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Mary M Johnson (USA: TX) : friends

Friends of: Mary M Johnson (USA: TX)

Mybookmarks63 (USA: NE)

moonieworm85 (Australia)

bringeroflight (USA: TX)

jyl johnson (USA: OK)

cbcammarata (USA: NM)

Tony (United Kingdom)

dawn (USA: TX)

Fiona W Minami (Japan)

Chris (USA: PA)

Kim (USA: TX)

Merle (USA: NH)

Holly Miller (USA: CT)

Nicole (USA: KY)

Nicole (USA: PR)

Rebecca A. (USA: WI)

repurposeher (USA: MA)

Shelley (USA: TX)

txgraham (USA: TX)

Lowell Busching (USA: ND)Hi, Lowell. I don't understand this comment box either.

Re Friends, the advantage I use the Friend request for is either to recruit local Houston area moochers for an upcoming Meet'n'Mooch I'm coordinating, or as a reminder to myself that I liked their inventory and want to check back with them when I build up points.


vkanids (USA: KS)

What this person's friends have to say about 'Mary M Johnson (USA: TX)':

Mybookmarks63 (USA: NE): "Mary, have you found a job yet? sure miss you on 29 gifts, but see you have been in a couple groups. Nice to have someone I know on here. talk to you later; Deb "
dawn (USA: TX): "Mary has a big heart and boundless enthusiasm! i've never met her in person but i hope to one day soon. "
Lowell Busching (USA: ND): "I think I am on a couple lists already, but I have never found out what the advantage is? After I accept does that put you on a list to see what I have posted to my inventory without having to check manually to see if any books of interest have been posted? If not, I think that would be a nice feature for Book Mooch. I did not post any new books to my inventory for some time partly because it appeared that either I had no more books of interest to book moochers after giving many out, my account was labeled as possibly inactive because I had NOT checked in for some time, or some such criteria. During my last book postings I entered several newer books and most of them were snapped up immediately. If you have not checked my list lately, you might want to look again at my inventory for books of possible interest. Thanks. This space seems to imply that you should be commenting on the person that requested you as a friend! This makes no sense to me so I thought I would make it a post to find out just what the "friend" business is all about and its purpose."