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Cliffs Notes


Cliffs Notes Editors Shakespeare's Macbeth (Cliff's Notes)1
Cliffs Notes Editors Cliffs Notes on Shakespeare's Julius Caesar1
Inc. Cliffs Notes Red Badge of Courage Notes (Cliffs Notes)1
Cliffs Notes Editors Canterbury Tales Notes (Cliffs Notes)1
Cliffs Notes Editors Melville's Moby Dick (Cliffs Notes)1
Cliffs Notes Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby (Cliffs Notes)1
Cliffs To Kill a Mockingbird (Cliffs Notes)1

J. K. Lowers Hamlet (Cliffs Notes)3
James Weigel Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities (Cliffs Notes)1
Paul Stewart Scarlet Letter Notes (Cliffs Notes)2
Robert J. Milch Odyssey Notes (Cliffs Notes)4
J. L. Roberts Twain's Huckleberry Finn (Cliffs Notes)2
Norma Youngbirg Conrad's Heart of Darkness and Secret Sharer (Cliffs Notes)1
Arnie Jacobson Dickens' Great Expectations (Cliffs Notes)1
E. Fitzwater Pride and Prejudice (Notes)1
L. L. Hillegass Tempest Notes (Cliffs Notes)2
J. L. Roberts A Farewell to Arms (Cliffs Notes)1
Swift's Gulliver's Travels (Cliffs Notes)1
James K. Lowers King Henry IV, Part 1 (Cliffs Notes)1
Herman Melville Billy Budd and Typee (Cliffs Notes)3
Bob Linn Homer's Iliad (Cliffs Notes)1
James K. Lowers Shakespeare's King Lear (Cliffs Notes)1
Matthew Black Ph.D. Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream (Cliffs Notes)1
Jeffery Fisher Henry V (Cliffs Notes)1
R. B. Kaplan Salinger's the Catcher in the Rye (Cliffs Notes)1
Marie Kalil A Tale of Two Cities (Cliffs Notes)1
Philip E. Smith Ethan Frome Notes (Cliffs Notes)1
R. C. Flannagan Milton's Paradise Lost (Cliffs Notes)1
D. M. Calandra Cliffsnotes Lord of the Flies (Cliffs Notes)1
Valerie Pursel Zimbaro Joyce's Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man (Cliffs Notes)1
James L. Roberts As I Lay Dying (Cliffs Notes)1
Charles H. Patterson Plato's Euthyphro, Apology, Crito and Phaedo (Cliffs Notes)1
F. H. Thompson The Jungle (Cliffs Notes)1
James F. Bellman Antony and Cleopatra (Cliffs Notes)1
William Holland Eliot's Silas Marner (Cliffs Notes)1
Denis M. Calandra Shakespeare's Richard II (Cliffs Notes)1
Alex Went Macbeth (Cliffs Notes)1
Elaine Strong Skill Beowulf (Cliffs Notes)1
Amy L. Marsland Hugo's Les Miserables (Cliffs Notes)1
Francois Marie Arouet Candide (Cliffs Notes)1
Jennifer L. Scheidt The Crucible (Cliffs Notes)1
Sidney Lamb Romeo and Juliet (Cliffs Complete Study Editions)2
Harold Martin Priest The Faerie Queene (Cliffs Notes)1
George Eliot Cliffsnotes Middlemarch (Cliffs Notes)1
Cynthia McGowan Defoe's Robinson Crusoe (Cliffs Notes)1
Norma Ostrander A Passage To India (Cliffs Notes)1
Robert J. Milch Faust, Parts 1 and 2 (Cliffs Notes)1
John N. Gardner Sir Gawain and The Green Knight (Cliffs Notes)1
Jane Austen Spark Notes Emma (Spark Notes)1
Mercedes Bailey Creating a Budget (Cliffs Notes)1


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