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Jon (United Kingdom) : page perso du membre

Nom : Jon (United Kingdom)
Identifiant de l'utilisateur : jonasan
Bio: http://fr.bookmooch.com/jonasan

Inventaire: 1
Points : 7.6
Moochés (acquis)/Donnés: 153/89
Mooch/Envoi(s) en cours: 0/0
Rapport moochés/donnés: 1.52:1

Liste d'envies: 1240
Evaluations: +89
Smooches: 6
Dons reçus: 2
Amis: 13
Demandes décommandées: 10
Livres demandés perdus: 2
Livres envoyés perdus: 3
Demandes rejetées: 3

Prêt à envoyer : à travers le monde
Inscrit le : 2008/05/25
Dernière visite : 1806 jours
(Ce membre est peut-être inactif)
Pays Royaume-Uni

Livres dans l'inventaire : 1

Message de statut :
Moocho Moocho Man, I wanna be a Moocher Man...

Bio :
Am happy to mooch to wherever, whenever - even if it means going without food for a few days ;)
Always honestly put the conditioning on every book and send things out as soon as possible but normally as cheaply as possibly (I've gone from being a student for the second time to a volunteer!) so will probably get to you within 1 - 2 weeks.

Only really tend to mooch books of which are areas of special interest to me - graphic novels, speech and language therapy orientated stuff and languages. So if you happen to come across my profile/wishlist and have anything resembing the above shoot me an email :)

Below is a list of countries I've sent to so far!!

visited 17 states (7.55%)
Create your own visited map of The World

Forums joined:
angel_requests_2010_may, comics_manga_and_graphic_novels, discussion.

Forums active on:
angel_requests_2010_may, comics_manga_and_graphic_novels, discussion.






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