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Forum: Feature requests

posting limits

A suggestion I think might help things- it seems like a lot of newbies get very excited, post all the books they have, get dozens of requests and then get overwhelmed and just stop responding or using the website. What if there was a limit on how many books you could have in your inventory for, say, the first month? Maybe 10 at any given time? I think that would be less overwhelming and lose less members.

Just a thought.

8 années


Ten books is only one point. That's of no use to those of us who have to mooch internationally - three points.
8 années
ah, i didn't even think of that! so maybe adjusted limits for national vs international- 10 books vs 30 books. i've just run into a lot of cases where people put up a ton of books, get requests for each one and then just give up and don't send any of them.
8 années

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