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Lucien Gregoire : Murder in the Vatican: Pauper Who Would Be Pope

Author: Lucien Gregoire
Title: Murder in the Vatican: Pauper Who Would Be Pope
Moochable copies: No copies available
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 416
Date: 2005-04-08
ISBN: 1403348065
Publisher: Authorhouse
Weight: 0.91 pounds
Size: 5.8 x 8.64 x 0.65 inches
Edition: partial
Amazon prices:
Previous givers: 2 Afra (USA: WA), Afra (USA: WA)
Previous moochers: 2 Mike & Jill Bemis (USA: MN), Suzanne (USA: MA)
Description: Product Description
WARNING this listing is for an old partial edition.
'Murder in the Vatican' is in its 5th edition.This listing is for the 2nd edition which is a partial edition.In that time, I have changed nothing I may have said about this good man's life other than to expand my account to include the record of his childhood and his young life as a seminarian and as a priest; the latter not included in this 2003 edition.
The mystery of his death and the deaths of those around him has involved an investigative process that has taken me to Italy, England, Central America and elsewhere in the world many times and spanned many years.
I knew much more five years ago, than I knew five years before that, and I knew much more two years ago, than I knew five years before that, and I know much more today, than I did then.
If you want the proof--the absolute proof--how John Paul and those around him fell victim to twentieth century capitalism as it was jointly embraced by the Vatican and the United States-- get the 2010 edition. Search: The CIA and the Bolshevik Pontiff. Also available as an E-book on Kinlde. Thank you for your interest in my work. Lucien Gregoire, friend/biographer John Paul I

The 2010 edition of Murder in the Vatican is two books in one volume. Search: The CIA and the Bolshevik Pontiff   for hardcopy and ebook.
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