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Messages: Queer Books

MLM/Gay books

Does anyone have any MLM books? i've been having a hard time finding some good ones

2 years ago
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Do you have queer books?

Does anyone have any queer books in their inventory? It's a hassle to look for these books on bookmooch unless I am looking for a particular title. Or that's been my experience at least. I'd love to read more queer books, but haven't had much luck with them here, so I'd appreciate anyone pointing me in the right direction.

8 years ago

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(2 years ago)
(2 years ago)
(7 years ago)I have Lindsay Welsh : Provincetown Summer and Other Stories and Simon Gage : Queer ("Queer" has a chunk missing from one of the pages unfortunately). I inherited a few other books from a local queer exchange; as I read them and decide whether to keep/mooch, I'll update.
Maria T
(8 years ago)There are a couple of books in my inventory. Aidan Chambers : Dance on My Grave Young adult novel from the 1980s. Kenna White : Braggin Rights Lesbian romance.
(8 years ago)Hi, I have something that is not really queer, but maybe it could pique your interest.... Molly Parkin : Love: All
Diva book sale

For those in the UK, Diva is having a book sale with prices starting at 50p.

I can't link from here as my work browser won't access the site, but if you search for Diva Magazine or Millivres you should get to the right site

13 years ago
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I have just "inherited" several boxes of older "adult" books. They are all in good condition, almost new except for a slight coloration to the paper. No loose pages, bad condition covers, etc. These are old enough that they do not have ISBN numbers and I don't know what to do with them. Any one interested? These are pictures although the later ones do have explicit covers!

13 years ago
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(13 years ago)At the moment, I am swamped with requests (I list on four internet locations) and my other activities. However, I should have a break in the next couple of days. If you will send me your email address, I will be glad to open a box and send you a sample of titles/authors. I really need to get rid of several hundred as they are in my way. If you find you are interested we can talk. I would gladly get rid of all of them for postage and a little extra....very little extra! If you missed it above: I NEED THE SPACE THEY ARE TAKING UP!!!! Jay
Seeking lesbian nonfiction from the 70s-90s!

I'm currently looking for just about anything and everything lesbian nonfiction. My partner and I are building our library and are interested in learning as much as we can about our forebears from previous generations, preferably from primary sources! I'm mostly interested in the history of gynocentric (woman-centered) feminism in lesbian communities, so my main focus is the 1970s through the 90s era, though books that fall outside of that range are definitely of interest as well. Does anyone have books matching this description, or just lesbian nonfiction in general, in their inventory or that they would be willing to list/send us? We have a fantastic indie used bookstore local to us, but after buying out the lesbian section repeatedly I thought it was time to broaden the search. ;) Offbeat/unusually quirky or unique books, anthologies, memoirs and periodicals from that era would be especially great. Recommendations are also welcome even if you don't have the books available. Thanks!

Tamara K.
9 years ago
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gay books

We still have stored way in the back of boxes of books and misc junk, several boxes of gay books, mostly male. No pictures although several covers have explicit pictures. These were older books when we got them 15 years or more ago. The last time we checked they are in good condition, just older paperbacks. Any interest? Prefer to be contact my email:

9 years ago

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(9 years ago)With your constraints, it seems like it would be better for you to donate locally as the cost-effectiveness of you boxing them up, getting postage estimates, and exchanging costs would be prohibitive. Good luck in whatever you decide.
(9 years ago)We need to find some profitable way to get rid of these books. They have been stored in an apartment that I have not rented in several years in the downstairs of my home. I have not even seen them in two or three years. I am not willing to pay postage to get rid of them; I will trash them if I can't work out something. I don't remember for certain, but I am guessing there are probably 200 or 300 at least....and possibly more. They were in a store that closed over four years ago and were all in good shape although they were remainders when the store bought them. I think I posted that they are male gay stories, no pictures although the newer ones do have very explicit covers, appearing to be actual photos. I do hate to burn them, although I am not willing to spend any money getting rid of them. Any suggestions/offers?
(9 years ago)Sent email yesterday. Hope to hear from you soon! :)
Brighton, UK: Free books available

I have a large back of mixed gay and lesbian books available to anyone who wishes to come and collect them.

No exchange of points needed.

Just message me.

11 years ago
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Lesbian books

I run a lesbian book blog called the Lesbrary ( and I'm always looking for new lesbian/bi women book recommendations (either by or about) as well as any websites you've found helpful for finding lesbian book recommendations.

My favourites are Tipping the Velvet and Fingermith by Sarah Waters, Kissing the Witch by Emma Donoghue, Pages for You by Sylvia Brownrigg, Rubyfruit Jungle by Rita Mae Brown, and Hello, Groin by Beth Goobie, to start off with.

14 years ago

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(13 years ago)i just read 'Keeping You a Secret' ,'Boy Meets Boy',and ' Luna' they were all really sad,but they were great!i loved them!!!!!!
carina cruz
(14 years ago)I just read Ali Smith's "Girl Meets Boy." It was incredible.
(14 years ago)I just listed a queer cultural icon to be enjoyed, 'Vamps and Tramps' by Camille Paglia. She shares stories and opinions about Princess Di Germaine Greer, Laura Hutton, drag queen, Glenda Orgasm and much more.
(14 years ago)arecently read a fun mystery which involves a dectective (Lesbian) and her lover who is an psychiatrist. Author is Abigail Padgett book is The Last Blue Plate Special. Quick read, and up to date. I am waiting for her first book to come available, Blue, where characters are introduced to readers and find each other...
(14 years ago)My all-time favorite gay book is Another Mother Tongue by Judy Grahn. It is a very entertaining romp through gay and lesbian history. I wish I had multiple copies of it because I would gladly send it to every gay bibliophile I know! :)
Miss Bella
(14 years ago)the monkey's mask by dorothy porter. the author/poet is one of Australia's most popular and most read poets. it's poetry, it's a crime thriller, it's erotic & it's a bittersweet love story.
(14 years ago)Elizabeth Bear's Carnival could also work for you: it's soft SF about a pair of (male, gay) diplomats/assassins sent to a planet where women dominate the men in every way. I know, it sounds like a B movie, but it's actually a very interesting look at possibilities for social and socio-sexual variations after humanity takes to the stars in the aftermath of worldwide genocide perpetrated by a handful of eco-terrorists (the solution to world pollution? Remove the polluting agent i.e. most of humanity). It's also beautifully written, even for those who don't like SF. :-)
(14 years ago)Fun Home was great! I haven't read the others yet, but they're on my list.
(14 years ago)My favorites not listed here: Stone Butch Blues / Leslie Feinberg The Book of Salt / Monique Truong The Color Purple / Alice Walker Fun Home / Alison Bechdel Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe / Fannie Flagg I'm also a huge Winterson fan.
(14 years ago)I love Jeanette Winterson! Her books always confuse me, but in a good way. And Emma Donoghue's other books are definitely on my list, though I found Stir-Fry a little disappointing... it might just have been my state of mind at the time, though. I should probably give it another chance at some point.
(14 years ago)Almost anything by British author Jeanette Winterson -- my personal favorites by her are The Passion and Written on the Body. If you liked Emma Hood's fairy tales, you might also try her short non-fantastic fiction. There are some good lesbian-themed pieces in her collections Touchy Subjects and The Woman Who Gave Birth to Rabbits, and I love her first novel, titled Stir-Fry, about a young Irish woman discovering desire at college while living with two women roommates, who are also lovers.
(14 years ago)I just found Slow River at a book sale! I have definitely heard good things about her, so I can't wait to give that one a try.
(14 years ago)Katherine V. Forrest also wrote science fiction, though not as successfully. I recommend Nicola Griffith to anyone willing to step outside their comfort zone, primarily her titles Nicola Griffith : Ammonite and Nicola Griffith : Slow River.
(14 years ago)That looks great, I just added it to my list!
(14 years ago)A book I would recommend is "Secrets of truth and Beauty" by Megan Frazer. It's about a teen who finds out that she has a sister. Things occur in her family that lead her to find her sister. She learns more about her sister who turns out to be lesbian.
(14 years ago)I have heard that, Margot. Any in particular you recommend?
(14 years ago)Katherine V. Forrest writes great mysteries.
(14 years ago)I just read The Case of the Not-So-Nice Nurse by Mabel Maney. It's a lesbian take on Nancy Drew - loads of fun. There are two more in the series. I have them on order from another moocher.
Alan Dellamore
Annie On My Mind

I don't know how I missed this one when I was a teenager voraciously reading anything about lesbians that I could find, but I recently picked up an anniversary copy of this and loved it

13 years ago
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Queer Reading Groups

Hi Moochers,

I am the Executive Director of a gay and lesbian community center and we just started a book club/reading group. Does anyone know where we might find discussion guides for queer books?


David Stocum
13 years ago

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(13 years ago)Oh, in response to Hope's comments above: Christopher Isherwood's "A Single Man" is stellar. Very great "discussability," and accessible to a wide range of people.
(13 years ago)You can try contacting Glsen, They might have some ideas. Also, a simple google search gave this list of resources: This one looks like it might be what you're looking for: Good luck!