Book 1 of 2... new feature on Pending page
I've added a tiny little feature, to fix something that's annoyed me for years. When people mooch more than one book from you, this will now be indicated in your "Pending" page with a bold-green line that says "Book 1 of X to (person)". This will help you notice that you need to package up several books in the same box for one person. I don't know about you, but gawd, there have been so many times when I boxed, sealed and estamped a package, only to find that the next mooch on my pending list is to the person I just packaged up. So... sigh... either I reopen the package I just finished, and add normal stamps to the total, or I just send another package. That's no good. Hopefully, with this small change, I (and you) won't make this mistake any more! Let me know in the comments if I got the programming wrong and the feature misbehaves in some way. Here's how this looks on the pending page:
John Buckman
12 années
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Sounds like a great idea to me because I have done that! :)
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Thanks John. I think it is wonderful that you are continually trying to find ways to make BookMooch even better - this sounds like a great idea!
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Nice enhancement! Especially appreciated when people mooch more than one book over a time period and other mooches come in betweentimes.
Thanks so much. This actually happened to me an hour ago. I had to open thee envelope and added the other book. Great idea.
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Oh, excellent! That's a great fix.
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bonjour, je n'ai pas eu encore vraiment le problème ! mais je pense que c'est une très bonne solution pour ceux qui ont beaucoup de livres !!!bravo !
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Great I have done that too many times. Sending out two or more packages to one person. It will help me save time and money. Thanks.
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I can see that I'm going to love this. I have 2 pending that I sent out in a package of 3, the reciever still hasn't marked the last two as recieved ( they were all in the same packeage). Great idea!
I love this feature! Thanks so much!
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Thanks for this new feature, which really helps as I usually send out multiple mooches.
I think that is a wonderful idea. Will keep it straight by just looking and the color will remind you there is another book to that person. Thank you for the change.
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re: renee0467 If you look at your "Books accepted to send" section, you'll see book #5 there. Books 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 for that moocher are in your "need to send" list, but because you previously hit "I accept" on book #5 (and only on that book from the moocher), that one book is listed separately from the others. Hope that makes sense... -john
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Great new feature. Thank you!
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Thank you for this! This is an awesome feature.
What a wonderful idea ! Thank you for thinking of it.
Great feature, but an update may need to be run more frequently. I marked a book as sent yesterday and almost 24 hours _after_ marking that sent, I received another mooch from the same person. This morning the second mooch was showing up as book 2/2 and yesterday's _sent_ book showing as 1/2. I couldn't have reopened the envelope to put the two books together as the postman had already collected the first package!
It's always great to see improvements on a site. :) I think it's a nice feature and it bothered me as well, so this is great. I don't know if this is the place for it, but do you plan on working on the site more? I was hoping you might work on the search engine part of it. It can be hard to find books on a certain subject effectively, if you're not looking for a certain one. And when you can't find much of what you want just using book mooch as your search area and hit the Amazon button, then you get endless lists and there's no way to narrow down ones off the amazon list that are avaliable on th site, so you just have to scroll page by page, which can be an impossible task. Also, I've found when I go to search a subject, like 'Poetry', I'll get a bunch of results of books that have absolutely nothing to do with poetry at all! Do you think this is something you might be able to take a look at and wave your magic wand over? :)
Thank-you! This is a great new feature!
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Great thanks you!
I just logged in to mark two books mailed to one member and saw this new feature on my pending page, and I love it! Thank you so much for adding it! Man, it's the little things that make a person happy...
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Love this! I usually use the comment section when I mooch multiples to do this for the sender. Wont have to anymore! I hope one day we will be have the option to mark a package sent/received rather than individual books. I mooch and send in multiples a lot (Just this week I have sent out 2 packages of 10 books each and I had another 10 book order mooched today) and it would be so much nicer to be able to click sent once for each person. I have also had the issue as someone else mentioned of someone I sent to only marking 1 of 2 books received when I sent them together and then not responding to emails. Anyways, thanks for the update!
Good Idea. I'm always surprised by how you keep coming up with ideas to improve on what I think is perfect! Thank you.
| | Great feature, but an update may need to be run more frequently. I marked a book as sent yesterday and almost 24 hours _after_ marking that sent, I received another mooch from the same person. This morning the second mooch was showing up as book 2/2 and yesterday's _sent_ book showing as 1/2. I couldn't have reopened the envelope to put the two books together as the postman had already collected the first package! |
The reason I had the feature work that way, is that a lot of people (myself included, occasionally) will mark the first book sent, leave the box open, and then put the 2nd one in the box. Or, I might have boxed the book, and then another mooch comes in, and so I reopen the box. Others will mark a book as sent when they box it, but they haven't yet gone to the post office, so having BM show you that the new mooch is from the same person as the "sent" book can be helpful. So... showing "1 of 2" for books that were mooched, whether they were marked as sent or not, was on purpose. I know it has this slightly odd effect when mooches come across days, but this seemed the right general policy. Besides, now BM tells you that the same person mooched a book from you as yesterday! -john
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| | I don't know if this is the place for it, but do you plan on working on the site more? I was hoping you might work on the search engine part of it. It can be hard to find books on a certain subject effectively, if you're not looking for a certain one. And when you can't find much of what you want just using book mooch as your search area and hit the Amazon button, then you get endless lists and there's no way to narrow down ones off the amazon list that are avaliable on th site, so you just have to scroll page by page, which can be an impossible task. |
I do plan on improving book browsing with various ideas, yes. However, Amazon's book data is what we rely on, and that's where problems come in. Try the recommendations feature, that can help.... | | Also, I've found when I go to search a subject, like 'Poetry', I'll get a bunch of results of books that have absolutely nothing to do with poetry at all! |
Yes, that's because Amazon mislabels books all the time, so if BM relies on their data being right, you get lots of unrelated books.
great Idea, we all have done the same thing, packaged 1 book only to discover we have another that needs to go to the same person. judy
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LOVE this addition. We all need little reminders so thanks for making one less thing to worry about.
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Jacquie, That's why I'm never in a hurry to mark a book as sent. I usually do package a book right away, but wait at least a day before sending, just in case the same person requests another.
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Sounds like a really good idea. Many times I've nearly packaged books up and forgot to put them together. :)
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Great idea, the same thing has happened to me on at least 2 occasions. Thanks again for everything you do, Bookmooch is a great place!
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another improvement, well done!
Yes I think this feature will help everyone out, thanks so much for thinking of it, Kathy
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An awesome feature, one that was needed and much appreciated! How many times I packed nicely a book (or two or three) only to realize that there was YET another one that I missed in the process - especially useful when you're mooching (or sending) many books.
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Well done, thanks!
now if we could just have the moocher have the additional ability of seeing all the books I have to offer when they mooch one, they might just pick a bunch more from the moochie!!!
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One of the ways I have avoided putting people in the situation the new feature is meant to fix is that when mooching multiples I state in my comments "second mooch," "third one" etch. Several people have thanked me for keeping count, which helps them to keep the books together for shipping. The new feature is welcome. With mail costs going up all the time, sending just one book at a time is getting to be an expensive proposition, especially when shipping internationally.
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This is a good idea. No doubt it will be a very helpful change.
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Thanks,John. That is a great idea!
Fantastic, thank you.
Awesome!!! Thanks for the fix!
That's awesome. Thank you. Is there any way we could get a feature to mark several books "sent" at once? (Or "accept," even?) I ask because I sometimes find myself sending something like forty books to the same person, since I do some angel mooching for a friend in a different country. And it takes an awfully long time to mark forty books sent!
John: Thanks for the continual upgrading of the site. You make this a great site to be part of. This latest multiple mooch feature is very convenient! The next obvious addition is to build on the new feature to help mark books for other features like "received," "sent" or "delay". I especially love the wishlist addition where we can add our choices directly from Amazon lists.
wonderful thanks
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Thank you so much!
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Love this idea.............thanks!
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Looks like a great idea. I have hoped for this for a while. Thank you John.
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A great idea but it also includes books already sent which could be confusing. For example, I've been sending books to a member as part of a four book angel mooch. I've already sent one and had it acknowledged by the moocher, the second is mid-atlantic and has been for 10 days and was marked as sent the same day it was posted. Now the moocher has requested the final two, but the final two show as numbers 2/3 and 3/3. Surely this should be 1/2 and 2/2? Could be confusing for someone who sends a lot of books regularly to the same recipients.
Dear John Numbering the books is a great help. Is there a way to list them i chronological order? I try to send out books in the order they were mooched -- well, it just means running my eye along the page, so I guess it's not a burning issue.
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Please can this be updated? I have already posted a book to a moocher and marked it as sent. She has now requested a second book which is showing as 2 of 2. This feature is only useful when sorting out books which need to be posted. Otherwise it's confusing. Gill
I mentioned this problem two comments before yours (9 months ago). Nothing changed then so don't expect it to now.