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Amazon search problems

A few days ago, Amazon sent me an email that we were not complying with their terms of service, citing something about our linking to Amazon from social networks. That makes no sense since I don't do this. They subsequently canceled our Amazon API access.

BM uses Amazon as a source for new book data.

At the moment, I've changed BM to use amazon.co.uk, as there doesn't seem to be a problem there.

I'm working to resolve this problem with Amazon, but it might take a while, or not get resolved at all.

In the meantime, if you encounter a page that should work on BM but doesn't, please post info about that here. It's likely that my moving us to use amazon.co.uk wasn't executed perfectly by me, and some bugs remain.

Really sorry about the troubles!


John Buckman
7 années


Hi, when I search for New books added, it's coming up with a NO RECENT BOOKS FOUND message
Lady Starlight
7 années
Same as Lady Starlight. Is not the first time, recently (about a month ago) happened that the page of the new books added was empty.
I hope the situation will be solved because is a very quick and simple way to find good books! *Fingers crossed*
7 années
Thanks for letting us know about Amazon. I was wondering what was happening.
7 années
Having problems when I'm under browse and try to see recent books added, it states "no recent books added" and it is a blank page. :(
7 années
Thanks for the update!!
7 années
Thanks for letting us know. I have an account with Amazon. If there is anything I can do to help let me know. Bill Whitten
7 années
Not having a problem so far, maybe because I'm in England, or maybe I'm just lucky!
7 années
Good luck! I hope it isn't just Amazon throwing their weight around. If it is, I remain loyal to BM and other smaller internet and local options.
Aunt Bean
7 années
Amazon.com searching is once again working, but I don't know for how long, because I'm using an auto-approved account whilst I wait for an Amazon human to approve or decline the application.

As to new books not appearing, I assume you mean this page?

and my memory is that this gets cleared automatically when I restart the server (which I just did). In a few hours, there should be some books in there.

And LilyM, since you're in the UK, you wouldn't have any problems, as Amazon.co.uk didn't have any problems with BM.

John Buckman
7 années
I was adding new books to my inventory yesterday using the ISBN number, and searching Amazon, nothing came up, so I just used the drop down box and searched amazon.co.uk, and it worked fine. :0)
7 années
I'm from Italy and my recent books uptade's page is still blank... :(
Any suggestion to bypass the problem?
7 années
this is the 2nd consecutive day that "no recent books found" shows in my browse option. what's happening???
7 années
The Lendle and Booklending kindle lending sites seem to have figured it out after a few weeks of struggling... maybe contact them and see what they finally did?
7 années
Still can't see new books. Second day. I am not that techy so not sure what I can do here. I guess wait until fixed. Thanks, Sandy
Sandra Faherty
7 années
Recent books posted are now showing up this morning! Yay!
7 années
Looks like everything is back to Amazon UK though...
7 années
I'm unable to search on IBSN I order to add a book. When I try switching to Amazon UK, and hit enter, it defaults back to amazon.com and does nothing.
7 années
I agree, Nancy. It’s no good this way. You cannot tell at a glance which books you’ve added to your wishlist- especially on pre-release titles (for me). I just recently joined, and would like to add more books to my wishlist, but this is just not working for me. Please do not simply “leave it this way.”
I would like to utilize this site (especially since I’ve sent out several books already, and have points to use). This “fix” seems a bit like simply slapping on a band-aid rather than treating the actual problem.
Any more info on when this will be fixed?
7 années
Hi John, I've been experiencing problems adding books. It only gives the option to search on Amazon and once I enter ISBN # it jumps to Inventory.

I hope the problem is fixed soon because someone is missing out on my good books!


7 années
Since this update, books that were not already in the Bookmooch database and were pulling data were missing _most_ of their information. Now it is letting me add them, but ALL of the information except ISBN is missing, they don't even have a title! Refresh data from Amazon does nothing.

Hope we can get this fixed soon!

7 années
Thanks for letting us know, John. I hope Amazon comes to its senses and restores BookMooch to its USA Amazon connection. I do order a lot of books from my BookMooch wish list that way, and I'm certainly not ordering from Amazon.uk, as their shipping charges were ridiculously high, the one time I ordered anything through them; I believe it was a shipping charge of at least $10 for a $5.00 book. Is there anything BookMooch members can do in the way of contacting Amazon to point out to them the business they're missing by cutting us off this way?
Margaret H.
7 années
Which Amazon.com referral tag is best to use: 'book0a9-21' or 'bookmooch-20'? During meantime, do you get money through 'bookmooch-20', or is that account "closed"? I use BookMooch's referral tag when shopping for all sorts of things other than books. Is 'book0a9-21' even valid on Amazon.com (USA)?
7 années

Thank you very very much for being a BookMooch Angel, and please allow 90 days for your refund.

Miss Daisy
7 années
Margaret, I think since you replied to John's original post a couple of weeks ago, you may have set it up to receive replies to this thread. Miss Daisy replied to John's original post, so if you were set up to receive replies, you would receive hers. Hope this helps!
7 années
Hi! I love Bookmooch but I feel it's too bad it's not possible to add pics of the books we add manually because they're not on Amazon. Are you by any chance planning to change that? By the way, authors of those books (added manually) don't come out in our inventory once the books are inserted. This does not help to donate them while they could be interesting for many. Thanks for you consideration
7 années
Yes, as I wrote it formerly, I am having the same problem. I hope it is a technical problem that can be solved...
7 années
I have 8 blank books on my wishlist. You can still get to the book page and try to refresh the info. I've done that and I think I was successful once. I also have put the author and title in a review. Each book page has a ten digit number at the end, which is often the ISBN or what bookmooch has in the ISBN field. So, to get to the page of a book with no author or title, right click on the remove link and copy the link. Then paste that into a text file. Now go to the page "bookmooch.com/m/detail/" with the isbn at the end of it. It is a ridiculous process, but at least you can get to the page.
7 années
Emma, check the URL of the page you are on. Pages in other languages should have a different address that starts with two letters (like fr for French) and then a period and then the URL of the english page. so instead of "bookmooch.com", you get "fr.bookmooch.com". If that has happened, try removing the fr. and hitting enter to see if that brings you back to English. If not, try logging out and then make sure you are on the english URL before you log back in.
7 années
Hi Emma, you had commented in this thread about 5 years ago (!), and must have selected to receive the thread by email, which is why you got an email about Pugg Dederson's post. Don't worry, it wasn't directed at you :)
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