3 13.2 deducted points for mooch request 0061684287 Cyradis (Finland) 2011/06/21
13.2 +3 16.2 mooch rejected by book owner 0061673447 StacyM (USA: UT) 2011/06/20
16.2 -3 13.2 deducted points for mooch request 0060727225 Chanpreet (USA: GA) 2011/06/20
19.2 -3 16.2 deducted points for mooch request 0671004131 Chanpreet (USA: GA) 2011/06/20
22.2 -3 19.2 deducted points for mooch request 0061673447 StacyM (USA: UT) 2011/06/20
19.2 +3 22.2 gave points for mooch request 044024112X la_Kalla (Netherlands) 2011/06/20
22.2 -3 19.2 deducted points for mooch request 0380786443 Idilia (Italy) 2011/06/20
22.1 +0.1 22.2 added book to inventory 044024112X GIRAUD (France) 2011/06/19
22 +0.1 22.1 added book to inventory 0060876115 GIRAUD (France) 2011/06/19
21.9 +0.1 22 added book to inventory 0380802317 GIRAUD (France) 2011/06/19
24.9 -3 21.9 deducted points for mooch request 0060561661 ashley (USA: KY) 2011/06/12
22.9 +2 24.9 lost in the mail says book owner 0671743813 josephine (USA: FL) 2011/06/11
19.9 +3 22.9 gave points for mooch request 0345506871 blodeuedd (Finland) 2011/06/09
16.9 +3 19.9 gave points for mooch request 0446406929 Ayjee (South Africa) 2011/06/07
19.9 -3 16.9 deducted points for mooch request 0099465833 catsalive (Australia) 2011/06/07
19.8 +0.1 19.9 added book to inventory 0446406929 GIRAUD (France) 2011/06/06
19.7 +0.1 19.8 added book to inventory 0060514051 GIRAUD (France) 2011/06/06
16.7 +3 19.7 gave points for mooch request 0061491896 Chikoy (Philippines) 2011/06/05
15.7 +1 16.7 gave points for mooch request 0061245607 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2011/06/05
12.7 +3 15.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0380802325 Moonkiss17 (USA: IL) 2011/06/04
15.7 -3 12.7 deducted points for mooch request 0380802325 Moonkiss17 (USA: IL) 2011/06/01
15.6 +0.1 15.7 added book to inventory 0380804514 GIRAUD (France) 2011/06/01
15.5 +0.1 15.6 added book to inventory 0312995229 GIRAUD (France) 2011/06/01
15.4 +0.1 15.5 added book to inventory 0345506871 GIRAUD (France) 2011/06/01
15.3 +0.1 15.4 added book to inventory 0061491896 GIRAUD (France) 2011/06/01
15.2 +0.1 15.3 added book to inventory 055329959X GIRAUD (France) 2011/06/01
15.1 +0.1 15.2 added book to inventory 0553578936 GIRAUD (France) 2011/06/01
18.1 -3 15.1 deducted points for mooch request 044024112X victoria (USA: NJ) 2011/05/30
16.1 +2 18.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0671737791 Grace (USA: NM) 2011/05/29
19.1 -3 16.1 deducted points for mooch request 0060531231 Jen (Canada) 2011/05/24
22.1 -3 19.1 deducted points for mooch request 0060876115 T (Portugal) 2011/05/21
25.1 -3 22.1 deducted points for mooch request 0380802317 ShanaM (USA: CA) 2011/05/17
28.1 -3 25.1 deducted points for mooch request 0312605390 Katie (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
31.1 -3 28.1 deducted points for mooch request 0061491896 kisah (USA: FL) 2011/05/13
28.1 +3 31.1 gave points for mooch request 0671739786 MarjorieK (USA: IN) 2011/05/10
31.1 -3 28.1 deducted points for mooch request 0671776096 val (USA: CA) 2011/05/10
32.1 -1 31.1 deducted points for mooch request 0671737619 léa (France) 2011/05/10
35.1 -3 32.1 deducted points for mooch request 0671742558 val (USA: CA) 2011/05/10
38.1 -3 35.1 deducted points for mooch request 055329959X LaVonne (USA: MN) 2011/05/08
41.1 -3 38.1 deducted points for mooch request 0380815575 MarjorieK (USA: IN) 2011/05/08
40.1 +1 41.1 gave points for mooch request 0553582542 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2011/05/05
39.1 +1 40.1 gave points for mooch request 0061373230 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2011/05/05
36.1 +3 39.1 gave points for mooch request 0061491888 Mschris (USA: NY) 2011/05/04
36 +0.1 36.1 added book to inventory 0061373230 GIRAUD (France) 2011/05/04
35.9 +0.1 36 added book to inventory 0061245607 GIRAUD (France) 2011/05/04
35.8 +0.1 35.9 added book to inventory 0553582542 GIRAUD (France) 2011/05/04
38.8 -3 35.8 deducted points for mooch request 0553578936 frances (USA: PR) 2011/05/03
41.8 -3 38.8 deducted points for mooch request 0553572482 Suzanne (Canada) 2011/05/03
44.8 -3 41.8 deducted points for mooch request 0553564706 Suzanne (Canada) 2011/05/03
47.8 -3 44.8 deducted points for mooch request 0061259357 Suzanne (Canada) 2011/05/03
44.8 +3 47.8 gave points for mooch request 0586062319 Dawn (United Kingdom) 2011/04/29
41.8 +3 44.8 gave points for mooch request 0060757841 catsalive (Australia) 2011/04/21
38.8 +3 41.8 gave points for mooch request 037380203X Lydia Marmorstein (United Kingdom) 2011/04/20
40.8 -2 38.8 deducted points for mooch request 0440236630 brownbear (United Kingdom) 2011/04/19
37.8 +3 40.8 gave points for mooch request 1402219474 geneandbethany (USA: VA) 2011/04/17
34.8 +3 37.8 gave points for mooch request 0671737848 emilia (Italia) 2011/04/13
31.8 +3 34.8 gave points for mooch request 0263862585 Valerie LaMont (USA: PA) 2011/04/10
31.7 +0.1 31.8 added book to inventory 1402219474 GIRAUD (France) 2011/04/10
31.6 +0.1 31.7 added book to inventory 0060757841 GIRAUD (France) 2011/04/10
31.5 +0.1 31.6 added book to inventory 0061491888 GIRAUD (France) 2011/04/10
31.4 +0.1 31.5 added book to inventory 0671737848 GIRAUD (France) 2011/04/10
33.4 -2 31.4 deducted points for mooch request 0451220773 Debbie S (Canada) 2011/04/10
32.4 +1 33.4 gave points for mooch request 0061031534 Helen Bengtsson (United Kingdom) 2011/04/09
29.4 +3 32.4 gave points for mooch request 0060896493 Troodia (Cyprus) 2011/03/28
28.4 +1 29.4 received a smooch Meg Wolff (USA: CA) 2011/03/28
27.4 +1 28.4 received a smooch Meg Wolff (USA: CA) 2011/03/28
26.4 +1 27.4 mooch rejected by book owner 0439993717 sanlea (France) 2011/03/21
27.4 -1 26.4 deducted points for mooch request 0439993717 sanlea (France) 2011/03/21
29.4 -2 27.4 deducted points for mooch request 0446406929 Meg Wolff (USA: CA) 2011/03/21
31.4 -2 29.4 deducted points for mooch request 0451214838 Kris (USA: WV) 2011/03/20
33.4 -2 31.4 deducted points for mooch request 0671737791 Grace (USA: NM) 2011/03/18
35.4 -2 33.4 deducted points for mooch request 0440244315 joyce (USA: NY) 2011/03/04
32.4 +3 35.4 gave points for mooch request 1420103296 MarchRose (Italy) 2011/02/28
34.4 -2 32.4 deducted points for mooch request 0451403673 Jennifer (USA: NY) 2011/02/27
36.4 -2 34.4 deducted points for mooch request 0060757841 penelopewanders (France) 2011/02/27
36.3 +0.1 36.4 added book to inventory 1420103296 GIRAUD (France) 2011/02/26
36.2 +0.1 36.3 added book to inventory 0060896493 GIRAUD (France) 2011/02/26
36.1 +0.1 36.2 added book to inventory 0380754517 GIRAUD (France) 2011/02/26
36 +0.1 36.1 added book to inventory 0451198646 GIRAUD (France) 2011/02/26
35.9 +0.1 36 added book to inventory 0061031534 GIRAUD (France) 2011/02/26
35.8 +0.1 35.9 added book to inventory 037380203X GIRAUD (France) 2011/02/26
37.8 -2 35.8 deducted points for mooch request 0312949812 penelopewanders (France) 2011/02/26
35.8 +2 37.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 0843954884 Melissa (USA: IA) 2011/02/24
37.8 -2 35.8 deducted points for mooch request 1416516158 luciana verre (Italia) 2011/02/16
39.8 -2 37.8 deducted points for mooch request 0061491888 Tina-Marie (USA: ME) 2011/02/15
36.8 +3 39.8 gave points for mooch request 0582421276 Aaron G (New Zealand) 2011/02/12
34.8 +2 36.8 mooch rejected by book owner 0380811987 Nicky B (USA: NY) 2011/02/10
36.8 -2 34.8 deducted points for mooch request 0380811987 Nicky B (USA: NY) 2011/02/10
37.8 -1 36.8 deducted points for mooch request 0312962770 tina (USA: TX) 2011/02/07
38.8 -1 37.8 deducted points for mooch request 0345434358 léa (France) 2011/02/07
39.8 -1 38.8 deducted points for mooch request 0451198646 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2011/02/07
40.8 -1 39.8 deducted points for mooch request 0449005895 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2011/02/07
41.8 -1 40.8 deducted points for mooch request 0061031534 Kallikrates (France) 2011/02/07
42.8 -1 41.8 deducted points for mooch request 0671737848 solanne (France) 2011/02/07
43.8 -1 42.8 deducted points for mooch request 0380754517 sylvie (France) 2011/02/07
45.8 -2 43.8 deducted points for mooch request 0373791143 Margo (USA: AR) 2011/02/02
42.8 +3 45.8 gave points for mooch request 0061032069 luciana verre (Italia) 2011/01/31
44.8 -2 42.8 deducted points for mooch request 006088262X Lydia Marmorstein (United Kingdom) 2011/01/30
41.8 +3 44.8 gave points for mooch request 0061122203 Ekong Amanda Oben (USA: GA) 2011/01/29
40.8 +1 41.8 gave points for mooch request 0451456734 Pat (France) 2011/01/29
40.7 +0.1 40.8 added book to inventory 0061032069 GIRAUD (France) 2011/01/29
40.6 +0.1 40.7 added book to inventory 0451456734 GIRAUD (France) 2011/01/29
42.6 -2 40.6 deducted points for mooch request 0553582542 Erika (USA: MA) 2011/01/26
42.5 +0.1 42.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425230201 Lee (Canada) 2011/01/26
44.5 -2 42.5 deducted points for mooch request 0425230201 Lee (Canada) 2011/01/15
46.5 -2 44.5 deducted points for mooch request 0440221986 Sarah (USA: IA) 2011/01/09
43.5 +3 46.5 gave points for mooch request 0061771759 Stephanie (USA: MA) 2011/01/06
43.4 +0.1 43.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0440223725 solanne (France) 2011/01/06
41.4 +2 43.4 mooch rejected by book owner 006056167X Chandra (USA: MT) 2011/01/04
38.4 +3 41.4 gave points for mooch request 0886773326 Suedo (United Kingdom) 2011/01/02
39.4 -1 38.4 deducted points for mooch request 0440223725 solanne (France) 2010/12/30
36.4 +3 39.4 gave points for mooch request 0061905879 luciana verre (Italia) 2010/12/29
36.3 +0.1 36.4 added book to inventory 0061905879 GIRAUD (France) 2010/12/28
36.2 +0.1 36.3 added book to inventory 0061122203 GIRAUD (France) 2010/12/28
33.2 +3 36.2 gave points for mooch request 0061456756 Jonna (Finland) 2010/12/27
32.2 +1 33.2 gave points for mooch request 184429076X jacquie (United Kingdom) 2010/12/23
33.2 -1 32.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 067174383X jean-claude (France) 2010/12/23
32.2 +1 33.2 gave points for mooch request 067174383X jean-claude (France) 2010/12/23
31.2 +1 32.2 gave points for mooch request 0821778404 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2010/12/22
30.2 +1 31.2 gave points for mooch request 0446600814 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2010/12/22
30.1 +0.1 30.2 added book to inventory 0446600814 GIRAUD (France) 2010/12/22
30 +0.1 30.1 added book to inventory 184429076X GIRAUD (France) 2010/12/22
29.9 +0.1 30 added book to inventory 0061456756 GIRAUD (France) 2010/12/22
29.8 +0.1 29.9 added book to inventory 067174383X GIRAUD (France) 2010/12/22
29.7 +0.1 29.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 184429076X Emma (Australia) 2010/12/20
29.6 +0.1 29.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 038077352X Aneca (Portugal) 2010/12/10
29.5 +0.1 29.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 9780441016990 Mdme. deMarigny (USA: GA) 2010/12/09
29.4 +0.1 29.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553289322 dlennon (USA: FL) 2010/12/06
26.4 +3 29.4 gave points for mooch request 0425103242 Hayes (Italy) 2010/12/05
24.4 +2 26.4 mooch rejected by book owner 034549539X Linda Kelley (USA: GA) 2010/11/27
26.4 -2 24.4 deducted points for mooch request 038077352X Aneca (Portugal) 2010/11/27
28.4 -2 26.4 deducted points for mooch request 0380385880 Diana Field-Brittain (USA: VA) 2010/11/27
30.4 -2 28.4 deducted points for mooch request 034549539X Linda Kelley (USA: GA) 2010/11/26
32.4 -2 30.4 deducted points for mooch request 184429076X Emma (Australia) 2010/11/26
34.4 -2 32.4 deducted points for mooch request 0553289322 dlennon (USA: FL) 2010/11/26
33.4 +1 34.4 gave points for mooch request 0060001453 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2010/11/13
30.4 +3 33.4 gave points for mooch request 0879978236 Thomas Nufer (USA: MI) 2010/11/12
30.3 +0.1 30.4 added book to inventory 0879978236 GIRAUD (France) 2010/11/12
30.2 +0.1 30.3 added book to inventory 0886773326 GIRAUD (France) 2010/11/12
30.1 +0.1 30.2 added book to inventory 0060001453 GIRAUD (France) 2010/11/12
30 +0.1 30.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416594922 Nicky B (USA: NY) 2010/11/12
32 -2 30 deducted points for mooch request 1416594922 Nicky B (USA: NY) 2010/10/31
29 +3 32 gave points for mooch request 0061040266 jessica (Espagne) 2010/10/30
32 -3 29 mooch rejected by book owner 0060732067 K. Feete (USA: VA) 2010/10/30
32.1 -0.1 32 removing book from inventory 0060732067 GIRAUD (France) 2010/10/30
29.1 +3 32.1 gave points for mooch request 0060732067 K. Feete (USA: VA) 2010/10/20
28.1 +1 29.1 gave points for mooch request 0373834985 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2010/10/20
28 +0.1 28.1 added book to inventory 0061771759 GIRAUD (France) 2010/10/19
27.9 +0.1 28 added book to inventory 0380814803 GIRAUD (France) 2010/10/19
27.8 +0.1 27.9 added book to inventory 0060732067 GIRAUD (France) 2010/10/19
28.8 -1 27.8 deducted points for mooch request 9780441016990 Mdme. deMarigny (USA: GA) 2010/10/19
28.7 +0.1 28.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061122203 nadeu (Argentina) 2010/10/15
28.6 +0.1 28.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416593136 Erika (USA: MA) 2010/10/15
28.5 +0.1 28.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451456734 Ethaisa (Canada) 2010/10/08
27.5 +1 28.5 gave points for mooch request 0061124842 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2010/10/04
29.5 -2 27.5 deducted points for mooch request 0061122203 nadeu (Argentina) 2010/09/30
31.5 -2 29.5 deducted points for mooch request 0451456734 Ethaisa (Canada) 2010/09/28
33.5 -2 31.5 deducted points for mooch request 1416593136 Erika (USA: MA) 2010/09/22
33.4 +0.1 33.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061771759 sylvie (France) 2010/09/16
30.4 +3 33.4 gave points for mooch request 038079635X luciana verre (Italia) 2010/09/16
32.4 -2 30.4 deducted points for mooch request 0843954884 Melissa (USA: IA) 2010/09/15
32.3 +0.1 32.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380805863 Maripat (USA: MA) 2010/09/11
30.3 +2 32.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0060561661 ENID YOUNG (South Africa) 2010/09/08
30.2 +0.1 30.3 added book to inventory 0061124842 GIRAUD (France) 2010/09/05
27.2 +3 30.2 gave points for mooch request 0061355577 orla johnston (Ireland) 2010/09/04
27.1 +0.1 27.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061456756 Schwan (Germany) 2010/09/04
27 +0.1 27.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380814803 hoppipolla (Germany) 2010/09/04
29 -2 27 deducted points for mooch request 0380805863 Maripat (USA: MA) 2010/09/02
30 -1 29 deducted points for mooch request 0061771759 sylvie (France) 2010/09/01
32 -2 30 deducted points for mooch request 0380814803 hoppipolla (Germany) 2010/08/26
34 -2 32 deducted points for mooch request 0061456756 Schwan (Germany) 2010/08/25
33.9 +0.1 34 receiver acknowledged receiving book 037380203X Sam McGeiver (USA: MD) 2010/08/25
35.9 -2 33.9 deducted points for mooch request 037380203X Sam McGeiver (USA: MD) 2010/08/17
32.9 +3 35.9 gave points for mooch request 0380806312 Sara (USA: TX) 2010/08/13
32.8 +0.1 32.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553574108 Milla (USA: FL) 2010/08/10
29.8 +3 32.8 gave points for mooch request 0061246379 T (Portugal) 2010/08/04
29.7 +0.1 29.8 added book to inventory 0061040266 GIRAUD (France) 2010/08/04
29.6 +0.1 29.7 added book to inventory 0061246379 GIRAUD (France) 2010/08/04
29.7 -0.1 29.6 removed book from inventory 1593947399 GIRAUD (France) 2010/08/04
31.7 -2 29.7 deducted points for mooch request 006056167X Chandra (USA: MT) 2010/08/04
33.7 -2 31.7 deducted points for mooch request 0060561661 ENID YOUNG (South Africa) 2010/08/02
35.7 -2 33.7 deducted points for mooch request 0553574108 Milla (USA: FL) 2010/07/31
32.7 +3 35.7 gave points for mooch request 0060781920 orla johnston (Ireland) 2010/07/21
33.7 -1 32.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0671027360 Becky K. (USA: IL) - Chloé Depert (France) 2010/07/19
32.7 +1 33.7 gave points for mooch request 0671027360 Chloé Depert (France) 2010/07/15
30.7 +2 32.7 lost in the mail says book owner 0060843071 tiggyeaj (USA: OH) 2010/07/03
29.7 +1 30.7 gave points for mooch request 006109398X Spinifex (United Kingdom) 2010/06/30
26.7 +3 29.7 gave points for mooch request 0061733954 valeria (United Kingdom) 2010/06/29
26.6 +0.1 26.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061040266 Jane (United Kingdom) 2010/06/18
28.6 -2 26.6 deducted points for mooch request 0061040266 Jane (United Kingdom) 2010/06/11
25.6 +3 28.6 gave points for mooch request 0446616109 Maarit (Finland) 2010/06/08
22.6 +3 25.6 gave points for mooch request 0373772114 Maarit (Finland) 2010/06/08
21.6 +1 22.6 gave points for mooch request 0099250810 Aude (France) 2010/06/05
19.6 +2 21.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 006108560X ~cha134 (USA: OH) 2010/05/29
19.5 +0.1 19.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061284882 Debbie S (Canada) 2010/05/29
19.4 +0.1 19.5 added book to inventory 0061733954 GIRAUD (France) 2010/05/18
19.3 +0.1 19.4 added book to inventory 0060781920 GIRAUD (France) 2010/05/18
19.2 +0.1 19.3 added book to inventory 0061355577 GIRAUD (France) 2010/05/05
19.1 +0.1 19.2 added book to inventory 0380806312 GIRAUD (France) 2010/05/05
19 +0.1 19.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0743459466 brownbear (United Kingdom) 2010/05/05
18.9 +0.1 19 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060781920 Muse of Ire (USA: VA) 2010/04/28
18.8 +0.1 18.9 added book to inventory 0671739786 GIRAUD (France) 2010/04/21
18.7 +0.1 18.8 added book to inventory 038079635X GIRAUD (France) 2010/04/21
15.7 +3 18.7 gave points for mooch request B002BNTBHC penelopewanders (France) 2010/04/19
17.7 -2 15.7 deducted points for mooch request 0743459466 brownbear (United Kingdom) 2010/04/19
19.7 -2 17.7 deducted points for mooch request 0671743813 josephine (USA: FL) 2010/04/11
21.7 -2 19.7 deducted points for mooch request 0060781920 Muse of Ire (USA: VA) 2010/04/10
18.7 +3 21.7 gave points for mooch request 0060513640 Leanne (United Kingdom) 2010/04/10
15.7 +3 18.7 gave points for mooch request 0380818337 orla johnston (Ireland) 2010/04/01
15.6 +0.1 15.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061032069 Anna Sipocz (Canada) 2010/04/01
15.5 +0.1 15.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061350990 Donna (USA: WV) 2010/04/01
15.4 +0.1 15.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060732105 Donna (USA: WV) 2010/04/01
15.3 +0.1 15.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060732067 Wendy (USA: PA) 2010/04/01
17.3 -2 15.3 deducted points for mooch request 0061284882 Debbie S (Canada) 2010/03/29
17.2 +0.1 17.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 038079635X Katie (Austria) 2010/03/16
14.2 +3 17.2 gave points for mooch request 0380762587 Carol (Brazil) 2010/03/10
11.2 +3 14.2 gave points for mooch request 006123138X Carolina (Argentina) 2010/03/10
11.1 +0.1 11.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380802929 Rita (USA: TX) 2010/03/10
11 +0.1 11.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060593199 Michele (USA: PA) 2010/03/10
8 +3 11 gave points for mooch request 0060528419 orla johnston (Ireland) 2010/02/26
7.9 +0.1 8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380806312 Anna Banana (USA: VA) 2010/02/26
7.8 +0.1 7.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553590286 Ali (USA: MN) 2010/02/24
7.7 +0.1 7.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0671739786 mango43 (United Kingdom) 2010/02/24
4.7 +3 7.7 gave points for mooch request 0425198804 Missy (USA: IL) 2010/02/20
4.6 +0.1 4.7 added book to inventory 006112494X GIRAUD (France) 2010/02/20
6.6 -2 4.6 deducted points for mooch request 0061032069 Anna Sipocz (Canada) 2010/02/19
5.6 +1 6.6 gave points for mooch request 0061235067 Gabby () 2010/02/17
5.5 +0.1 5.6 added book to inventory 0060513640 GIRAUD (France) 2010/02/17
5.4 +0.1 5.5 added book to inventory 0671621963 GIRAUD (France) 2010/02/17
5.3 +0.1 5.4 added book to inventory 0425198804 GIRAUD (France) 2010/02/17
7.3 -2 5.3 deducted points for mooch request 0060732067 Wendy (USA: PA) 2010/02/17
9.3 -2 7.3 deducted points for mooch request 0380806312 Anna Banana (USA: VA) 2010/02/15
11.3 -2 9.3 deducted points for mooch request 0553590286 Ali (USA: MN) 2010/02/13
13.3 -2 11.3 deducted points for mooch request 0671739786 mango43 (United Kingdom) 2010/02/12
13.2 +0.1 13.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0671621963 pjohnson (USA: MI) 2010/02/10
13.1 +0.1 13.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0671739778 Pasha (Finland) 2010/02/10
13 +0.1 13.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 067174383x Pasha (Finland) 2010/02/10
15 -2 13 deducted points for mooch request 0061350990 Donna (USA: WV) 2010/02/06
17 -2 15 deducted points for mooch request 0060732105 Donna (USA: WV) 2010/02/05
16.9 +0.1 17 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061355577 Raquel (Japan) 2010/02/05
13.9 +3 16.9 gave points for mooch request 0061191361 MarchRose (Italy) 2010/02/01
13.8 +0.1 13.9 added book to inventory 0446616109 GIRAUD (France) 2010/01/31
13.7 +0.1 13.8 added book to inventory 0060528419 GIRAUD (France) 2010/01/31
13.6 +0.1 13.7 added book to inventory 0061191361 GIRAUD (France) 2010/01/31
13.5 +0.1 13.6 added book to inventory 0380762587 GIRAUD (France) 2010/01/31
13.4 +0.1 13.5 added book to inventory 0312932391 GIRAUD (France) 2010/01/31
13.3 +0.1 13.4 added book to inventory 0380818337 GIRAUD (France) 2010/01/31
15.3 -2 13.3 deducted points for mooch request 0380802929 Rita (USA: TX) 2010/01/31
17.3 -2 15.3 deducted points for mooch request 006108560X ~cha134 (USA: OH) 2010/01/30
17.2 +0.1 17.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061246379 Kay (USA: MT) 2010/01/29
19.2 -2 17.2 deducted points for mooch request 0671621963 pjohnson (USA: MI) 2010/01/28
18.2 +1 19.2 gave points for mooch request 0380772574 flore (France) 2010/01/27
20.2 -2 18.2 deducted points for mooch request 0671739778 Pasha (Finland) 2010/01/26
22.2 -2 20.2 deducted points for mooch request 067174383x Pasha (Finland) 2010/01/26
22.1 +0.1 22.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061191361 Joelle (France) 2010/01/26
22 +0.1 22.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446616109 Joelle (France) 2010/01/26
21.9 +0.1 22 added book to inventory 0380801701 GIRAUD (France) 2010/01/23
20.9 +1 21.9 mooch rejected by book owner 0060092181 Joelle (France) 2010/01/23
20.8 +0.1 20.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380801701 Lindsey M. (USA: FL) 2010/01/20
20.7 +0.1 20.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380762587 Lindsey M. (USA: FL) 2010/01/20
22.7 -2 20.7 deducted points for mooch request 0061355577 Raquel (Japan) 2010/01/20
24.7 -2 22.7 deducted points for mooch request 0061246379 Kay (USA: MT) 2010/01/18
21.7 +3 24.7 gave points for mooch request 0440244242 ylef (Germany) 2010/01/17
18.7 +3 21.7 gave points for mooch request 0425209210 ylef (Germany) 2010/01/17
15.7 +3 18.7 gave points for mooch request 0749939133 Mary (United Kingdom) 2010/01/17
17.7 -2 15.7 deducted points for mooch request 038079635X Katie (Austria) 2010/01/17
17.6 +0.1 17.7 added book to inventory 0061124974 GIRAUD (France) 2010/01/16
17.5 +0.1 17.6 added book to inventory 0425209210 GIRAUD (France) 2010/01/16
17.4 +0.1 17.5 added book to inventory 0440244242 GIRAUD (France) 2010/01/16
17.3 +0.1 17.4 added book to inventory 0749939133 GIRAUD (France) 2010/01/16
17.2 +0.1 17.3 added book to inventory 0373834985 GIRAUD (France) 2010/01/16
17.1 +0.1 17.2 added book to inventory 006123138X GIRAUD (France) 2010/01/16
18.1 -1 17.1 deducted points for mooch request 0061191361 Joelle (France) 2010/01/16
19.1 -1 18.1 deducted points for mooch request 0060092181 Joelle (France) 2010/01/16
20.1 -1 19.1 deducted points for mooch request 0446616109 Joelle (France) 2010/01/16
17.1 +3 20.1 gave points for mooch request 0060092149 ASDfriendly (United Kingdom) 2010/01/15
17 +0.1 17.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312932391 tina (USA: TX) 2010/01/13
16.9 +0.1 17 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312982305 tina (USA: TX) 2010/01/13
16.8 +0.1 16.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380818337 tina (USA: TX) 2010/01/13
16.7 +0.1 16.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373834985 tina (USA: TX) 2010/01/13
18.7 -2 16.7 deducted points for mooch request 0380801701 Lindsey M. (USA: FL) 2010/01/11
18.6 +0.1 18.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380756250 solanne (France) 2010/01/09
18.5 +0.1 18.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312995229 solanne (France) 2010/01/09
18.4 +0.1 18.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380804514 solanne (France) 2010/01/09
18.3 +0.1 18.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060513640 solanne (France) 2010/01/09
19.3 -1 18.3 deducted points for mooch request 0060513640 solanne (France) 2010/01/02
20.3 -1 19.3 deducted points for mooch request 0380804514 solanne (France) 2010/01/02
21.3 -1 20.3 deducted points for mooch request 0312995229 solanne (France) 2010/01/02
22.3 -1 21.3 deducted points for mooch request 0380756250 solanne (France) 2010/01/02
24.3 -2 22.3 deducted points for mooch request 0060593199 Michele (USA: PA) 2010/01/02
24.2 +0.1 24.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0743457269 katayoun (Iran) 2010/01/02
24.1 +0.1 24.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060882638 Amy (USA: CA) 2010/01/02
21.1 +3 24.1 gave points for mooch request 0380818205 brownbear (United Kingdom) 2009/12/27
22.1 -1 21.1 deducted points for mooch request 0312932391 tina (USA: TX) 2009/12/26
23.1 -1 22.1 deducted points for mooch request 0312982305 tina (USA: TX) 2009/12/26
24.1 -1 23.1 deducted points for mooch request 0380818337 tina (USA: TX) 2009/12/26
25.1 -1 24.1 deducted points for mooch request 0373834985 tina (USA: TX) 2009/12/26
24.1 +1 25.1 gave points for mooch request B002D49XUE olivier (France) 2009/12/26
24 +0.1 24.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 006123138X ashley (USA: KY) 2009/12/23
23.9 +0.1 24 added book to inventory 0060092149 GIRAUD (France) 2009/12/22
23.8 +0.1 23.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0749939133 brownbear (United Kingdom) 2009/12/22
22.8 +1 23.8 gave points for mooch request 0060899409 flore (France) 2009/12/19
22.7 +0.1 22.8 added book to inventory 0061235067 GIRAUD (France) 2009/12/19
22.6 +0.1 22.7 added book to inventory 0380818205 GIRAUD (France) 2009/12/19
22.5 +0.1 22.6 added book to inventory 0060899409 GIRAUD (France) 2009/12/19
22.4 +0.1 22.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060528419 frezanda (Singapore) 2009/12/19
22.3 +0.1 22.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380818205 Katri (Finland) 2009/12/13
24.3 -2 22.3 deducted points for mooch request 0380762587 Lindsey M. (USA: FL) 2009/12/10
26.3 -2 24.3 deducted points for mooch request 0749939133 brownbear (United Kingdom) 2009/12/08
26.2 +0.1 26.3 added book to inventory 0061253626 GIRAUD (France) 2009/12/07
26.1 +0.1 26.2 added book to inventory 0263862925 GIRAUD (France) 2009/12/07
25.1 +1 26.1 gave points for mooch request 0821778005 Stéphanie (France) 2009/12/06
24.1 +1 25.1 gave points for mooch request 0373295189 Stéphanie (France) 2009/12/06
24 +0.1 24.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 055357521X Jennifer (USA: NY) 2009/12/02
22 +2 24 mooch cancelled by requestor 0743459466 coqui (USA: KY) 2009/12/02
21.9 +0.1 22 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060799242 Dacaria (USA: FL) 2009/12/01
18.9 +3 21.9 gave points for mooch request 0061456853 MaggieNL (Netherlands) 2009/12/01
15.9 +3 18.9 gave points for mooch request 0380805685 Angelo (United Kingdom) 2009/11/29
17.9 -2 15.9 deducted points for mooch request 0380818205 Katri (Finland) 2009/11/29
14.9 +3 17.9 gave points for mooch request 0812511816 Danielle (USA: PA) 2009/11/25
12.9 +2 14.9 mooch rejected by book owner 0373289170 trudi (USA: CA) 2009/11/24
14.9 -2 12.9 deducted points for mooch request 0060528419 frezanda (Singapore) 2009/11/24
16.9 -2 14.9 deducted points for mooch request 0373289170 trudi (USA: CA) 2009/11/19
18.9 -2 16.9 deducted points for mooch request 0060882638 Amy (USA: CA) 2009/11/19
18.8 +0.1 18.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373691548 brownbear (United Kingdom) 2009/11/18
20.8 -2 18.8 deducted points for mooch request 006123138X ashley (USA: KY) 2009/11/18
18.8 +2 20.8 mooch rejected by book owner 0380818205 Nicky B (USA: NY) 2009/11/17
20.8 -2 18.8 deducted points for mooch request 0380818205 Nicky B (USA: NY) 2009/11/17
20.7 +0.1 20.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061235067 Mmathabo (Australia) 2009/11/17
20.6 +0.1 20.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061473553 iamfrancesca (USA: FL) 2009/11/14
20.5 +0.1 20.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060092149 Maarit (Finland) 2009/11/13
22.5 -2 20.5 deducted points for mooch request 0743459466 coqui (USA: KY) 2009/11/13
22.4 +0.1 22.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416505466 amberle70 (USA: NC) 2009/11/12
19.4 +3 22.4 gave points for mooch request 0061283940 Juliet982 (Venezuela) 2009/11/11
16.4 +3 19.4 gave points for mooch request B0027CSND0 Carol (Brazil) 2009/11/10
13.4 +3 16.4 gave points for mooch request 0373772432 Maarit (Finland) 2009/11/10
15.4 -2 13.4 deducted points for mooch request 0060843071 tiggyeaj (USA: OH) 2009/11/09
12.4 +3 15.4 gave points for mooch request 0380810719 orla johnston (Ireland) 2009/11/07
9.4 +3 12.4 gave points for mooch request 0061253677 RiikkaT (Finland) 2009/11/07
11.4 -2 9.4 deducted points for mooch request 0060092149 Maarit (Finland) 2009/11/07
13.4 -2 11.4 deducted points for mooch request 0061235067 Mmathabo (Australia) 2009/11/07
13.3 +0.1 13.4 added book to inventory 0380772574 GIRAUD (France) 2009/11/07
13.4 -0.1 13.3 removed book from inventory 0380772574 GIRAUD (France) 2009/11/07
12.4 +1 13.4 gave points for mooch request 0373773951 sylvie (France) 2009/11/07
12.3 +0.1 12.4 added book to inventory 0373773951 GIRAUD (France) 2009/11/06
12.2 +0.1 12.3 added book to inventory 0061253677 GIRAUD (France) 2009/11/06
12.1 +0.1 12.2 added book to inventory 0373772432 GIRAUD (France) 2009/11/06
12 +0.1 12.1 added book to inventory 0380810719 GIRAUD (France) 2009/11/06
11.9 +0.1 12 added book to inventory 0380772574 GIRAUD (France) 2009/11/06
11.8 +0.1 11.9 added book to inventory 006109398X GIRAUD (France) 2009/11/06
11.7 +0.1 11.8 added book to inventory 0061283940 GIRAUD (France) 2009/11/06
13.7 -2 11.7 deducted points for mooch request 0061473553 iamfrancesca (USA: FL) 2009/11/05
15.7 -2 13.7 deducted points for mooch request 0373691548 brownbear (United Kingdom) 2009/11/04
15.6 +0.1 15.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0739443313 Aneca (Portugal) 2009/11/02
14.6 +1 15.6 gave points for mooch request 0263862518 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2009/11/01
13.6 +1 14.6 gave points for mooch request 0380794578 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2009/11/01
10.6 +3 13.6 gave points for mooch request 0061214671 MacsBrains (USA: NY) 2009/10/30
10.5 +0.1 10.6 added book to inventory B0027CSND0 GIRAUD (France) 2009/10/30
10.4 +0.1 10.5 added book to inventory 0061214671 GIRAUD (France) 2009/10/30
10.3 +0.1 10.4 added book to inventory B002BNTBHC GIRAUD (France) 2009/10/30
10.2 +0.1 10.3 added book to inventory 0821778005 GIRAUD (France) 2009/10/30
10.1 +0.1 10.2 added book to inventory 0061456853 GIRAUD (France) 2009/10/30
10 +0.1 10.1 added book to inventory 0380794578 GIRAUD (France) 2009/10/30
9.9 +0.1 10 added book to inventory 0380805685 GIRAUD (France) 2009/10/30
11.9 -2 9.9 deducted points for mooch request 055357521X Jennifer (USA: NY) 2009/10/30
13.9 -2 11.9 deducted points for mooch request 0739443313 Aneca (Portugal) 2009/10/29
15.9 -2 13.9 deducted points for mooch request 1416505466 amberle70 (USA: NC) 2009/10/29
17.9 -2 15.9 deducted points for mooch request 0743457269 katayoun (Iran) 2009/10/27
17.8 +0.1 17.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380808331 Ashley (USA: VA) 2009/10/26
17.7 +0.1 17.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380812029 valerie c (France) 2009/10/20
17.6 +0.1 17.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061099732 Patti (USA: GA) 2009/10/19
14.6 +3 17.6 gave points for mooch request 0812522486 Marina Bonomi (Italy) 2009/10/15
14.5 +0.1 14.6 added book to inventory 0373295502 GIRAUD (France) 2009/10/15
14.4 +0.1 14.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0345494598 sylvie (France) 2009/10/15
14.3 +0.1 14.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380772574 sylvie (France) 2009/10/15
15.3 -1 14.3 deducted points for mooch request 0345494598 sylvie (France) 2009/10/11
16.3 -1 15.3 deducted points for mooch request 0380772574 sylvie (France) 2009/10/11
17.3 -1 16.3 deducted points for mooch request 0380812029 valerie c (France) 2009/10/11
14.3 +3 17.3 gave points for mooch request 067165568X Andrei Tuch (Estonia) 2009/10/11
16.3 -2 14.3 deducted points for mooch request 0061099732 Patti (USA: GA) 2009/10/11
18.3 -2 16.3 deducted points for mooch request 0380808331 Ashley (USA: VA) 2009/10/11
20.3 -2 18.3 deducted points for mooch request 0060799242 Dacaria (USA: FL) 2009/10/11
17.3 +3 20.3 gave points for mooch request 0886775116 Michelle (USA: ME) 2009/10/06
14.3 +3 17.3 gave points for mooch request 0307387178 Rebecca (United Kingdom) 2009/10/06
11.3 +3 14.3 gave points for mooch request 0451511328 Julie06 (Spain) 2009/10/05
8.3 +3 11.3 gave points for mooch request 0440998050 Julie06 (Spain) 2009/10/05
8.2 +0.1 8.3 added book to inventory 0307387178 GIRAUD (France) 2009/10/05
8.3 -0.1 8.2 removed book from inventory 0307387178 GIRAUD (France) 2009/10/05
5.3 +3 8.3 gave points for mooch request 009938261X fnoir (USA: MI) 2009/10/05
2.3 +3 5.3 gave points for mooch request 0006480098 tara (United Kingdom) 2009/10/05
2.2 +0.1 2.3 added book to inventory 0006480098 GIRAUD (France) 2009/10/04
2.1 +0.1 2.2 added book to inventory B002D49XUE GIRAUD (France) 2009/10/04
2 +0.1 2.1 added book to inventory 1593947399 GIRAUD (France) 2009/10/04
1.9 +0.1 2 added book to inventory 0886775116 GIRAUD (France) 2009/10/04
1.8 +0.1 1.9 added book to inventory 0373295189 GIRAUD (France) 2009/10/04
1.7 +0.1 1.8 added book to inventory 0373772114 GIRAUD (France) 2009/10/04
1.6 +0.1 1.7 added book to inventory 0263862518 GIRAUD (France) 2009/10/04
1.5 +0.1 1.6 added book to inventory 0263862585 GIRAUD (France) 2009/10/04
1.4 +0.1 1.5 added book to inventory 067165568X GIRAUD (France) 2009/10/04
1.3 +0.1 1.4 added book to inventory 0582421276 GIRAUD (France) 2009/10/04
1.2 +0.1 1.3 added book to inventory 0440998050 GIRAUD (France) 2009/10/04
1.1 +0.1 1.2 added book to inventory 0099250810 GIRAUD (France) 2009/10/04
1 +0.1 1.1 added book to inventory 0194242811 GIRAUD (France) 2009/10/04
0.9 +0.1 1 added book to inventory 0586062319 GIRAUD (France) 2009/10/04
0.8 +0.1 0.9 added book to inventory 0307387178 GIRAUD (France) 2009/10/04
0.7 +0.1 0.8 added book to inventory 0380470845 GIRAUD (France) 2009/10/04
0.6 +0.1 0.7 added book to inventory 0821778404 GIRAUD (France) 2009/10/04
0.5 +0.1 0.6 added book to inventory 009938261X GIRAUD (France) 2009/10/04
0.4 +0.1 0.5 added book to inventory 0812522486 GIRAUD (France) 2009/10/04
0.3 +0.1 0.4 added book to inventory 0671027360 GIRAUD (France) 2009/10/04
0.2 +0.1 0.3 added book to inventory 0425103242 GIRAUD (France) 2009/10/04
0.1 +0.1 0.2 added book to inventory 0812511816 GIRAUD (France) 2009/10/04
0 +0.1 0.1 added book to inventory 0451511328 GIRAUD (France) 2009/10/04