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Points analysis

Name: Lilian (Netherlands)
User ID: luckylil
Points: 136.3

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
133.3 +3 136.3 gave points for mooch request 0345361792 D.Roberts (USA: NY) 2024/11/06
133.2 +0.1 133.3 added book to inventory 1615190074 Lilian (Netherlands) 2024/09/28
130.2 +3 133.2 mooch rejected by book owner 9780812989816 beepeerebel (USA: MS) 2024/09/05
133.2 -3 130.2 deducted points for mooch request 014303622X lclabr (USA: NJ) 2024/09/01
132.2 +1 133.2 gave points for mooch request 9780062105240 Bex (Switzerland) 2024/08/26
135.2 -3 132.2 deducted points for mooch request 0553210092 _raegun (USA: TX) 2024/08/11
138.2 -3 135.2 deducted points for mooch request 9780552779043 Noursef (France) 2024/07/10
141.2 -3 138.2 deducted points for mooch request 9780812989816 beepeerebel (USA: MS) 2024/07/10
144.2 -3 141.2 deducted points for mooch request 0451524470 Sara (Singapore) 2024/05/26
141.2 +3 144.2 gave points for mooch request 0593064879 KarenM (United Kingdom) 2024/05/12
141.1 +0.1 141.2 added book to inventory 0593064879 Lilian (Netherlands) 2024/05/12
141 +0.1 141.1 added book to inventory 1442219823 Lilian (Netherlands) 2024/04/14
140.9 +0.1 141 added book to inventory 9780385742894 Lilian (Netherlands) 2024/03/20
140.8 +0.1 140.9 added book to inventory 1524700819 Lilian (Netherlands) 2024/03/20
140.7 +0.1 140.8 added book to inventory 0156027321 Lilian (Netherlands) 2024/03/20
140.6 +0.1 140.7 added book to inventory 043935806X Lilian (Netherlands) 2024/03/19
140.5 +0.1 140.6 added book to inventory 1555215734 Lilian (Netherlands) 2024/03/15
140.4 +0.1 140.5 added book to inventory 9781416523666 Lilian (Netherlands) 2024/03/15
140.3 +0.1 140.4 added book to inventory 0425240304 Lilian (Netherlands) 2024/03/05
140.2 +0.1 140.3 added book to inventory 0794501419 Lilian (Netherlands) 2024/03/05
140.1 +0.1 140.2 added book to inventory 0345361792 Lilian (Netherlands) 2024/03/01
137.1 +3 140.1 gave points for mooch request 0060525851 Petra (Belgium) 2024/02/25
134.1 +3 137.1 gave points for mooch request 0060525657 Petra (Belgium) 2024/02/25
131.1 +3 134.1 gave points for mooch request 0060525630 Petra (Belgium) 2024/02/25
128.1 +3 131.1 gave points for mooch request 0060525614 Petra (Belgium) 2024/02/25
125.1 +3 128.1 gave points for mooch request 0060525592 Petra (Belgium) 2024/02/25
122.1 +3 125.1 gave points for mooch request 0062366963 Petra (Belgium) 2024/02/25
122 +0.1 122.1 added book to inventory 0060525851 Lilian (Netherlands) 2024/02/21
121.9 +0.1 122 added book to inventory 0060525657 Lilian (Netherlands) 2024/02/21
121.8 +0.1 121.9 added book to inventory 0060525630 Lilian (Netherlands) 2024/02/21
121.7 +0.1 121.8 added book to inventory 0060525592 Lilian (Netherlands) 2024/02/21
121.6 +0.1 121.7 added book to inventory 0062366963 Lilian (Netherlands) 2024/02/21
121.5 +0.1 121.6 added book to inventory 9780385738767 Lilian (Netherlands) 2024/01/12
121.4 +0.1 121.5 added book to inventory 0060525614 Lilian (Netherlands) 2024/01/12
121.3 +0.1 121.4 added book to inventory 9780385738781 Lilian (Netherlands) 2024/01/11
121.2 +0.1 121.3 added book to inventory 9780385737951 Lilian (Netherlands) 2024/01/11
118.2 +3 121.2 gave points for mooch request BM1614541784549738055 Doreen Kern (Germany) 2023/11/26
115.2 +3 118.2 gave points for mooch request 0811204812 Daisy (USA: PA) 2023/11/19
115.1 +0.1 115.2 added book to inventory 0811204812 Lilian (Netherlands) 2023/11/17
115 +0.1 115.1 added book to inventory BM1614541784549738055 Lilian (Netherlands) 2023/08/25
114.9 +0.1 115 added book to inventory 9780563539230 Lilian (Netherlands) 2023/06/08
117.9 -3 114.9 deducted points for mooch request BM1614541784549738055 Dawn (USA: MD) 2023/04/21
118 -0.1 117.9 removed book from inventory 0743219872 Lilian (Netherlands) 2023/04/09
117.9 +0.1 118 added book to inventory 0743219872 Lilian (Netherlands) 2023/03/31
114.9 +3 117.9 gave points for mooch request 0007296711 Ari (USA: VT) 2023/03/12
114.8 +0.1 114.9 added book to inventory 0007296711 Lilian (Netherlands) 2023/03/11
111.8 +3 114.8 gave points for mooch request 0374180652 bschaefer (USA: VA) 2023/02/22
111.7 +0.1 111.8 added book to inventory 0374180652 Lilian (Netherlands) 2023/02/21
111.6 +0.1 111.7 added book to inventory 9780062105240 Lilian (Netherlands) 2023/02/05
112.6 -1 111.6 deducted points for mooch request 9001549861 Julia (Netherlands) 2023/01/29
109.6 +3 112.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 0451516524 Vale (USA: FL) 2023/01/29
109.5 +0.1 109.6 added book to inventory 1492238287 Lilian (Netherlands) 2023/01/20
109.4 +0.1 109.5 added book to inventory B009CD0SWG Lilian (Netherlands) 2022/11/15
112.4 -3 109.4 deducted points for mooch request 0007296711 wouter (Belgium) 2022/11/11
115.4 -3 112.4 deducted points for mooch request 0451516524 Vale (USA: FL) 2022/09/22
118.4 -3 115.4 deducted points for mooch request 0743219872 Laurent Parenteau (Canada) 2022/09/15
118.3 +0.1 118.4 added book to inventory 014100858X Lilian (Netherlands) 2022/06/16
121.3 -3 118.3 deducted points for mooch request 1492238287 iota (France) 2022/03/10
118.3 +3 121.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0451525221 Mira (Finland) 2022/03/10
121.3 -3 118.3 deducted points for mooch request 9780563539230 marcus petz (Finland) 2022/02/06
118.3 +3 121.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 9780563539230 lesley (Australia) 2022/02/06
121.3 -3 118.3 deducted points for mooch request 0451525221 Mira (Finland) 2021/12/24
124.3 -3 121.3 deducted points for mooch request 9780563539230 lesley (Australia) 2021/10/24
121.3 +3 124.3 lost in the mail says book owner 0064409430 susan (USA) 2021/10/24
118.3 +3 121.3 mooch rejected by book owner 0060852569 Katrina (USA: FL) 2021/07/05
115.3 +3 118.3 mooch rejected by book owner 0399537694 jasmin (USA: OR) 2021/07/03
118.3 -3 115.3 deducted points for mooch request 0060852569 Katrina (USA: FL) 2021/07/03
115.3 +3 118.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0060928336 John Blood (USA: MI) 2021/06/27
112.3 +3 115.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0060928336 AthenaK (USA: CA) 2021/06/27
109.3 +3 112.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0060928336 Jenny (USA: FL) 2021/06/27
106.3 +3 109.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0060928336 Cate (USA: NY) 2021/06/27
103.3 +3 106.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0060928336 Valois (USA: CA) 2021/06/27
100.3 +3 103.3 mooch rejected by book owner 055380121X Laura (USA: NY) 2021/06/17
97.3 +3 100.3 mooch rejected by book owner 0762401745 Skip (USA: AL) 2021/06/17
100.3 -3 97.3 deducted points for mooch request 055380121X Laura (USA: NY) 2021/06/17
100.4 -0.1 100.3 removed book from inventory 9028421106 Lilian (Netherlands) 2021/06/06
103.4 -3 100.4 deducted points for mooch request 0064409430 susan (USA) 2021/06/06
100.4 +3 103.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 0064405052 Lzlmon (USA: ND) 2021/06/06
97.4 +3 100.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 0006716636 Sooz (Suède) 2021/06/06
94.4 +3 97.4 gave points for mooch request 0330468464 Ikan Bilis (United Kingdom) 2021/05/25
97.4 -3 94.4 deducted points for mooch request 0762401745 Skip (USA: AL) 2021/05/24
100.4 -3 97.4 deducted points for mooch request 0399537694 jasmin (USA: OR) 2021/04/30
97.4 +3 100.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 0060928336 Linda (USA: VT) 2021/04/30
97.5 -0.1 97.4 removed book from inventory BM1393725598331398678 Lilian (Netherlands) 2021/03/21
94.5 +3 97.5 gave points for mooch request 1844132390 Dave Berry (USA: MA) 2021/03/09
97.5 -3 94.5 deducted points for mooch request 0060928336 John Blood (USA: MI) 2021/03/05
100.5 -3 97.5 deducted points for mooch request 0060928336 Linda (USA: VT) 2021/03/05
103.5 -3 100.5 deducted points for mooch request 0060928336 AthenaK (USA: CA) 2021/03/05
106.5 -3 103.5 deducted points for mooch request 0060928336 Jenny (USA: FL) 2021/03/05
109.5 -3 106.5 deducted points for mooch request 0060928336 Cate (USA: NY) 2021/03/05
112.5 -3 109.5 deducted points for mooch request 0060928336 Valois (USA: CA) 2021/03/05
112.4 +0.1 112.5 added book to inventory 9028421106 Lilian (Netherlands) 2021/03/05
112.3 +0.1 112.4 added book to inventory 1844132390 Lilian (Netherlands) 2021/03/05
112.4 -0.1 112.3 removed book from inventory BM1160745500996625418 Lilian (Netherlands) 2021/02/04
115.4 -3 112.4 deducted points for mooch request 1570621764 Donna (USA) 2021/02/04
118.4 -3 115.4 deducted points for mooch request 0064405052 Lzlmon (USA: ND) 2021/01/24
121.4 -3 118.4 deducted points for mooch request 0006716636 Sooz (Suède) 2021/01/24
120.4 +1 121.4 mooch cancelled by requestor B003MSIEBY Corinne Nienhuis (Netherlands) 2021/01/24
117.4 +3 120.4 lost in the mail says book owner B000P0FVFY dawn (Canada) 2021/01/17
114.4 +3 117.4 lost in the mail says book owner 0553569074 dawn (Canada) 2021/01/17
113.4 +1 114.4 gave points for mooch request B00KEBW094 wester (Netherlands) 2021/01/07
113.5 -0.1 113.4 removed book from inventory 9789044611182 Lilian (Netherlands) 2020/12/20
110.5 +3 113.5 mooch rejected by book owner 0007296711 wouter (Belgium) 2020/12/12
110.6 -0.1 110.5 removed book from inventory BM1526892593558063063 Lilian (Netherlands) 2020/12/04
113.6 -3 110.6 deducted points for mooch request 0007296711 wouter (Belgium) 2020/11/19
113.5 +0.1 113.6 added book to inventory BM1526892593558063063 Lilian (Netherlands) 2020/11/13
110.5 +3 113.5 mooch rejected by book owner 0816710627 Heather (USA: OH) 2020/11/11
113.5 -3 110.5 deducted points for mooch request 0816710627 Heather (USA: OH) 2020/11/11
116.5 -3 113.5 deducted points for mooch request 0060928336 pat hamilton (Greece) 2020/10/18
116.4 +0.1 116.5 added book to inventory BM1160745500996625418 Lilian (Netherlands) 2020/09/27
116.3 +0.1 116.4 added book to inventory 9789044611182 Lilian (Netherlands) 2020/09/27
116.4 -0.1 116.3 removed book from inventory 9089642021 Lilian (Netherlands) 2020/09/20
116.5 -0.1 116.4 removed book from inventory B000WUSJ1K Lilian (Netherlands) 2020/09/13
116.6 -0.1 116.5 removed book from inventory 9025432662 Lilian (Netherlands) 2020/09/06
113.6 +3 116.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 0571347290 Beth Fouts (USA: NH) 2020/08/30
110.6 +3 113.6 gave points for mooch request 0684801523 Katerina (Switzerland) 2020/08/20
113.6 -3 110.6 deducted points for mooch request B000P0FVFY dawn (Canada) 2020/08/18
116.6 -3 113.6 deducted points for mooch request 0553569074 dawn (Canada) 2020/08/17
119.6 -3 116.6 deducted points for mooch request 1844132390 marcus petz (Finland) 2020/07/24
119.5 +0.1 119.6 added book to inventory BM1393725598331398678 Lilian (Netherlands) 2020/07/19
119.6 -0.1 119.5 removed book from inventory 9046800393 Lilian (Netherlands) 2020/07/19
122.6 -3 119.6 deducted points for mooch request 1559391995 Donna (USA) 2020/07/12
122.7 -0.1 122.6 removed book from inventory 9060748107 Lilian (Netherlands) 2020/07/10
122.6 +0.1 122.7 added book to inventory 0684801523 Lilian (Netherlands) 2020/06/19
122.5 +0.1 122.6 added book to inventory 0330468464 Lilian (Netherlands) 2020/06/11
123.5 -1 122.5 deducted points for mooch request B003MSIEBY Corinne Nienhuis (Netherlands) 2020/06/11
120.5 +3 123.5 gave points for mooch request 055209806X wandering_star (United Kingdom) 2020/06/09
123.5 -3 120.5 mooch cancelled by requestor 9060748107 brezova (Belgium) 2020/06/07
120.5 +3 123.5 gave points for mooch request 9060748107 brezova (Belgium) 2020/06/07
117.5 +3 120.5 gave points for mooch request 1472212770 Crystal (USA: LA) 2020/05/24
117.4 +0.1 117.5 added book to inventory 1472212770 Lilian (Netherlands) 2020/05/22
117.3 +0.1 117.4 added book to inventory B000WUSJ1K Lilian (Netherlands) 2020/05/22
114.3 +3 117.3 mooch rejected by book owner 0060264306 Cathy (USA: MD) 2020/05/19
117.3 -3 114.3 deducted points for mooch request 0060264306 Cathy (USA: MD) 2020/05/19
114.3 +3 117.3 gave points for mooch request 9023438531 David (United Kingdom) 2020/05/15
117.3 -3 114.3 deducted points for mooch request 0571347290 Beth Fouts (USA: NH) 2020/05/12
114.3 +3 117.3 gave points for mooch request 0199642923 marcus petz (Finland) 2020/04/04
111.3 +3 114.3 gave points for mooch request 068487055X marcus petz (Finland) 2020/04/04
111.2 +0.1 111.3 added book to inventory 9025432662 Lilian (Netherlands) 2020/04/03
114.2 -3 111.2 deducted points for mooch request 0385341008 akashiva (United Kingdom) 2020/03/29
114.1 +0.1 114.2 added book to inventory 068487055X Lilian (Netherlands) 2020/03/29
114 +0.1 114.1 added book to inventory 055209806X Lilian (Netherlands) 2020/03/29
111 +3 114 mooch rejected by book owner 0753541637 HannahG (USA: VA) 2020/03/19
110.9 +0.1 111 added book to inventory 9046800393 Lilian (Netherlands) 2020/03/17
110.8 +0.1 110.9 added book to inventory 9060748107 Lilian (Netherlands) 2020/03/08
110.9 -0.1 110.8 removed book from inventory 1495370429 Lilian (Netherlands) 2020/03/08
113.9 -3 110.9 deducted points for mooch request 0330468464 DeeDee (United Kingdom) 2020/03/03
114 -0.1 113.9 removed book from inventory 9021451816 Lilian (Netherlands) 2020/02/28
113.9 +0.1 114 added book to inventory B00KEBW094 Lilian (Netherlands) 2020/02/28
114 -0.1 113.9 removed book from inventory 9045022672 Lilian (Netherlands) 2020/02/21
113.9 +0.1 114 added book to inventory 9089642021 Lilian (Netherlands) 2020/02/20
113.8 +0.1 113.9 added book to inventory 9023438531 Lilian (Netherlands) 2020/02/16
113.7 +0.1 113.8 added book to inventory 0199642923 Lilian (Netherlands) 2020/02/16
116.7 -3 113.7 deducted points for mooch request 0753541637 HannahG (USA: VA) 2020/02/16
116.8 -0.1 116.7 removed book from inventory 0345322932 Lilian (Netherlands) 2020/02/07
116.9 -0.1 116.8 removed book from inventory 9045034042 Lilian (Netherlands) 2020/02/02
117 -0.1 116.9 removed book from inventory 9047706838 Lilian (Netherlands) 2020/01/26
120 -3 117 deducted points for mooch request 185326041X akashiva (United Kingdom) 2020/01/26
120.1 -0.1 120 removed book from inventory 1843547139 Lilian (Netherlands) 2020/01/16
117.1 +3 120.1 mooch rejected by book owner 185326041X bookfantasy (Italia) 2020/01/12
120.1 -3 117.1 deducted points for mooch request 185326041X bookfantasy (Italia) 2020/01/12
117.1 +3 120.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0140180672 Günes Yörük (Turkey) 2020/01/12
117.2 -0.1 117.1 removed book from inventory 0143121707 Lilian (Netherlands) 2020/01/02
117.3 -0.1 117.2 removed book from inventory 0316779237 Lilian (Netherlands) 2019/12/24
117.2 +0.1 117.3 added book to inventory 1495370429 Lilian (Netherlands) 2019/12/15
117.1 +0.1 117.2 added book to inventory 9021451816 Lilian (Netherlands) 2019/12/15
117 +0.1 117.1 added book to inventory 0316779237 Lilian (Netherlands) 2019/12/15
114 +3 117 gave points for mooch request 0722532938 Christine Cooke (United Kingdom) 2019/12/12
113.9 +0.1 114 added book to inventory 0722532938 Lilian (Netherlands) 2019/12/08
110.9 +3 113.9 gave points for mooch request 0375712968 WebsterViennaLibrary (Austria) 2019/12/06
110.8 +0.1 110.9 added book to inventory 0375712968 Lilian (Netherlands) 2019/12/05
113.8 -3 110.8 deducted points for mooch request 0140180672 Günes Yörük (Turkey) 2019/12/05
110.8 +3 113.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 0684801523 Noeleen (USA: PA) 2019/12/05
110.7 +0.1 110.8 added book to inventory 9045022672 Lilian (Netherlands) 2019/11/28
110.6 +0.1 110.7 added book to inventory 0345322932 Lilian (Netherlands) 2019/11/22
110.5 +0.1 110.6 added book to inventory 9045034042 Lilian (Netherlands) 2019/11/08
110.4 +0.1 110.5 added book to inventory 9047706838 Lilian (Netherlands) 2019/11/01
110.5 -0.1 110.4 removed book from inventory 9045030780 Lilian (Netherlands) 2019/11/01
110.6 -0.1 110.5 removed book from inventory 9047504127 Lilian (Netherlands) 2019/10/25
110.7 -0.1 110.6 removed book from inventory 9060697502 Lilian (Netherlands) 2019/10/25
110.8 -0.1 110.7 removed book from inventory 9060693787 Lilian (Netherlands) 2019/10/25
110.9 -0.1 110.8 removed book from inventory 9026995113 Lilian (Netherlands) 2019/10/25
111 -0.1 110.9 removed book from inventory 9026128436 Lilian (Netherlands) 2019/10/20
111.1 -0.1 111 removed book from inventory 0786865091 Lilian (Netherlands) 2019/10/06
114.1 -3 111.1 deducted points for mooch request 0684801523 Noeleen (USA: PA) 2019/10/02
114.2 -0.1 114.1 removed book from inventory 9060695429 Lilian (Netherlands) 2019/09/01
111.2 +3 114.2 gave points for mooch request 1901285502 Nellerance (United Kingdom) 2019/08/30
114.2 -3 111.2 deducted points for mooch request 0199538115 Daria (Australia) 2019/08/30
117.2 -3 114.2 deducted points for mooch request 068487055X Lydia (USA: CA) 2019/07/18
117.3 -0.1 117.2 removed book from inventory 902257525X Lilian (Netherlands) 2019/06/27
114.3 +3 117.3 gave points for mooch request 1472150872 Dan (USA) 2019/06/21
114.2 +0.1 114.3 added book to inventory 1472150872 Lilian (Netherlands) 2019/06/21
114.1 +0.1 114.2 added book to inventory 1901285502 Lilian (Netherlands) 2019/06/21
114 +0.1 114.1 added book to inventory 1843547139 Lilian (Netherlands) 2019/06/21
113.9 +0.1 114 added book to inventory 0143121707 Lilian (Netherlands) 2019/06/21
110.9 +3 113.9 gave points for mooch request 1848722834 Grad Student Book Group (USA) 2019/06/09
110.8 +0.1 110.9 added book to inventory 1848722834 Lilian (Netherlands) 2019/06/07
110.7 +0.1 110.8 added book to inventory 902257525X Lilian (Netherlands) 2019/06/07
110.8 -0.1 110.7 removed book from inventory 9022537218 Lilian (Netherlands) 2019/06/07
110.7 +0.1 110.8 added book to inventory 9022537218 Lilian (Netherlands) 2019/06/07
110.6 +0.1 110.7 added book to inventory 9047504127 Lilian (Netherlands) 2019/05/17
110.5 +0.1 110.6 added book to inventory 9060697502 Lilian (Netherlands) 2019/05/17
110.4 +0.1 110.5 added book to inventory 9060693787 Lilian (Netherlands) 2019/05/17
110.3 +0.1 110.4 added book to inventory 9026995113 Lilian (Netherlands) 2019/05/17
113.3 -3 110.3 deducted points for mooch request 0199642923 WebsterViennaLibrary (Austria) 2019/05/17
110.3 +3 113.3 gave points for mooch request 1887542329 Nikki (USA: VA) 2019/05/11
110.2 +0.1 110.3 added book to inventory 9045030780 Lilian (Netherlands) 2019/05/09
110.1 +0.1 110.2 added book to inventory 1887542329 Lilian (Netherlands) 2019/05/09
110 +0.1 110.1 added book to inventory 9026128436 Lilian (Netherlands) 2019/05/05
110.1 -0.1 110 removed book from inventory 9025432662 Lilian (Netherlands) 2019/04/07
113.1 -3 110.1 deducted points for mooch request 1846680166 Barbara ABP (Italy) 2019/03/30
113.2 -0.1 113.1 removed book from inventory 0786883367 Lilian (Netherlands) 2019/03/24
113.3 -0.1 113.2 removed book from inventory 9060696662 Lilian (Netherlands) 2019/03/10
113.2 +0.1 113.3 added book to inventory 9025432662 Lilian (Netherlands) 2019/02/15
116.2 -3 113.2 deducted points for mooch request 0316779237 Steve (USA: DC) 2019/01/06
116.1 +0.1 116.2 added book to inventory 0786883367 Lilian (Netherlands) 2018/12/17
119.1 -3 116.1 deducted points for mooch request 086068511X Kasey Wink (USA: NE) 2018/11/11
119.2 -0.1 119.1 removed book from inventory 9025748635 Lilian (Netherlands) 2018/11/04
119.3 -0.1 119.2 removed book from inventory 9026903626 Lilian (Netherlands) 2018/11/04
116.3 +3 119.3 gave points for mooch request 1591841437 dawn (Canada) 2018/10/29
113.3 +3 116.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0316779237 AMANDA (Ireland) 2018/10/21
113.2 +0.1 113.3 added book to inventory 9026903626 Lilian (Netherlands) 2018/10/03
113.1 +0.1 113.2 added book to inventory 9025748635 Lilian (Netherlands) 2018/10/03
113.2 -0.1 113.1 removed book from inventory 0262018608 Lilian (Netherlands) 2018/09/30
116.2 -3 113.2 deducted points for mooch request 0452011698 Donna (USA) 2018/09/14
116.1 +0.1 116.2 added book to inventory 0786865091 Lilian (Netherlands) 2018/09/13
113.1 +3 116.1 mooch rejected by book owner 0060852569 Brett Glauser (USA) 2018/09/10
116.1 -3 113.1 deducted points for mooch request 0060852569 Brett Glauser (USA) 2018/09/09
119.1 -3 116.1 deducted points for mooch request 0316779237 AMANDA (Ireland) 2018/09/07
119 +0.1 119.1 added book to inventory 0262018608 Lilian (Netherlands) 2018/09/07
116 +3 119 gave points for mooch request 0552111902 Sylvain Rubenthaler (France) 2018/09/06
113 +3 116 gave points for mooch request 0262018608 Grad Student Book Group (USA) 2018/09/05
112.9 +0.1 113 added book to inventory 0262018608 Lilian (Netherlands) 2018/09/05
112.8 +0.1 112.9 added book to inventory 0552111902 Lilian (Netherlands) 2018/09/05
112.7 +0.1 112.8 added book to inventory 9060695429 Lilian (Netherlands) 2018/08/30
109.7 +3 112.7 gave points for mooch request 0552124753 Ed (Australia) 2018/08/29
109.8 -0.1 109.7 removed book from inventory 9044719742 Lilian (Netherlands) 2018/07/20
109.9 -0.1 109.8 removed book from inventory 9062382487 Lilian (Netherlands) 2018/07/20
110 -0.1 109.9 removed book from inventory 9025415458 Lilian (Netherlands) 2018/07/20
113 -3 110 deducted points for mooch request 0375712968 Byron Beach (USA: CA) 2018/07/15
112.9 +0.1 113 added book to inventory 0552124753 Lilian (Netherlands) 2018/07/05
115.9 -3 112.9 deducted points for mooch request 0143118706 DaeZed (Canada) 2018/07/05
116 -0.1 115.9 removed book from inventory 9050115187 Lilian (Netherlands) 2018/05/13
116.1 -0.1 116 removed book from inventory 9053419764 Lilian (Netherlands) 2018/04/22
116.2 -0.1 116.1 removed book from inventory 9025865011 Lilian (Netherlands) 2018/04/22
116.3 -0.1 116.2 removed book from inventory 9022997634 Lilian (Netherlands) 2018/04/22
116.4 -0.1 116.3 removed book from inventory 9038800800 Lilian (Netherlands) 2018/04/22
116.5 -0.1 116.4 removed book from inventory 9025865771 Lilian (Netherlands) 2018/04/22
116.6 -0.1 116.5 removed book from inventory 9047608410 Lilian (Netherlands) 2018/04/22
116.7 -0.1 116.6 removed book from inventory 9054449055 Lilian (Netherlands) 2018/04/22
116.8 -0.1 116.7 removed book from inventory 9089220321 Lilian (Netherlands) 2018/04/22
116.9 -0.1 116.8 removed book from inventory B00HTJQBOO Lilian (Netherlands) 2018/04/22
113.9 +3 116.9 gave points for mooch request 9047509919 Omnilinguist (United Kingdom) 2018/04/05
110.9 +3 113.9 gave points for mooch request BM1219703372391198217 Bart (USA: OH) 2018/04/02
110.8 +0.1 110.9 added book to inventory 9053419764 Lilian (Netherlands) 2018/04/02
110.7 +0.1 110.8 added book to inventory 9047509919 Lilian (Netherlands) 2018/03/25
110.6 +0.1 110.7 added book to inventory 9062382487 Lilian (Netherlands) 2018/03/18
113.6 -3 110.6 deducted points for mooch request 0964729237 Meekachu07 (USA: MN) 2018/03/18
113.7 -0.1 113.6 removed book from inventory 902842508X Lilian (Netherlands) 2018/02/25
110.7 +3 113.7 gave points for mooch request 0446604275 gerry (Ireland) 2018/02/04
110.8 -0.1 110.7 removed book from inventory 0746043066 Lilian (Netherlands) 2018/02/04
110.7 +0.1 110.8 added book to inventory 9050115187 Lilian (Netherlands) 2018/01/26
110.6 +0.1 110.7 added book to inventory 9025865011 Lilian (Netherlands) 2018/01/19
110.5 +0.1 110.6 added book to inventory 9022997634 Lilian (Netherlands) 2018/01/12
110.6 -0.1 110.5 removed book from inventory 9044820222 Lilian (Netherlands) 2018/01/05
110.7 -0.1 110.6 removed book from inventory 9068226509 Lilian (Netherlands) 2018/01/05
110.8 -0.1 110.7 removed book from inventory 9062387667 Lilian (Netherlands) 2018/01/05
110.9 -0.1 110.8 removed book from inventory 0786883375 Lilian (Netherlands) 2018/01/05
110.8 +0.1 110.9 added book to inventory 9038800800 Lilian (Netherlands) 2018/01/02
110.7 +0.1 110.8 added book to inventory 0446604275 Lilian (Netherlands) 2018/01/02
110.8 -0.1 110.7 removed book from inventory 9020283057 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/12/27
110.7 +0.1 110.8 added book to inventory 9044719742 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/12/22
110.6 +0.1 110.7 added book to inventory 9025865771 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/12/22
110.5 +0.1 110.6 added book to inventory 9068226509 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/12/22
110.4 +0.1 110.5 added book to inventory 9044820222 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/12/22
110.3 +0.1 110.4 added book to inventory 9047608410 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/12/22
110.2 +0.1 110.3 added book to inventory 9054449055 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/12/22
110.1 +0.1 110.2 added book to inventory 9089220321 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/12/22
110 +0.1 110.1 added book to inventory 902842508X Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/12/19
110.1 -0.1 110 removed book from inventory 9060696360 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/12/03
110.2 -0.1 110.1 removed book from inventory 9060696956 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/12/03
110.3 -0.1 110.2 removed book from inventory 9060696697 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/12/03
110.2 +0.1 110.3 added book to inventory 9020283057 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/12/01
110.3 -0.1 110.2 removed book from inventory 9063055587 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/11/16
110.4 -0.1 110.3 removed book from inventory 9029537353 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/11/16
110.3 +0.1 110.4 added book to inventory BM1219703372391198217 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/11/13
110.2 +0.1 110.3 added book to inventory 9060696360 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/11/13
110.1 +0.1 110.2 added book to inventory 9060696956 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/11/13
110 +0.1 110.1 added book to inventory 9060696697 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/11/13
109.9 +0.1 110 added book to inventory 9060696662 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/11/13
109.8 +0.1 109.9 added book to inventory 9062387667 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/11/13
109.7 +0.1 109.8 added book to inventory 9029537353 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/11/13
106.7 +3 109.7 mooch rejected by book owner 1451626266 Art Bingham (USA: IL) 2017/10/28
103.7 +3 106.7 mooch rejected by book owner 0375725784 DL (USA: UT) 2017/10/15
106.7 -3 103.7 deducted points for mooch request 0375725784 DL (USA: UT) 2017/10/15
106.6 +0.1 106.7 added book to inventory B00HTJQBOO Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/10/12
106.5 +0.1 106.6 added book to inventory 0786883375 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/10/12
109.5 -3 106.5 deducted points for mooch request 1451626266 Art Bingham (USA: IL) 2017/10/01
106.5 +3 109.5 gave points for mooch request 9076174148 Glen Kirk (USA: VA) 2017/09/18
106.6 -0.1 106.5 removed book from inventory 0688140718 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/09/15
106.7 -0.1 106.6 removed book from inventory 9076174121 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/09/15
106.8 -0.1 106.7 removed book from inventory 9029562382 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/09/15
106.7 +0.1 106.8 added book to inventory 9029562382 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/09/14
103.7 +3 106.7 gave points for mooch request 0143036556 A. T. (Finland) 2017/09/02
103.6 +0.1 103.7 added book to inventory 0143036556 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/09/01
100.6 +3 103.6 gave points for mooch request 0747581088 Franciek (Italy) 2017/09/01
97.6 +3 100.6 gave points for mooch request 9076174083 Ammie (USA: PA) 2017/08/28
97.5 +0.1 97.6 added book to inventory 9063055587 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/08/27
94.5 +3 97.5 gave points for mooch request 074754624X Adam (USA: ND) 2017/08/24
91.5 +3 94.5 gave points for mooch request 9780747591054 Adam (USA: ND) 2017/08/24
88.5 +3 91.5 gave points for mooch request 0751565350 Amanda (USA: WA) 2017/08/22
88.4 +0.1 88.5 added book to inventory 9076174083 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/08/22
88.3 +0.1 88.4 added book to inventory 9076174121 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/08/22
88.2 +0.1 88.3 added book to inventory 9076174148 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/08/22
88.1 +0.1 88.2 added book to inventory 0751565350 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/08/22
88 +0.1 88.1 added book to inventory 9780747591054 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/08/22
87.9 +0.1 88 added book to inventory 074754624X Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/08/21
87.8 +0.1 87.9 added book to inventory 0747581088 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/08/21
84.8 +3 87.8 gave points for mooch request 0747569401 brina (USA: CA) 2017/08/20
84.7 +0.1 84.8 added book to inventory 0747569401 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/08/20
84.6 +0.1 84.7 added book to inventory 0746043066 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/08/20
84.5 +0.1 84.6 added book to inventory 9025415458 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/07/30
81.5 +3 84.5 mooch rejected by book owner 0393317552 Adriana RC (USA: VT) 2017/07/24
84.5 -3 81.5 deducted points for mooch request 0786884207 Jennifer S (USA: KY) 2017/07/23
87.5 -3 84.5 deducted points for mooch request 0393317552 Adriana RC (USA: VT) 2017/07/23
87.4 +0.1 87.5 added book to inventory 0688140718 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/07/19
87.3 +0.1 87.4 added book to inventory 1591841437 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/07/19
84.3 +3 87.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 2264054069 Rzk (France) 2017/07/07
87.3 -3 84.3 deducted points for mooch request 2264054069 Rzk (France) 2017/07/07
90.3 -3 87.3 deducted points for mooch request 0061999857 Tania (France) 2017/07/07
87.3 +3 90.3 gave points for mooch request 1400033543 mannomann (Germany) 2017/07/06
87.2 +0.1 87.3 added book to inventory 1400033543 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/07/03
84.2 +3 87.2 gave points for mooch request 0786881852 tom costello (Netherlands) 2017/06/21
81.2 +3 84.2 gave points for mooch request 0802170390 Bariah (Australia) 2017/06/13
84.2 -3 81.2 deducted points for mooch request 0385659806 Juliana (Portugal) 2017/04/30
81.2 +3 84.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 0099450259 Lea (Germany) 2017/04/30
81.3 -0.1 81.2 removed book from inventory B003MSL1EG Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/04/12
81.4 -0.1 81.3 removed book from inventory 9045106418 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/04/12
81.5 -0.1 81.4 removed book from inventory 9045107600 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/04/12
81.6 -0.1 81.5 removed book from inventory 9045104180 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/04/12
81.7 -0.1 81.6 removed book from inventory 9045110873 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/04/12
81.8 -0.1 81.7 removed book from inventory 9071020320 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/04/12
81.9 -0.1 81.8 removed book from inventory 9025750451 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/04/12
82 -0.1 81.9 removed book from inventory B00B9B0QIA Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/04/12
82.1 -0.1 82 removed book from inventory 9027470774 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/04/12
82.2 -0.1 82.1 removed book from inventory 9049800092 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/04/12
82.3 -0.1 82.2 removed book from inventory 9054254785 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/04/12
82.4 -0.1 82.3 removed book from inventory 9021612348 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/04/12
82.5 -0.1 82.4 removed book from inventory 9045113996 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/04/12
82.6 -0.1 82.5 removed book from inventory 9045113163 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/04/12
82.7 -0.1 82.6 removed book from inventory 9020678140 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/04/12
82.8 -0.1 82.7 removed book from inventory 9045102161 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/04/12
82.9 -0.1 82.8 removed book from inventory 9023009266 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/04/12
83 -0.1 82.9 removed book from inventory 9026903650 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/04/12
83.1 -0.1 83 removed book from inventory 9047519752 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/04/12
83.2 -0.1 83.1 removed book from inventory 9020674072 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/04/12
83.3 -0.1 83.2 removed book from inventory 9048703212 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/04/12
83.4 -0.1 83.3 removed book from inventory 9048713935 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/04/12
83.5 -0.1 83.4 removed book from inventory 9025759203 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/04/12
83.6 -0.1 83.5 removed book from inventory 9055795003 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/04/12
83.7 -0.1 83.6 removed book from inventory 9044326899 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/04/12
83.8 -0.1 83.7 removed book from inventory 9049922864 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/04/12
83.9 -0.1 83.8 removed book from inventory 9023002822 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/04/09
84 -0.1 83.9 removed book from inventory 9023002938 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/04/09
84.1 -0.1 84 removed book from inventory 9023002792 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/04/09
84.2 -0.1 84.1 removed book from inventory 9023002296 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/04/09
84.3 -0.1 84.2 removed book from inventory 9023003918 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/04/09
84.4 -0.1 84.3 removed book from inventory 9024000815 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/04/09
84.5 -0.1 84.4 removed book from inventory 902400084X Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/04/09
84.6 -0.1 84.5 removed book from inventory 9024002257 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/04/09
81.6 +3 84.6 mooch rejected by book owner 0786865091 cindy jimenez (USA: MA) 2017/04/04
81.7 -0.1 81.6 removed book from inventory 9057594250 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/04/04
81.8 -0.1 81.7 removed book from inventory 9029575158 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/04/04
81.9 -0.1 81.8 removed book from inventory 9060695909 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/04/02
82 -0.1 81.9 removed book from inventory 1405248378 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/04/02
81.9 +0.1 82 added book to inventory 9049800092 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/03/26
82 -0.1 81.9 removed book from inventory 9056700421 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/03/26
85 -3 82 deducted points for mooch request 0099450259 Lea (Germany) 2017/03/26
82 +3 85 mooch cancelled by requestor 1400032717 allison (USA: OH) 2017/03/26
82.1 -0.1 82 removed book from inventory 9047602455 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/03/19
82.2 -0.1 82.1 removed book from inventory 9000029961 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/03/12
85.2 -3 82.2 deducted points for mooch request 0786865091 cindy jimenez (USA: MA) 2017/03/12
85.1 +0.1 85.2 added book to inventory 9045113163 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/03/09
85 +0.1 85.1 added book to inventory 9045113996 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/03/09
84.9 +0.1 85 added book to inventory 9020678140 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/03/09
84.8 +0.1 84.9 added book to inventory 9025750451 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/03/09
81.8 +3 84.8 mooch rejected by book owner 0786865091 cindy jimenez (USA: MA) 2017/03/06
81.7 +0.1 81.8 added book to inventory 0802170390 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/03/05
81.8 -0.1 81.7 removed book from inventory 9045113163 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/03/05
81.9 -0.1 81.8 removed book from inventory 9045113996 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/03/05
82 -0.1 81.9 removed book from inventory 9020678140 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/03/05
82.1 -0.1 82 removed book from inventory 9025750451 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/03/05
79.1 +3 82.1 gave points for mooch request 9789059650749 David (United Kingdom) 2017/02/26
76.1 +3 79.1 gave points for mooch request 0099425238 WebsterViennaLibrary (Austria) 2017/02/24
73.1 +3 76.1 gave points for mooch request 9025704034 annlchasek (USA: NY) 2017/02/22
73 +0.1 73.1 added book to inventory 0099425238 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/02/21
76 -3 73 deducted points for mooch request 1400033543 JessicaG (Japan) 2017/02/18
79 -3 76 deducted points for mooch request 1400032717 allison (USA: OH) 2017/02/18
76 +3 79 mooch cancelled by requestor 0099450259 Lea (Germany) 2017/02/18
76.1 -0.1 76 removed book from inventory 9081867229 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/02/18
76 +0.1 76.1 added book to inventory 9027470774 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/02/17
76.1 -0.1 76 removed book from inventory 9023477626 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/02/17
76 +0.1 76.1 added book to inventory 9025704034 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/02/12
75.9 +0.1 76 added book to inventory 9021612348 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/02/12
75.8 +0.1 75.9 added book to inventory 9045102161 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/02/12
75.9 -0.1 75.8 removed book from inventory 9025848451 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/02/10
76 -0.1 75.9 removed book from inventory 0140018948 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/02/05
75.9 +0.1 76 added book to inventory 9045113163 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/02/05
75.8 +0.1 75.9 added book to inventory 9045113996 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/02/05
75.9 -0.1 75.8 removed book from inventory 9068228714 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/01/29
76 -0.1 75.9 removed book from inventory 9025902189 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/01/29
76.1 -0.1 76 removed book from inventory 9021600552 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/01/29
79.1 -3 76.1 deducted points for mooch request 0786865091 cindy jimenez (USA: MA) 2017/01/29
82.1 -3 79.1 mooch rejected by book owner 9027470774 Jeremy Edmonds (USA: OR) 2017/01/29
82.2 -0.1 82.1 removing book from inventory 9027470774 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/01/29
79.2 +3 82.2 gave points for mooch request 9027470774 Jeremy Edmonds (USA: OR) 2017/01/26
79.3 -0.1 79.2 removed book from inventory 9021670763 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/01/23
79.4 -0.1 79.3 removed book from inventory 9021612755 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/01/23
79.5 -0.1 79.4 removed book from inventory 9024518091 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/01/22
78.5 +1 79.5 gave points for mooch request 9023462157 WendyMoerland (Netherlands) 2017/01/15
78.4 +0.1 78.5 added book to inventory 9049922864 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/01/15
78.3 +0.1 78.4 added book to inventory 9023462157 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/01/15
78.2 +0.1 78.3 added book to inventory 9057594250 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/01/15
78.1 +0.1 78.2 added book to inventory 9024518091 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/01/15
78.2 -0.1 78.1 removed book from inventory 9021433737 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/01/15
81.2 -3 78.2 deducted points for mooch request 0099450259 Lea (Germany) 2017/01/11
78.2 +3 81.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 1400032717 clesias (Singapore) 2017/01/08
78.1 +0.1 78.2 added book to inventory 9048703212 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/01/06
78 +0.1 78.1 added book to inventory 9048713935 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/01/06
77.9 +0.1 78 added book to inventory 9020674072 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/01/05
77.8 +0.1 77.9 added book to inventory 9024002257 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/01/05
77.7 +0.1 77.8 added book to inventory 902400084X Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/01/05
77.6 +0.1 77.7 added book to inventory 9024000815 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/01/05
77.5 +0.1 77.6 added book to inventory 9023003918 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/01/05
77.4 +0.1 77.5 added book to inventory 9023002296 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/01/05
77.3 +0.1 77.4 added book to inventory 9023002792 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/01/05
77.2 +0.1 77.3 added book to inventory 9023002938 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/01/05
77.1 +0.1 77.2 added book to inventory 9023002822 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/01/05
77.2 -0.1 77.1 removed book from inventory 9025901646 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/01/05
77.1 +0.1 77.2 added book to inventory 9054254785 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/01/02
80.1 -3 77.1 deducted points for mooch request 0688140718 Laurren (USA: ND) 2017/01/01
80 +0.1 80.1 added book to inventory 9023009266 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/01/01
79.9 +0.1 80 added book to inventory 9055795003 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/01/01
79.8 +0.1 79.9 added book to inventory 9044326899 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/01/01
79.7 +0.1 79.8 added book to inventory 9021670763 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/01/01
79.6 +0.1 79.7 added book to inventory 9026903650 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/01/01
79.7 -0.1 79.6 removed book from inventory 9033007770 Lilian (Netherlands) 2017/01/01
76.7 +3 79.7 gave points for mooch request 9026643802 Kim Kozak (USA: MI) 2016/12/23
73.7 +3 76.7 gave points for mooch request 9026642512 Kim Kozak (USA: MI) 2016/12/23
73.6 +0.1 73.7 added book to inventory 9025759203 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/12/22
73.5 +0.1 73.6 added book to inventory 9021612755 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/12/22
73.4 +0.1 73.5 added book to inventory 0786881852 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/12/09
73.3 +0.1 73.4 added book to inventory 9023477626 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/12/09
73.2 +0.1 73.3 added book to inventory 9020678140 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/12/08
73.1 +0.1 73.2 added book to inventory 9071020320 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/12/02
70.1 +3 73.1 gave points for mooch request B000K4L9NS Leanne (USA: FL) 2016/11/28
70 +0.1 70.1 added book to inventory 9047519752 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/11/27
70.1 -0.1 70 removed book from inventory 9026333374 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/11/27
70 +0.1 70.1 added book to inventory 9021433737 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/11/24
70.1 -0.1 70 removed book from inventory 1580082424 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/11/21
70.2 -0.1 70.1 removed book from inventory 9029518219 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/11/20
73.2 -3 70.2 mooch rejected by book owner 9027470774 Mairim (Italia) 2016/11/20
73.1 +0.1 73.2 added book to inventory 9789059650749 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/11/18
73.2 -0.1 73.1 removed book from inventory 909021352X Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/11/12
73.3 -0.1 73.2 removed book from inventory 9000030684 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/11/12
73.4 -0.1 73.3 removed book from inventory 9045101874 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/11/12
73.5 -0.1 73.4 removed book from inventory 9021669641 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/11/12
73.6 -0.1 73.5 removed book from inventory 9049922872 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/11/12
73.5 +0.1 73.6 added book to inventory 9025901646 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/11/10
73.4 +0.1 73.5 added book to inventory B003MSL1EG Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/11/10
70.4 +3 73.4 gave points for mooch request 9027470774 Mairim (Italia) 2016/11/05
70.3 +0.1 70.4 added book to inventory 9021600552 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/11/04
70.2 +0.1 70.3 added book to inventory B00B9B0QIA Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/11/03
70.1 +0.1 70.2 added book to inventory 9029575158 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/11/02
70 +0.1 70.1 added book to inventory 9049922872 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/11/02
69.9 +0.1 70 added book to inventory 9027470774 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/11/02
70 -0.1 69.9 removed book from inventory 9029573090 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/10/30
69.9 +0.1 70 added book to inventory 909021352X Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/10/28
69.8 +0.1 69.9 added book to inventory 9045101874 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/10/28
69.7 +0.1 69.8 added book to inventory 9021669641 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/10/28
69.6 +0.1 69.7 added book to inventory 9000030684 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/10/27
69.5 +0.1 69.6 added book to inventory 9045107600 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/10/27
69.4 +0.1 69.5 added book to inventory 9045106418 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/10/27
69.3 +0.1 69.4 added book to inventory 9045110873 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/10/27
69.2 +0.1 69.3 added book to inventory 9045104180 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/10/27
69.3 -0.1 69.2 removed book from inventory 9041706933 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/10/23
69.4 -0.1 69.3 removed book from inventory 9049804748 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/10/21
69.3 +0.1 69.4 added book to inventory 9026333374 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/10/19
72.3 -3 69.3 deducted points for mooch request 1400032717 clesias (Singapore) 2016/10/16
73.3 -1 72.3 deducted points for mooch request 9789041709516 Mari Arentshorst (Netherlands) 2016/10/16
70.3 +3 73.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0571084834 Jason&leanne (Canada) 2016/10/16
67.3 +3 70.3 gave points for mooch request 184408146X Aspa (Greece) 2016/10/13
67.2 +0.1 67.3 added book to inventory 184408146X Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/10/13
70.2 -3 67.2 deducted points for mooch request 0143036556 Cowley Club Library (United Kingdom) 2016/10/09
70.3 -0.1 70.2 removed book from inventory 9027675384 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/10/09
70.4 -0.1 70.3 removed book from inventory 9025747450 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/10/09
70.3 +0.1 70.4 added book to inventory 9049804748 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/10/07
70.2 +0.1 70.3 added book to inventory 9025750451 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/10/05
70.1 +0.1 70.2 added book to inventory 9060695909 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/10/05
70 +0.1 70.1 added book to inventory 9027675384 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/10/05
73 -3 70 deducted points for mooch request 0786883367 HarleyHundi (USA: IN) 2016/10/02
73.1 -0.1 73 removed book from inventory B003MR8QW2 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/10/02
72.1 +1 73.1 mooch cancelled by requestor BM1232984285451679129 WendyMoerland (Netherlands) 2016/10/02
75.1 -3 72.1 deducted points for mooch request 0571084834 Jason&leanne (Canada) 2016/09/18
75.2 -0.1 75.1 removed book from inventory 9035135245 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/09/18
75.3 -0.1 75.2 removed book from inventory 9025405274 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/09/18
75.4 -0.1 75.3 removed book from inventory 9021481421 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/09/11
75.5 -0.1 75.4 removed book from inventory 1625274491 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/09/06
78.5 -3 75.5 deducted points for mooch request 1591841437 tony picco (USA: NY) 2016/09/04
78.6 -0.1 78.5 removed book from inventory 9081899007 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/09/04
78.7 -0.1 78.6 removed book from inventory 906057110X Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/09/04
78.8 -0.1 78.7 removed book from inventory 9029564733 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/09/04
78.7 +0.1 78.8 added book to inventory 9035135245 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/09/04
78.8 -0.1 78.7 removed book from inventory 9044600087 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/08/18
78.9 -0.1 78.8 removed book from inventory 9025901646 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/08/18
81.9 -3 78.9 deducted points for mooch request 0802170390 John Palmer (United Kingdom) 2016/08/16
84.9 -3 81.9 deducted points for mooch request 0786883375 Kim (USA: OH) 2016/08/07
85.9 -1 84.9 deducted points for mooch request BM1232984285451679129 WendyMoerland (Netherlands) 2016/08/07
85.8 +0.1 85.9 added book to inventory B000K4L9NS Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/08/07
86.8 -1 85.8 deducted points for mooch request 9044627694 Diana (Netherlands) 2016/07/19
86.7 +0.1 86.8 added book to inventory 1625274491 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/07/17
86.8 -0.1 86.7 removed book from inventory 9047506472 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/07/17
89.8 -3 86.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 9056700421 Laurren (USA: ND) 2016/07/14
89.7 +0.1 89.8 added book to inventory 9025747450 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/07/14
86.7 +3 89.7 gave points for mooch request 9056700421 Laurren (USA: ND) 2016/07/14
86.6 +0.1 86.7 added book to inventory 9029564733 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/07/13
86.5 +0.1 86.6 added book to inventory 9056700421 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/07/13
86.4 +0.1 86.5 added book to inventory 9047506472 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/07/10
86.5 -0.1 86.4 removed book from inventory 9024518091 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/07/09
86.6 -0.1 86.5 removed book from inventory 9041420134 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/07/09
86.7 -0.1 86.6 removed book from inventory 9088501874 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/07/03
86.6 +0.1 86.7 added book to inventory 9047602455 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/07/01
86.7 -0.1 86.6 removed book from inventory 1625274491 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/06/29
86.8 -0.1 86.7 removed book from inventory 9029564733 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/06/26
86.9 -0.1 86.8 removed book from inventory 9041205624 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/06/26
86.8 +0.1 86.9 added book to inventory 9029564733 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/06/22
86.7 +0.1 86.8 added book to inventory 9000029961 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/06/21
86.8 -0.1 86.7 removed book from inventory 9025741495 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/06/19
86.9 -0.1 86.8 removed book from inventory 9029090243 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/06/19
87 -0.1 86.9 removed book from inventory 9021453525 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/06/19
90 -3 87 deducted points for mooch request B00HTJQBOO Doris (Croatia) 2016/06/15
89.9 +0.1 90 added book to inventory 1405248378 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/06/05
88.9 +1 89.9 gave points for mooch request 906963905X wester (Netherlands) 2016/05/22
88.8 +0.1 88.9 added book to inventory 9081867229 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/05/15
85.8 +3 88.8 gave points for mooch request 9020282697 Sonia (Canada) 2016/05/15
85.7 +0.1 85.8 added book to inventory 9025848451 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/05/12
85.6 +0.1 85.7 added book to inventory 9026642512 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/05/12
85.5 +0.1 85.6 added book to inventory 9026643802 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/05/12
85.4 +0.1 85.5 added book to inventory 9020282697 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/05/12
85.3 +0.1 85.4 added book to inventory 9033007770 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/05/08
85.2 +0.1 85.3 added book to inventory 9044600087 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/05/01
85.1 +0.1 85.2 added book to inventory 9025901646 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/04/28
82.1 +3 85.1 gave points for mooch request 0752833898 Grace (Canada) 2016/04/21
82 +0.1 82.1 added book to inventory 0752833898 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/04/20
81.9 +0.1 82 added book to inventory 1625274491 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/04/15
81.8 +0.1 81.9 added book to inventory 9041205624 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/04/14
81.7 +0.1 81.8 added book to inventory 9068228714 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/04/14
81.6 +0.1 81.7 added book to inventory 906057110X Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/04/14
80.6 +1 81.6 gave points for mooch request 9056370278 sloebertje (Netherlands) 2016/03/31
80.5 +0.1 80.6 added book to inventory 9081899007 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/03/31
80.6 -0.1 80.5 removed book from inventory 9059652347 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/03/20
80.5 +0.1 80.6 added book to inventory 9029090243 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/03/17
77.5 +3 80.5 gave points for mooch request 9029532769 daithi_dearg (Ireland) 2016/03/04
77.4 +0.1 77.5 added book to inventory 9021481421 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/02/26
77.3 +0.1 77.4 added book to inventory 9029532769 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/02/22
77.4 -0.1 77.3 removed book from inventory 0140214461 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/02/22
77.5 -0.1 77.4 removed book from inventory 9044623109 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/02/17
77.6 -0.1 77.5 removed book from inventory 9041418520 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/02/17
77.5 +0.1 77.6 added book to inventory 9044623109 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/01/24
77.4 +0.1 77.5 added book to inventory 9025902189 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/01/22
80.4 -3 77.4 mooch rejected by book owner 1611800587 Donna (USA) 2016/01/22
80.5 -0.1 80.4 removing book from inventory 1611800587 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/01/22
80.4 +0.1 80.5 added book to inventory 9025405274 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/01/22
80.5 -0.1 80.4 removed book from inventory 9028422501 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/01/10
77.5 +3 80.5 gave points for mooch request 1611800587 Donna (USA) 2016/01/08
77.4 +0.1 77.5 added book to inventory 0140018948 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/01/07
77.3 +0.1 77.4 added book to inventory 1611800587 Lilian (Netherlands) 2016/01/07
80.3 -3 77.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 9029518219 David (United Kingdom) 2016/01/06
77.3 +3 80.3 gave points for mooch request 9029518219 David (United Kingdom) 2015/12/22
77.4 -0.1 77.3 removed book from inventory 9060056779 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/12/06
76.4 +1 77.4 gave points for mooch request 9033008181 Diana (Netherlands) 2015/11/23
75.4 +1 76.4 gave points for mooch request 9055018392 wester (Netherlands) 2015/11/22
74.4 +1 75.4 gave points for mooch request 1573227358 wester (Netherlands) 2015/11/22
74.5 -0.1 74.4 removed book from inventory 9022996972 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/11/22
74.6 -0.1 74.5 removed book from inventory 9059650026 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/11/22
74.7 -0.1 74.6 removed book from inventory 9060696832 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/11/22
74.6 +0.1 74.7 added book to inventory 1573227358 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/11/22
74.7 -0.1 74.6 removed book from inventory 9055893056 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/11/07
74.6 +0.1 74.7 added book to inventory 9033008181 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/11/01
74.7 -0.1 74.6 removed book from inventory 904103322X Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/11/01
74.6 +0.1 74.7 added book to inventory 1580082424 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/10/28
74.7 -0.1 74.6 removed book from inventory 9023401735 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/10/24
74.6 +0.1 74.7 added book to inventory 9059650026 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/10/14
74.5 +0.1 74.6 added book to inventory 9029518219 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/10/09
74.6 -0.1 74.5 removed book from inventory 9025903460 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/10/02
74.7 -0.1 74.6 removed book from inventory 9021543524 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/09/27
74.8 -0.1 74.7 removed book from inventory B003B4AKOI Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/09/27
74.9 -0.1 74.8 removed book from inventory 9035132238 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/09/17
75 -0.1 74.9 removed book from inventory 9020282697 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/09/17
75.1 -0.1 75 removed book from inventory 9044515136 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/09/13
75 +0.1 75.1 added book to inventory 9055018392 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/09/13
75.1 -0.1 75 removed book from inventory 9058714004 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/09/06
75.2 -0.1 75.1 removed book from inventory 9023430638 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/08/23
75.1 +0.1 75.2 added book to inventory B003MR8QW2 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/07/24
74.1 +1 75.1 gave points for mooch request 9050004822 wouter (Belgium) 2015/07/20
74 +0.1 74.1 added book to inventory 9041420134 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/07/19
73.9 +0.1 74 added book to inventory 9044515136 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/07/17
70.9 +3 73.9 mooch cancelled by requestor 0802170390 Ellie (Philippines) 2015/07/06
70.8 +0.1 70.9 added book to inventory B003B4AKOI Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/07/05
70.9 -0.1 70.8 removed book from inventory 0131975749 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/06/28
71 -0.1 70.9 removed book from inventory 9022994287 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/06/21
71.1 -0.1 71 removed book from inventory 9059207084 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/06/21
71.2 -0.1 71.1 removed book from inventory 9021464780 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/06/21
71.1 +0.1 71.2 added book to inventory 9024518091 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/06/07
71.2 -0.1 71.1 removed book from inventory 9038895186 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/06/07
71.3 -0.1 71.2 removed book from inventory 9044725424 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/05/31
71.2 +0.1 71.3 added book to inventory 9035132238 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/05/29
71.1 +0.1 71.2 added book to inventory 906963905X Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/05/22
71 +0.1 71.1 added book to inventory 9025903460 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/05/21
70.9 +0.1 71 added book to inventory 9025741495 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/05/17
73.9 -3 70.9 deducted points for mooch request 0802170390 Ellie (Philippines) 2015/05/15
74 -0.1 73.9 removed book from inventory 9032509675 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/05/15
74.1 -0.1 74 removed book from inventory 9029573309 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/05/15
74 +0.1 74.1 added book to inventory 9022996972 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/05/14
73.9 +0.1 74 added book to inventory 9056370278 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/05/13
73.8 +0.1 73.9 added book to inventory 9060696832 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/05/10
73.7 +0.1 73.8 added book to inventory 9029573090 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/04/26
70.7 +3 73.7 mooch rejected by book owner 1401922708 cindy jimenez (USA: MA) 2015/04/24
70.8 -0.1 70.7 removed book from inventory 9030803754 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/04/19
73.8 -3 70.8 deducted points for mooch request 1401922708 cindy jimenez (USA: MA) 2015/04/17
73.7 +0.1 73.8 added book to inventory 9041706933 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/04/15
73.8 -0.1 73.7 removed book from inventory 9049101089 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/04/02
73.9 -0.1 73.8 removed book from inventory 1580082424 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/03/31
73.8 +0.1 73.9 added book to inventory 9059652347 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/03/29
73.7 +0.1 73.8 added book to inventory 9088501874 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/03/26
73.6 +0.1 73.7 added book to inventory 9041418520 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/03/26
73.7 -0.1 73.6 removed book from inventory 9789059651265 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/03/22
73.8 -0.1 73.7 removed book from inventory BM1363353465904746535 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/03/22
73.7 +0.1 73.8 added book to inventory 1580082424 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/03/22
73.6 +0.1 73.7 added book to inventory 9032509675 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/03/18
73.7 -0.1 73.6 removed book from inventory 9789037705379 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/03/15
73.8 -0.1 73.7 removed book from inventory 9002119704 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/03/08
73.9 -0.1 73.8 removed book from inventory 9002122462 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/03/08
73.8 +0.1 73.9 added book to inventory 9021453525 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/03/05
73.7 +0.1 73.8 added book to inventory 9028422501 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/03/03
73.8 -0.1 73.7 removed book from inventory 0118221408 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/03/01
73.9 -0.1 73.8 removed book from inventory 9002107005 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/02/22
73.8 +0.1 73.9 added book to inventory 9020282697 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/02/15
73.7 +0.1 73.8 added book to inventory 9022994287 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/02/08
73.6 +0.1 73.7 added book to inventory 9029573309 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/02/08
73.7 -0.1 73.6 removed book from inventory 9029579315 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/01/18
73.6 +0.1 73.7 added book to inventory 9055893056 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/01/15
73.5 +0.1 73.6 added book to inventory 9029579315 Lilian (Netherlands) 2015/01/08
70.5 +3 73.5 gave points for mooch request 9029050551 David (United Kingdom) 2015/01/02
70.4 +0.1 70.5 added book to inventory 9021543524 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/12/14
70.3 +0.1 70.4 added book to inventory 9059207084 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/12/12
70.2 +0.1 70.3 added book to inventory 904103322X Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/11/10
70.3 -0.1 70.2 removed book from inventory 1580082424 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/10/26
70.4 -0.1 70.3 removed book from inventory 3827010926 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/10/19
70.5 -0.1 70.4 removed book from inventory 9789052953847 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/10/15
70.6 -0.1 70.5 removed book from inventory 9047705335 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/10/15
70.5 +0.1 70.6 added book to inventory 9049101089 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/10/12
70.6 -0.1 70.5 removed book from inventory 9021445972 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/10/08
70.7 -0.1 70.6 removed book from inventory 9025420001 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/10/08
70.8 -0.1 70.7 removed book from inventory 9045004011 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/10/08
70.9 -0.1 70.8 removed book from inventory 9020986287 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/10/08
70.8 +0.1 70.9 added book to inventory 9025420001 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/10/05
73.8 -3 70.8 deducted points for mooch request 0099501635 Christina Pham (USA: CA) 2014/10/01
76.8 -3 73.8 deducted points for mooch request 0393317552 Donna (USA) 2014/10/01
76.7 +0.1 76.8 added book to inventory 3827010926 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/10/01
79.7 -3 76.7 mooch rejected by book owner 9780099520825 Jane Price (United Kingdom) 2014/09/17
79.8 -0.1 79.7 removing book from inventory 9780099520825 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/09/17
76.8 +3 79.8 gave points for mooch request 9780099520825 Jane Price (United Kingdom) 2014/09/12
76.9 -0.1 76.8 removed book from inventory 9063052693 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/09/11
76.8 +0.1 76.9 added book to inventory 9021464780 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/09/05
76.7 +0.1 76.8 added book to inventory 9780099520825 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/09/04
76.8 -0.1 76.7 removed book from inventory 902905848X Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/08/31
76.7 +0.1 76.8 added book to inventory 9063052693 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/08/07
75.7 +1 76.7 mooch cancelled by requestor BM1232984285451679129 WendyMoerland (Netherlands) 2014/08/01
75.6 +0.1 75.7 added book to inventory 9020986287 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/08/01
75.5 +0.1 75.6 added book to inventory 902905848X Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/08/01
75.6 -0.1 75.5 removed book from inventory 9055019275 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/07/31
74.6 +1 75.6 gave points for mooch request 9021445948 Mari Arentshorst (Netherlands) 2014/07/31
73.6 +1 74.6 gave points for mooch request 9067661384 Mari Arentshorst (Netherlands) 2014/07/31
73.7 -0.1 73.6 removed book from inventory 9023438841 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/07/28
73.6 +0.1 73.7 added book to inventory 0140214461 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/07/22
73.7 -0.1 73.6 removed book from inventory 905712100X Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/07/22
73.8 -0.1 73.7 removed book from inventory 9052264740 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/07/21
73.9 -0.1 73.8 removed book from inventory 9047131323 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/07/21
74 -0.1 73.9 removed book from inventory 9026903693 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/07/21
73.9 +0.1 74 added book to inventory 9058714004 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/07/13
70.9 +3 73.9 gave points for mooch request 1612190405 Bill (USA: MT) 2014/07/09
71 -0.1 70.9 removed book from inventory 9088502072 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/07/09
71.1 -0.1 71 removed book from inventory 9021324415 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/07/09
71.2 -0.1 71.1 removed book from inventory 9069639777 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/07/09
71.1 +0.1 71.2 added book to inventory 1612190405 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/07/09
71 +0.1 71.1 added book to inventory 9021445948 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/07/06
70.9 +0.1 71 added book to inventory 9021445972 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/07/06
70.8 +0.1 70.9 added book to inventory 905712100X Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/07/06
70.7 +0.1 70.8 added book to inventory 9055019275 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/07/06
73.7 -3 70.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 9023401735 HunyBadger (USA: PA) 2014/07/02
70.7 +3 73.7 gave points for mooch request 9074336256 HunyBadger (USA: PA) 2014/07/02
67.7 +3 70.7 gave points for mooch request 9023401735 HunyBadger (USA: PA) 2014/07/01
67.8 -0.1 67.7 removed book from inventory 9058714179 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/07/01
64.8 +3 67.8 gave points for mooch request 9086220770 HunyBadger (USA: PA) 2014/07/01
67.8 -3 64.8 deducted points for mooch request 0786881852 beka (USA: HI) 2014/06/21
67.9 -0.1 67.8 removed book from inventory 9789045308692 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/06/20
67.8 +0.1 67.9 added book to inventory 1580082424 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/06/19
67.9 -0.1 67.8 removed book from inventory 9021539950 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/06/19
70.9 -3 67.9 deducted points for mooch request 9041706933 Coelacanth (United Kingdom) 2014/06/15
71 -0.1 70.9 removed book from inventory 9047203224 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/06/15
71.1 -0.1 71 removed book from inventory 9047202252 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/06/15
71.2 -0.1 71.1 removed book from inventory 9028420843 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/06/15
71.3 -0.1 71.2 removed book from inventory 9069740141 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/06/15
71.4 -0.1 71.3 removed book from inventory 9025499031 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/06/15
71.5 -0.1 71.4 removed book from inventory 9021481421 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/06/15
71.6 -0.1 71.5 removed book from inventory 9789491044 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/06/15
71.7 -0.1 71.6 removed book from inventory 9460680410 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/06/15
74.7 -3 71.7 deducted points for mooch request 0812980034 Cheryl (USA: TX) 2014/05/06
75.7 -1 74.7 deducted points for mooch request BM1232984285451679129 WendyMoerland (Netherlands) 2014/05/05
72.7 +3 75.7 gave points for mooch request 904500741X Hanneke van Proosdij (USA: CA) 2014/04/01
69.7 +3 72.7 gave points for mooch request 9010012735 Glenn Seller (Belgium) 2014/03/13
66.7 +3 69.7 lost in the mail says book owner 0224078747 Andy Batangantang (Philippines) 2014/03/13
63.7 +3 66.7 gave points for mooch request 9044607103 David (United Kingdom) 2014/03/04
63.6 +0.1 63.7 added book to inventory 9038895186 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/02/21
63.5 +0.1 63.6 added book to inventory 9069639777 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/02/16
62.5 +1 63.5 gave points for mooch request 9052266581 WendyMoerland (Netherlands) 2014/01/29
61.5 +1 62.5 gave points for mooch request 9038803087 WendyMoerland (Netherlands) 2014/01/29
60.5 +1 61.5 gave points for mooch request 9060054466 WendyMoerland (Netherlands) 2014/01/29
60.4 +0.1 60.5 added book to inventory 9088502072 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/01/24
60.3 +0.1 60.4 added book to inventory 9058714179 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/01/23
60.2 +0.1 60.3 added book to inventory 9021481421 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/01/05
60.1 +0.1 60.2 added book to inventory 9038803087 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/01/05
60 +0.1 60.1 added book to inventory 9047705335 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/01/05
59.9 +0.1 60 added book to inventory 9047131323 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/01/05
59.8 +0.1 59.9 added book to inventory 9050004822 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/01/05
59.7 +0.1 59.8 added book to inventory 9044725424 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/01/05
59.6 +0.1 59.7 added book to inventory 9028420843 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/01/05
59.5 +0.1 59.6 added book to inventory 9044607103 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/01/05
59.4 +0.1 59.5 added book to inventory 9047202252 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/01/05
59.3 +0.1 59.4 added book to inventory 9047203224 Lilian (Netherlands) 2014/01/05
59.2 +0.1 59.3 added book to inventory 9460680410 Lilian (Netherlands) 2013/12/29
59.1 +0.1 59.2 added book to inventory 9021324415 Lilian (Netherlands) 2013/12/20
56.1 +3 59.1 gave points for mooch request 1400033209 chris (Japan) 2013/12/18
56 +0.1 56.1 added book to inventory 1400033209 Lilian (Netherlands) 2013/12/17
55 +1 56 gave points for mooch request 9780316044936 Diana (Netherlands) 2013/12/15
56 -1 55 deducted points for mooch request 9780099520825 Diana (Netherlands) 2013/12/06
59 -3 56 deducted points for mooch request 0224078747 Andy Batangantang (Philippines) 2013/11/17
58.9 +0.1 59 added book to inventory 9052264740 Lilian (Netherlands) 2013/11/15
58.8 +0.1 58.9 added book to inventory 9025499031 Lilian (Netherlands) 2013/11/03
58.7 +0.1 58.8 added book to inventory 9052266581 Lilian (Netherlands) 2013/10/31
58.6 +0.1 58.7 added book to inventory 9023430638 Lilian (Netherlands) 2013/10/27
58.5 +0.1 58.6 added book to inventory 9789491044 Lilian (Netherlands) 2013/10/17
58.4 +0.1 58.5 added book to inventory 9029050551 Lilian (Netherlands) 2013/10/17
58.3 +0.1 58.4 added book to inventory 904500741X Lilian (Netherlands) 2013/10/13
58.2 +0.1 58.3 added book to inventory 9045004011 Lilian (Netherlands) 2013/09/29
57.2 +1 58.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 9780099520825 Diana (Netherlands) 2013/09/29
54.2 +3 57.2 gave points for mooch request B0099MYT9S Hanneke van Proosdij (USA: CA) 2013/09/26
51.2 +3 54.2 gave points for mooch request 9045002817 Hanneke van Proosdij (USA: CA) 2013/09/26
51.1 +0.1 51.2 added book to inventory 9045002817 Lilian (Netherlands) 2013/09/26
51 +0.1 51.1 added book to inventory 9023438841 Lilian (Netherlands) 2013/09/15
50.9 +0.1 51 added book to inventory 9789052953847 Lilian (Netherlands) 2013/09/13
50.8 +0.1 50.9 added book to inventory 9067661384 Lilian (Netherlands) 2013/09/12
50.7 +0.1 50.8 added book to inventory 9023401735 Lilian (Netherlands) 2013/09/02
50.6 +0.1 50.7 added book to inventory 9060054466 Lilian (Netherlands) 2013/09/01
50.5 +0.1 50.6 added book to inventory B0099MYT9S Lilian (Netherlands) 2013/08/30
50.4 +0.1 50.5 added book to inventory 9060056779 Lilian (Netherlands) 2013/08/29
51.4 -1 50.4 deducted points for mooch request 9780099520825 Diana (Netherlands) 2013/08/25
48.4 +3 51.4 gave points for mooch request 9023451449 Dorith Carmeli (Israel) 2013/07/24
48.3 +0.1 48.4 added book to inventory 9026903693 Lilian (Netherlands) 2013/07/14
45.3 +3 48.3 gave points for mooch request 1416591826 Kathy (USA: PA) 2013/06/25
45.2 +0.1 45.3 added book to inventory 1416591826 Lilian (Netherlands) 2013/06/25
45.1 +0.1 45.2 added book to inventory 9780316044936 Lilian (Netherlands) 2013/06/20
45 +0.1 45.1 added book to inventory 9030803754 Lilian (Netherlands) 2013/06/06
44.9 +0.1 45 added book to inventory 9010012735 Lilian (Netherlands) 2013/06/02
44.8 +0.1 44.9 added book to inventory 9789037705379 Lilian (Netherlands) 2013/05/17
41.8 +3 44.8 gave points for mooch request 906012233x Dorith Carmeli (Israel) 2013/05/08
38.8 +3 41.8 gave points for mooch request 0316122432 Dovile (Lithuania) 2013/05/02
38.7 +0.1 38.8 added book to inventory 0316122432 Lilian (Netherlands) 2013/05/02
37.7 +1 38.7 gave points for mooch request 9789089892188 Ingelke (Netherlands) 2013/04/25
37.6 +0.1 37.7 added book to inventory 9789045308692 Lilian (Netherlands) 2013/04/17
34.6 +3 37.6 gave points for mooch request 0634004255 gabe2000 (USA) 2013/03/28
37.6 -3 34.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 0634004255 AE185 (USA: NY) 2013/03/27
34.6 +3 37.6 gave points for mooch request 0634004255 AE185 (USA: NY) 2013/03/27
33.6 +1 34.6 received a smooch Jackie Wyse-Rhodes (USA: OH) 2013/03/22
33.5 +0.1 33.6 added book to inventory BM1363353465904746535 Lilian (Netherlands) 2013/03/15
33.4 +0.1 33.5 added book to inventory 9069740141 Lilian (Netherlands) 2013/03/14
30.4 +3 33.4 gave points for mooch request 907433699X Jackie Wyse-Rhodes (USA: OH) 2013/03/07
30.3 +0.1 30.4 added book to inventory 9002122462 Lilian (Netherlands) 2013/03/07
33.3 -3 30.3 deducted points for mooch request 0140214461 Kim (United Kingdom) 2013/03/05
33.2 +0.1 33.3 added book to inventory 9002119704 Lilian (Netherlands) 2013/03/03
30.2 +3 33.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 9780099520825 Katharina (Germany) 2013/02/28
33.2 -3 30.2 deducted points for mooch request 1580082424 DolorsVila (United Kingdom) 2013/02/26
30.2 +3 33.2 gave points for mooch request 9041413685 Victor (USA: TX) 2013/02/23
30.1 +0.1 30.2 added book to inventory 9023451449 Lilian (Netherlands) 2013/02/22
30 +0.1 30.1 added book to inventory 0634004255 Lilian (Netherlands) 2013/02/15
27 +3 30 gave points for mooch request 1573229067 Piccavey (España) 2013/02/15
30 -3 27 deducted points for mooch request 1573227358 Fran (USA: OR) 2013/01/22
33 -3 30 deducted points for mooch request 9780099520825 Katharina (Germany) 2012/12/27
32.9 +0.1 33 added book to inventory 9789059651265 Lilian (Netherlands) 2012/12/06
32.8 +0.1 32.9 added book to inventory 0118221408 Lilian (Netherlands) 2012/12/02
32.7 +0.1 32.8 added book to inventory 9789089892188 Lilian (Netherlands) 2012/11/29
33.7 -1 32.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 9086220770 ritanila (Netherlands) 2012/11/22
32.7 +1 33.7 gave points for mooch request 9086220770 ritanila (Netherlands) 2012/11/21
35.7 -3 32.7 deducted points for mooch request 0440505003 NBB (Belgium) 2012/11/20
38.7 -3 35.7 deducted points for mooch request 1400033209 Anwyl86 (Canada) 2012/11/07
38.6 +0.1 38.7 added book to inventory 9086220770 Lilian (Netherlands) 2012/11/04
38.5 +0.1 38.6 added book to inventory 907433699X Lilian (Netherlands) 2012/11/01
38.4 +0.1 38.5 added book to inventory 9002107005 Lilian (Netherlands) 2012/10/28
38.3 +0.1 38.4 added book to inventory 906012233x Lilian (Netherlands) 2012/10/25
38.2 +0.1 38.3 added book to inventory 9041413685 Lilian (Netherlands) 2012/10/21
38.3 -0.1 38.2 removed book from inventory 9041413685 Lilian (Netherlands) 2012/10/21
38.2 +0.1 38.3 added book to inventory 9041413685 Lilian (Netherlands) 2012/10/21
38.1 +0.1 38.2 added book to inventory 9074336256 Lilian (Netherlands) 2012/08/30
38 +0.1 38.1 added book to inventory 9021539950 Lilian (Netherlands) 2012/08/19
39 -1 38 deducted points for mooch request 9063052693 Bram (United Kingdom) 2012/07/08
36 +3 39 gave points for mooch request 0099478463 penelopewanders (France) 2012/06/02
35.9 +0.1 36 added book to inventory 0099478463 Lilian (Netherlands) 2012/06/01
35.8 +0.1 35.9 added book to inventory 1573229067 Lilian (Netherlands) 2012/03/23
32.8 +3 35.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 1573227358 Michael (USA: NJ) 2012/03/22
35.8 -3 32.8 deducted points for mooch request 1573227358 Michael (USA: NJ) 2012/02/21
34.8 +1 35.8 gave points for mooch request 0385513224 Justin (Netherlands) 2012/02/08
31.8 +3 34.8 gave points for mooch request 1585421065 Luba (Israel) 2011/12/28
28.8 +3 31.8 gave points for mooch request 0099448823 Miranda (USA: VT) 2011/12/22
28.7 +0.1 28.8 added book to inventory 0099448823 Lilian (Netherlands) 2011/12/21
25.7 +3 28.7 gave points for mooch request 0060928204 J. Luchesi (USA: CA) 2011/12/05
28.7 -3 25.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0060928204 ecb5649 (USA: MA) 2011/12/04
25.7 +3 28.7 gave points for mooch request 0060928204 ecb5649 (USA: MA) 2011/12/04
25.6 +0.1 25.7 added book to inventory 0060928204 Lilian (Netherlands) 2011/12/03
28.6 -3 25.6 deducted points for mooch request 9780316044936 Thomas Towne (USA: KS) 2011/11/21
31.6 -3 28.6 deducted points for mooch request 0099478463 Elly morgan (United Kingdom) 2011/10/20
28.6 +3 31.6 gave points for mooch request 1603761233 Prison Book Program (USA: MA) 2011/09/29
31.6 -3 28.6 deducted points for mooch request 1573229067 Freecycler (USA: TN) 2011/08/17
31.5 +0.1 31.6 added book to inventory 1603761233 Lilian (Netherlands) 2011/06/28
28.5 +3 31.5 gave points for mooch request 1400079144 Herkoperator (USA: NH) 2011/06/06
28.4 +0.1 28.5 added book to inventory 1400079144 Lilian (Netherlands) 2011/06/02
31.4 -3 28.4 deducted points for mooch request 1400079144 Emma (United Kingdom) 2011/05/01
28.4 +3 31.4 gave points for mooch request 046501691X Matthew Olwell (USA: VA) 2011/03/12
28.3 +0.1 28.4 added book to inventory 046501691X Lilian (Netherlands) 2011/03/11
28.2 +0.1 28.3 added book to inventory 0131975749 Lilian (Netherlands) 2011/03/09
25.2 +3 28.2 gave points for mooch request 0141020520 surfmadpig (Greece) 2011/02/07
25.1 +0.1 25.2 added book to inventory 0141020520 Lilian (Netherlands) 2011/02/06
22.1 +3 25.1 gave points for mooch request 0140196226 Justin Merritt (USA: MN) 2010/12/02
22 +0.1 22.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060928204 Michelle Liebgott-Osinga (USA: NE) 2010/11/23
24 -2 22 deducted points for mooch request 0060928204 Michelle Liebgott-Osinga (USA: NE) 2010/11/08
23.9 +0.1 24 added book to inventory 0140196226 Lilian (Netherlands) 2010/10/26
20.9 +3 23.9 gave points for mooch request 0316011770 Jessica (USA: FL) 2010/10/15
20.8 +0.1 20.9 added book to inventory 0316011770 Lilian (Netherlands) 2010/10/14
20.7 +0.1 20.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 046501691X Cheri (USA: MA) 2010/09/15
22.7 -2 20.7 deducted points for mooch request 046501691X Cheri (USA: MA) 2010/09/08
22.6 +0.1 22.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0131975749 frances (USA: PR) 2010/08/30
19.6 +3 22.6 gave points for mooch request 0349117624 wayne (USA: OH) 2010/08/25
19.5 +0.1 19.6 added book to inventory 0349117624 Lilian (Netherlands) 2010/08/23
21.5 -2 19.5 deducted points for mooch request 0131975749 frances (USA: PR) 2010/07/29
21.4 +0.1 21.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416591826 Cherelle (Australia) 2010/07/13
18.4 +3 21.4 gave points for mooch request 074991811X Hercules Invictus (USA: NJ) 2010/06/30
20.4 -2 18.4 deducted points for mooch request 1416591826 Cherelle (Australia) 2010/06/27
20.3 +0.1 20.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0140196226 Maverick62 (USA: NC) 2010/06/09
22.3 -2 20.3 deducted points for mooch request 0140196226 Maverick62 (USA: NC) 2010/06/02
19.3 +3 22.3 gave points for mooch request 0140274154 AliceF (United Kingdom) 2010/06/02
19.2 +0.1 19.3 added book to inventory 0140274154 Lilian (Netherlands) 2010/06/01
16.2 +3 19.2 gave points for mooch request 0805063897 kate (USA: WA) 2010/05/28
16.1 +0.1 16.2 added book to inventory 0805063897 Lilian (Netherlands) 2010/05/28
13.1 +3 16.1 gave points for mooch request 0440508339 A (Australia) 2010/03/19
13 +0.1 13.1 added book to inventory 0440508339 Lilian (Netherlands) 2010/03/19
12.9 +0.1 13 added book to inventory 1585421065 Lilian (Netherlands) 2010/03/18
12.8 +0.1 12.9 added book to inventory 074991811X Lilian (Netherlands) 2010/03/18
12.7 +0.1 12.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0349117624 James (Ireland) 2010/03/14
14.7 -2 12.7 deducted points for mooch request 0349117624 James (Ireland) 2010/03/10
11.7 +3 14.7 gave points for mooch request 1400082773 lkkirk (USA: IL) 2010/02/18
11.6 +0.1 11.7 added book to inventory 1400082773 Lilian (Netherlands) 2010/02/18
11.5 +0.1 11.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0316011770 sarah (USA: SC) 2010/02/07
13.5 -2 11.5 deducted points for mooch request 0316011770 sarah (USA: SC) 2010/01/25
10.5 +3 13.5 gave points for mooch request 0571045782 Katie (USA: TX) 2010/01/22
10.4 +0.1 10.5 added book to inventory 0571045782 Lilian (Netherlands) 2010/01/17
9.4 +1 10.4 gave points for mooch request 0749320346 Deirdre Budd (Netherlands) 2010/01/15
6.4 +3 9.4 gave points for mooch request 0140167773 Jennifer (Canada) 2009/12/19
6.3 +0.1 6.4 added book to inventory 0749320346 Lilian (Netherlands) 2009/12/18
6.2 +0.1 6.3 added book to inventory 0140167773 Lilian (Netherlands) 2009/12/18
3.2 +3 6.2 gave points for mooch request 0330284142 Amy (Canada) 2009/12/17
3.1 +0.1 3.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1585421065 Ana J (USA: CA) 2009/12/15
3 +0.1 3.1 added book to inventory 0330284142 Lilian (Netherlands) 2009/12/15
5 -2 3 deducted points for mooch request 1585421065 Ana J (USA: CA) 2009/12/08
4.9 +0.1 5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0805063897 Nancy Gluck (USA: CT) 2009/11/13
6.9 -2 4.9 deducted points for mooch request 0805063897 Nancy Gluck (USA: CT) 2009/11/07
6.8 +0.1 6.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0141020520 Naomi (United Kingdom) 2009/11/01
6.7 +0.1 6.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0752881965 Cherrie (Netherlands) 2009/10/29
8.7 -2 6.7 deducted points for mooch request 0141020520 Naomi (United Kingdom) 2009/10/22
9.7 -1 8.7 deducted points for mooch request 0752881965 Cherrie (Netherlands) 2009/10/16
9.6 +0.1 9.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0140274154 JosieB (United Kingdom) 2009/09/10
11.6 -2 9.6 deducted points for mooch request 0140274154 JosieB (United Kingdom) 2009/09/02
11.5 +0.1 11.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0440508339 sjjk (Netherlands) 2009/07/28
12.5 -1 11.5 deducted points for mooch request 0440508339 sjjk (Netherlands) 2009/07/21
9.5 +3 12.5 gave points for mooch request 0140235825 Jeff Sheppard (United Kingdom) 2009/07/21
6.5 +3 9.5 gave points for mooch request 0140043128 steve (USA: WI) 2009/07/20
3.5 +3 6.5 gave points for mooch request 1870845013 Debbie (Australia) 2009/07/17
0.5 +3 3.5 gave points for mooch request 1870845048 Debbie (Australia) 2009/07/17
0.4 +0.1 0.5 added book to inventory 0385513224 Lilian (Netherlands) 2009/07/17
0.3 +0.1 0.4 added book to inventory 0140235825 Lilian (Netherlands) 2009/07/17
0.2 +0.1 0.3 added book to inventory 0140043128 Lilian (Netherlands) 2009/07/17
0.1 +0.1 0.2 added book to inventory 1870845048 Lilian (Netherlands) 2009/07/17
0 +0.1 0.1 added book to inventory 1870845013 Lilian (Netherlands) 2009/07/17