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Points analysis

Name: Marie (France)
User ID: sanseverina
Points: 4.2

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
5.2 -1 4.2 mooch cancelled by requestor BM1215183027865296015 florence (France) 2017/03/06
4.2 +1 5.2 gave points for mooch request BM1215183027865296015 florence (France) 2017/01/05
5.2 -1 4.2 mooch cancelled by requestor BM1215885050906528209 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2012/01/04
4.2 +1 5.2 gave points for mooch request BM1215885050906528209 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2011/12/27
5.2 -1 4.2 mooch rejected by book owner BM1215184647112404849 Lazy Jane (France) 2011/04/12
5.3 -0.1 5.2 removing book from inventory BM1215184647112404849 Marie (France) 2011/04/12
6.3 -1 5.3 mooch cancelled by requestor BM1215177106211410462 Tania (France) 2011/01/09
7.3 -1 6.3 mooch cancelled by requestor BM1215177434806493763 Tania (France) 2011/01/09
6.3 +1 7.3 gave points for mooch request BM1215177434806493763 Tania (France) 2010/12/03
5.3 +1 6.3 gave points for mooch request BM1215177106211410462 Tania (France) 2010/12/03
4.3 +1 5.3 gave points for mooch request BM1215184647112404849 Lazy Jane (France) 2010/07/25
5.3 -1 4.3 mooch cancelled by requestor BM1215184647112404849 Le Naour (France) 2010/02/15
4.3 +1 5.3 gave points for mooch request BM1215184647112404849 Le Naour (France) 2009/12/13
5.3 -1 4.3 mooch cancelled by requestor BM1215184647112404849 VERONIQUE24 (France) 2009/10/31
4.3 +1 5.3 gave points for mooch request BM1215184647112404849 VERONIQUE24 (France) 2009/10/24
5.3 -1 4.3 mooch cancelled by requestor BM1215182883933039004 Hergoualc'h Anne (France) 2009/08/20
4.3 +1 5.3 gave points for mooch request BM1215182883933039004 Hergoualc'h Anne (France) 2009/08/17
4.2 +0.1 4.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 3446209492 Onno (Germany) 2009/05/14
6.2 -2 4.2 deducted points for mooch request 3446209492 Onno (Germany) 2009/04/19
3.2 +3 6.2 gave points for mooch request BM1215859777319754298 merilee olson (Canada) 2009/03/30
4.2 -1 3.2 mooch rejected by book owner BM1215183953960248964 Sylvain Couvinhes (France) 2009/03/13
4.3 -0.1 4.2 removing book from inventory BM1215183953960248964 Marie (France) 2009/03/13
4.2 +0.1 4.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0330294008 kevhowson (United Kingdom) 2009/02/24
3.2 +1 4.2 gave points for mooch request BM1215183953960248964 Sylvain Couvinhes (France) 2009/02/15
5.2 -2 3.2 deducted points for mooch request 0330294008 kevhowson (United Kingdom) 2009/02/08
3.2 +2 5.2 mooch rejected by book owner 8804359277 AliceTP (Italia) 2009/02/06
3.1 +0.1 3.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 8807820838 Francesca (Italy) 2009/02/05
5.1 -2 3.1 deducted points for mooch request 8807820838 Francesca (Italy) 2009/01/28
3.1 +2 5.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0394726413 Carolina (Chile) 2009/01/28
5.1 -2 3.1 deducted points for mooch request 8804359277 AliceTP (Italia) 2009/01/28
7.1 -2 5.1 deducted points for mooch request 0394726413 Carolina (Chile) 2008/12/23
6.1 +1 7.1 gave points for mooch request 2253150711 Milena (France) 2008/11/13
7.1 -1 6.1 mooch rejected by book owner 2253150711 Milena (France) 2008/11/13
6.1 +1 7.1 gave points for mooch request 2253150711 Milena (France) 2008/10/09
5.1 +1 6.1 gave points for mooch request 2253153958 cathy duvall (USA: TX) 2008/10/03
4.1 +1 5.1 gave points for mooch request 2253139459 cathy duvall (USA: TX) 2008/10/03
4 +0.1 4.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book BM1219057937595227075 afrodita (Italia) 2008/09/29
6 -2 4 deducted points for mooch request BM1219057937595227075 afrodita (Italia) 2008/09/16
5.9 +0.1 6 added book to inventory 2253153958 Marie (France) 2008/09/13
8.9 -3 5.9 mooch rejected by book owner 2253150711 gilbooks (USA: PA) 2008/09/07
5.9 +3 8.9 gave points for mooch request 2253150711 gilbooks (USA: PA) 2008/09/05
4.9 +1 5.9 gave points for mooch request 2253152846 liard (France) 2008/08/21
1.9 +3 4.9 gave points for mooch request 2253113395 CCollier (United Kingdom) 2008/07/18
1.8 +0.1 1.9 added book to inventory 2253139459 Marie (France) 2008/07/17
1.7 +0.1 1.8 added book to inventory 2253150711 Marie (France) 2008/07/17
1.6 +0.1 1.7 added book to inventory 2253113395 Marie (France) 2008/07/17
1.5 +0.1 1.6 added book to inventory 2253152846 Marie (France) 2008/07/17
1.4 +0.1 1.5 added book to inventory BM1215885050906528209 Marie (France) 2008/07/12
1.3 +0.1 1.4 added book to inventory BM1215859777319754298 Marie (France) 2008/07/12
1.2 +0.1 1.3 added book to inventory BM1215184647112404849 Marie (France) 2008/07/04