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Elizabeth Gilbert : eat pray love

Author: Elizabeth Gilbert
Title: eat pray love
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 334
Date: 2006-1
ISBN: 9780143038412
Publisher: Penguin Books
Latest: 2023/06/14
Weight: 0.0625 pounds
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Reviews: Kirstin (USA: SC) (2008/07/19):
loved this book. Gilbert did a nice job of describing her feelings, travels, and enlightenments without sounding superior, whiny, or narcissistic. Kind of gave me hope. Quick but thoughtful read.

Joelle (Canada) (2008/09/20):
Wow!!! Loved it!

mb (USA: MI) (2008/11/17):
I enjoyed how this book was divided into sections. The divisions of things which the author found to be important amused me. I think it would have been a lot of fun to "research" writing a book like this one. Overall, it was not quite my thing, but it was worth the read just to see what the hooplah was all about.

susan (USA: CT) (2009/03/09):
I really loved this book

mama1mia (USA: IL) (2009/03/10):
I read this book because I hear so much about it so I was curious. Well, in my opinion it was ok. Just ok. I'm not sure that it can change you. So if your getting it because you are hoping it's life changing then you will be disappointed. Overall it's a good read.

northcountrygirl (USA: TX) (2009/12/10):
I did not like it at all. I did not even bother to finish it. Everyone elses seems to love it. Why?

Roni (USA: NJ) (2010/02/20):
I have heard some of the negative reviews about that book and the author. I knew that this is a book about her so, of course it's going to be "about her". However, I do see others' point, in that she does seem a little self-consumed, but it IS a memoir ... I read some books focusing on the needs and tragedies on earth, and its a nice change sometimes to live vicariously through someone who can live onto herself, once in awhile. The author is genuine and honest. No one has to agree with her especially her religious perspective. I relate to what she went through in her broken relationships and I understand the need for her to find herself without any questions. Well, only if any of us could just get up and go to 3 countries in a year... 8-)

I found the second part of the book to be a bit tough to get through in the beginning but as she started to "get" the meditation for what it is supposed to be, it got a little easier to read from there. I find myself re-reading paragraphs, rolling the words around my mouth and head. Mostly I envy her, all of her travels, adventures, and journey of self-discovery, and also her writing style. It is beautiful, descriptive, and engrossing. I think any woman who has gone through a not-so-great relationship or low self-esteem/concept will probably relate to this book and the author's experiences.

The book is amazingly written and such a joy to read. Read it, enjoy it! There is a sequel - a book titled "Committed". I might may read this book someday.

Michele (Germany) (2010/03/15):
Meh - ton of hype, but this book just left me cold. Neither loved nor hated it. The India section went on and on, and overall it was too self-absorbed and woo-woo for my tastes. Also keep in mind: it was supposed to be this big journey of self-discovery, for which she conveniently received a $200,000 advance on the book. 2.5 out of 5 stars.

Marinda (USA: LA) (2010/07/09):
She never represented herself as "every woman." Gilbert is talented, complex, arrogant at times, and really lost about the havoc she plays in her life and the lives of others. She's honest about never painting herself as the good guy or as having all the answers. You will either "get her" or walk away, grateful you don't know this person. I did get very tired of some aspects of her soap opera life, but that's what makes this book. It's a romance book and Gilbert wants to love herself again, be happy again and not fall into the medication, drug, liquor trap she has seen others fall in.

She has money, talent, and a chance to escape and she takes it. This alone will make some readers uncomfortable. Women are suppose to endure, put up with the hand life deals them and make it work.
Gilbert did, but on her own terms.

Marilou (USA: LA) (2010/09/19):
Very engaging style, fun to read even thru all the angst. But I have trouble believing all the cult following hype - this is a very silly woman. Or maybe I'm just mad that God didn't lead me to travel around the world and shack up with a Brazillian millionaire.

imuzak12 (USA: VA) (2012/07/03):
I bought this book as a used-book; it's in a good "used-book" condition.

Elizabeth Perkins (USA: FL) (2014/04/26):
Silly, silly, silly book. Why does anyone like this?

Darilee Piner (USA: OH) (2014/09/03):
I enjoyed Elizabeth Gilbert's book a lot. She travels thru several countries and describes the scenes as well as the people and her own family happy times as well as sad.