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Forum: Forum design

Thanks, John!

I LOVE the recent change in format! It is so easy now to follow the threads and find the most recent posts. It is so nice to participate in a site that is so responsive to the requests of the users. Great job!

14 années


You're welcome! I've been working on the forum "feature" for BookMooch at about an 80-hours-a-week pace for about the past 5 weeks. It was a lot of work!

But, I'm really happy with how it turned out in the end, especially since I wasn't all too happy with any of the existing forum software.

I'm going to blog all the new stuff shortly...

John Buckman
14 années
 I've been working on the forum "feature" for BookMooch at about an 80-hours-a-week pace for about the past 5 weeks. It was a lot of work!

Yikes! Such a lot of work!
May I just say: it will be worth every minute - to me!
Thanks heaps and heaps.
14 années
Hi John,

I like the little 'call-out' boxes for recent comments to each topic. Is there a cut-off as to how far back 'recent' comments are pulled in from?

Also, would you consider adding a User Preference to comment sort order? I understand the reasons for having Most Recent First in the Recent Comment boxes, but personally I'd prefer Most Recent Last once I've actually clicked through to the thread for real.

Would it be possible to add some kind of toggle or static user preference to control the comment ordering?


14 années

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