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Susan Charnley : A True and Perfect Knight

Author: Susan Charnley
Title: A True and Perfect Knight
Moochable copies: No copies available
Published in: English
Binding: Mass Market Paperback
Pages: 315
Date: 2001-12
ISBN: 0843949457
Publisher: Leisure Books
Weight: 0.35 pounds
Size: 4.22 x 6.74 x 0.9 inches
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Previous givers: 3 Nancy (USA: NY), Atomic Dragon (USA: KS), paulan (USA: SD)
Previous moochers: 3 Samantha =0} (USA: AL), cathysdesigns (USA: CA), Rodz (USA: OH)
1sandra (USA: CA).
Description: Product Description
In 1282 England, Sir Haven de Sessions hates Genvieve Dreyford though they never met. Haven believes that Genvieve led his best friend, her late husband Roger, into committing treason. However he is shocked to meet the proud, but badly bruised Genvieve, who was stoned by the English for being the widow of a traitor. Haven informs Genvieve that she, Roger's sister and Roger's son who is also her child will accompany him to court to await King Edward's judgment. On the Trek to court, Haven is stunned how kind and compassionate Gennie is to everyone but him. By the time they reach Edward, Haven believes his prisoner is innocent and the memory of his friend false. Expecting the death penalty Edward shocks Haven and Genvieve when he orders them to wed and control a keep in Wales, a hot bed of anti English royalty sentiment. As they fall in love, Gennie trusts the Welsh with open arms while Haven remains wary, leaving their relationship precariously in trouble.
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