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Charlotte MacLeod : The Recycled Citizen/a Sarah Kelling Mystery (Sarah Kelling and Max Bittersohn Mysteries)

Author: Charlotte MacLeod
Title: The Recycled Citizen/a Sarah Kelling Mystery (Sarah Kelling and Max Bittersohn Mysteries)
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Published in: English
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 199
Date: 1988-01
ISBN: 0892961872
Publisher: Mysterious Press
Weight: 1.05 pounds
Size: 5.75 x 0.75 x 8.0 inches
Edition: First Edition
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Previous givers: 1 JBS (USA: TN)
Previous moochers: 1 Marj (USA: WA)
Description: Product Description
Sarah Kelling/Max Bittersohn series

Sarah Kelling and her art detective husband, Max Bittersohn, have joined the rest of the Kelling clan to plan a charity auction for the senior citizens' recycling center. All goes smoothly until tea is served. What Cousin Theonia sees in the leaves causes her to hurl her antique cup against the wall. Theonia's forebodings prove correct. Before the big event, one of the Center's members is murdered and an examination of the will points the finger of suspicion at the Kellings. An irritating reporter appears and a seedy individual involved in an old family scandal reappears. Then, another corpse pops up in the gardening shed on the night of the ball. Once again, Max is enlisted in the task of bailing out the Kellings.

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