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I shouldna gone on vacation!

I was on vacation last week, totally "off the grid" at the Burning Man festival.

And of course.... the one time I can't use the internet is the one time that BookMooch decided to act up. Usually (in past years) this has been caused by the launch of some new search engine that maniacally crawls all of BookMooch, thus slowing it down a lot.

I'm back in the real world now, and will shepherd BookMooch back to happiness!

On another topic, at Burning Man I ran an "art piece", which was projecting ambient light sculptures I've made this year, onto a 20ft dome, so that the light appeared in a sea of surrounding darkness. There's a very short youtube video of it below. It's part of a hopefully-to-some-day-finish project I'm calling "Pixcycler.com" which will help you you reuse the under-used screens in your home to display art.

John Buckman
9 années


Darn glad bookmooch is back up. Was worried when I couldn't log on.
Thanks for what you do for us readers.
9 années
Thanks for all you do; I love BookMooch! Hope you had a fun vacation. :)
Sara Bean
9 années
Thanks for fixing the site. Love Bookmooch.
9 années
Glad that there was something actually wrong. I was thinking I had just finally run out of patience.
Gretchen Ann
9 années
9 années
Thanks. I thought it was just me. :)
9 années
thanks for the info! you got me worried there... so glad Bookmooch is back up! more power!
9 années
Nice to have you back. Occasional bloops are inevitable. After all, the computer is only human.

Shana tova to whomever this applies.

9 années
I just asked my son last night to fix my computer since Bookmooch wouldn't load!
9 années
Thanks for BookMooch!
And glad you had such a fun and interesting vacation!
9 années
thank you for BookMooch and all that you do!!!!!
9 années
gotta admit, I assumed it was my computer
Lisa R
9 années
I thought oh, darn it was my computer. I lived, I just came back later.

Great photo of you! and I have to say you are way cooler than I am cause you went to burning man. Maybe someday I will go.

9 années
Lucky guy, you got a vaca. Love Burning Man, glad you enjoyed it. Thought I was having a meltdown when it took hours to get around the site. Glad to know it wasn't me or the computer. LOL
9 années
I also assumed it my computer/internet. Thanks for coming to the rescue! I am glad you were able to go on vacation. :)
9 années
Glad you got it working:)
9 années
So handsome! Glad everything is up and running again.
9 années
Good picture....I sure had a time mooching a book. Thought it was my computer and it took me close to 2 hours to mooch the book I wanted the other day. I had used up my time and it really slows down my computer. But I kept trying and was finally successful.
Ruth Keene
9 années
Temporary glitches...this is why I always keep a copy of my pending BookMooch transactions! ;-)
9 années
Thank you for fixing Bookmooch but also thanks for the advertisement for Burning Man.
A Nevadan
9 années
Glad you had a great vacation and sometimes glitches makes us appreciate this site even more. Tried ebooks but always go back to paper & hardback books. Thanks for BookMooch and all that you do to keep us reading! Good luck on your project, sounds interesting.
9 années
What a relief to know that BM's problem was fixable. I was finding it hard to get anything done here, and I rely on BM! Thanks for telling us what happened.

For me there's nothing like a real book made of paper. The experience just isn't the same with digital books and magazines.

I love the fact that even our imperfect and/or old books can be listed here because when I am eager to read a book, I couldn't care less if it has some tears or writing or stains in it, just so long as none of the text is obscured or missing!

9 années
So glad to see BM back up! For everyone who assumed there was something wrong with their devices, I recommend this website: http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com. if you type in the address of the website that isn't loading, it will let you know if the problem is at your end or theirs.
molly chambers
9 années
Yep, looking mighty fine there, and yep, glad it wasn't me.
9 années
Lookin' good there, John. I didn't know what 'Burning Man' was, so googled and read up. Wow, quite the event, it seems. (better you than me out there in the dust, lol...and I even live in NV) ps: a daughter went to Woodstock '94.
Lou B
9 années

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