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Forum: BookMooch Discussion

emails for Wishlist availability

ok- am 100% positive that emails are NOT being sent when a wishlist book is available, only when a similar wishlisted book is available. Have been aware of this for some time, yet was never able to confirm this.

Has anyone else experienced this? I was very active for 2+ years in this system, and for about 6 months have been wondering why my books were NEVER available.

Now I am sure as I was able to login this morning, and see that a wishlist book is available, yet I have NOT received an email. I think I was able to see the book, as it was not from my country (the US), and no one else mooched it yet.

Help please :(

13 années


Well, I have received emails for books on my wishlist, but not recently. I assume it's because since they go out randomly to 5 people at a time, that I just wasn't in the first group before it got moooched. Are you the ONLY person who has that book on your wishlist?
13 années
@Max, as Robin said, everyone on the wishlist does not receive an email right away. They go out randomly, every 4 hours I think, until the book is mooched. Also, others who see that the book is on their wishlist (by checking their wishlist or using the RSS feed) may mooch the book at any time. Those of us who have used Bookmooch for a long time have learned that relying on wishlist emails for notification of books you want is not very effective. Some people check their wishlist many times a day, some have an RSS feed set up on a mobile device. I have my RSS feed set up on my browser home page (iGoogle) so I can check from home or work. BTW, if a book you want is not available in your country and you feel it is worth 3 points to you, you can always use the angel network.
13 années
You can't rely on waiting for an email. Like others said-they don't send them to everyone, just to random wishers until it's mooched by anyone.

I only receive 5 or 6 WL emails a year and they're usually gone by the time I do. I wouldn't get any WL books here at all if I waited for them. Most of the WL books I get are from just checking my account everyday. I probably miss a lot just not checking often enough.

13 années
I just received an email for a newly posted book on my wishlist. Coincidentally, i was already online and had just checked my wishlist, so I had already mooched it by the time the email was delivered.

So, the system is working as it was designed to. I know it's frustrating that you may not feel like the design works for you.

13 années
I can't see my wishlist at all!

any help?!

Marissa Lopez
11 années
I can't see it either, so I suggest you email the site admins: http://bookmooch.com/m/email_support
11 années
It's there now
11 années
Thank you!
Marissa Lopez
11 années
I have sent out 9 books but cannot find anything I want on the book lists. Have about 4 books on wish list for a long time. I have approximately 20-25 books more I would like to give away but think since I am not finding anything that I may bring my books to a used book store instead. What then would I do with my points?
Rose Marie
11 années
Rose Marie: You can donate your points to charity (http://bookmooch.com/m/charity) or give them to another member, or just hang on to them. Or just mooch books to take to your local used book shop, I suppose?

I feel your pain. I have almost 400 points, don't ever see anything I want to mooch and my wishlist (8 pages worth!) never gets a hit. I hate throwing away books but I don't live anywhere near a used book shop, and I'm tired of spending money on mailing books with no real return for myself. Yes, I know, I'm helping share books worldwide but I hope everyone understands what I mean by no real return for myself. So, yes, I feel your pain.

11 années
is it okay to post a link to another book trading site here? I trade at another one sometimes, and they have alot of books that I want... I dont have enough credits there to order them all, haha. But here I like to check out the recently added section to 'impulse' trade I guess, for anything that catches my fancy ;P
11 années
I have noticed that it goes in spurts. That were will be nothing to mooch for months and then there will be a whole bunch of things at once. Although, I must admit I am guilty of only putting books up to mooch when I need points. I live in a really small town with no bookstore, so I try hard to balance getting and receiving because I have to go a long way to get mail as well.
Margaret Elizabeth
11 années
Maybe you might get lucky if you join the International Wishlist Tag Game group.
Free for All - Part 3"
11 années
I have had a book that was supposed to be sent to me from about 3 years ago. I have not received it yet.
Rose Marie
4 années
You should be able to mark it is a lost at this point (there should be a lost button on the right).
4 années

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