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Points analysis

Name: ConnieS (USA: WV)
User ID: connies
Points: 223.6

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
224.6 -1 223.6 deducted points for mooch request 0316508586 Debra & Jerry (USA: FL) 2024/11/19
223.6 +1 224.6 gave points for mooch request 1593377223 April123 (USA: FL) 2024/11/18
223.7 -0.1 223.6 removed book from inventory 1419328662 ConnieS (USA: WV) 2024/11/17
223.6 +0.1 223.7 added book to inventory B000F5MTNQ ConnieS (USA: WV) 2024/11/17
223.5 +0.1 223.6 added book to inventory 0345377648 ConnieS (USA: WV) 2024/11/15
223.4 +0.1 223.5 added book to inventory 0812567560 ConnieS (USA: WV) 2024/11/13
223.3 +0.1 223.4 added book to inventory 0143142003 ConnieS (USA: WV) 2024/11/12
223.2 +0.1 223.3 added book to inventory 1419328662 ConnieS (USA: WV) 2024/11/10
223.3 -0.1 223.2 removed book from inventory 1611063167 ConnieS (USA: WV) 2024/11/09
224.3 -1 223.3 mooch rejected by book owner BM1713320967835005988 Dinah (USA: LA) 2024/11/09
224.4 -0.1 224.3 removing book from inventory BM1713320967835005988 ConnieS (USA: WV) 2024/11/09
223.4 +1 224.4 gave points for mooch request 152003783X Dinah (USA: LA) 2024/11/09
222.4 +1 223.4 gave points for mooch request BM1713320967835005988 Dinah (USA: LA) 2024/11/09
222.3 +0.1 222.4 added book to inventory 152003783X ConnieS (USA: WV) 2024/11/08
222.2 +0.1 222.3 added book to inventory 0060897945 ConnieS (USA: WV) 2024/11/04
222.1 +0.1 222.2 added book to inventory 0441005349 ConnieS (USA: WV) 2024/11/03
222 +0.1 222.1 added book to inventory 1450859666 ConnieS (USA: WV) 2024/11/03
221.9 +0.1 222 added book to inventory 0741414716 ConnieS (USA: WV) 2024/11/03
220.9 +1 221.9 gave points for mooch request 0062505963 Alex (USA: ID) 2024/11/03
219.9 +1 220.9 gave points for mooch request 0299165043 Alex Joshua (USA: NY) 2024/10/31
218.9 +1 219.9 gave points for mooch request 1402720467 Sonja (USA: IL) 2024/10/31
218.8 +0.1 218.9 added book to inventory 0931961181 ConnieS (USA: WV) 2024/10/31
218.7 +0.1 218.8 added book to inventory 1402720467 ConnieS (USA: WV) 2024/10/31
218.6 +0.1 218.7 added book to inventory 0062505963 ConnieS (USA: WV) 2024/10/31
218.5 +0.1 218.6 added book to inventory 0299165043 ConnieS (USA: WV) 2024/10/31
218.4 +0.1 218.5 added book to inventory 0060815051 ConnieS (USA: WV) 2024/10/30
218.3 +0.1 218.4 added book to inventory 0062354418 ConnieS (USA: WV) 2024/10/29
217.3 +1 218.3 gave points for mooch request 0140195580 Starfishie (USA: FL) 2024/10/27
216.3 +1 217.3 gave points for mooch request 0345400313 Kate (USA: CA) 2024/10/27
216.4 -0.1 216.3 removed book from inventory 080612220X ConnieS (USA: WV) 2024/10/27
216.3 +0.1 216.4 added book to inventory 0140195580 ConnieS (USA: WV) 2024/10/27
216.2 +0.1 216.3 added book to inventory 0914602470 ConnieS (USA: WV) 2024/10/27
216.1 +0.1 216.2 added book to inventory 0895954830 ConnieS (USA: WV) 2024/10/27
216 +0.1 216.1 added book to inventory 080612220X ConnieS (USA: WV) 2024/10/27
215.9 +0.1 216 added book to inventory 0345400313 ConnieS (USA: WV) 2024/10/27
215.8 +0.1 215.9 added book to inventory 0061098795 ConnieS (USA: WV) 2024/10/27
215.7 +0.1 215.8 added book to inventory 0887141447 ConnieS (USA: WV) 2024/10/27
216.7 -1 215.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0671887572 sarah (USA: NE) 2024/10/24
215.7 +1 216.7 gave points for mooch request 0671887572 sarah (USA: NE) 2024/10/24
215.6 +0.1 215.7 added book to inventory 0739343246 ConnieS (USA: WV) 2024/10/24
215.7 -0.1 215.6 removed book from inventory 1571741437 ConnieS (USA: WV) 2024/10/23
215.6 +0.1 215.7 added book to inventory 1571741437 ConnieS (USA: WV) 2024/10/23
215.7 -0.1 215.6 removed book from inventory 047134768X ConnieS (USA: WV) 2024/10/23
215.6 +0.1 215.7 added book to inventory 1611761409 ConnieS (USA: WV) 2024/10/22
215.5 +0.1 215.6 added book to inventory 0875813992 ConnieS (USA: WV) 2024/10/21
215.4 +0.1 215.5 added book to inventory 1556482698 ConnieS (USA: WV) 2024/10/21
215.3 +0.1 215.4 added book to inventory 0787960195 ConnieS (USA: WV) 2024/10/21
215.4 -0.1 215.3 removed book from inventory 087604139X ConnieS (USA: WV) 2024/10/19
215.3 +0.1 215.4 added book to inventory 0441002730 ConnieS (USA: WV) 2024/10/19
215.2 +0.1 215.3 added book to inventory 0948833793 ConnieS (USA: WV) 2024/10/19