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Richard Laermer : Punk Marketing: Get Off Your Ass and Join the Revolution

Author: Richard Laermer
Title: Punk Marketing: Get Off Your Ass and Join the Revolution
Moochable copies: No copies available
Published in: English
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 256
Date: 2007-02-27
ISBN: 0061151106
Publisher: HarperBusiness
Weight: 1.1 pounds
Size: 0.89 x 7.38 x 9.13 inches
Edition: First Edition
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Previous givers: 2 Breeni (USA: NC), Raphael (USA: DC)
Previous moochers: 2 Tiara Lynn (USA: IL), gingerpixel (Ireland)
Description: Product Description

The marketing revolution is here, so get on the right side of the barricade and become a part of it! Let's thank Mr. and Mrs. Consumer and their little Consumerlings who have seized power from the corporations and are now firmly in control.

In Punk Marketing, Laermer and Simmons take an irreverent, penetrating look at the seismic change in the relationship between the people who sell stuff—products, services, entertainment—and those who purchase it. They demonstrate that to survive in business, a revolutionary approach is needed—one they have branded "Punk Marketing"—and it's one we all need to understand, for the traditional divisions among commerce, content, and consumers are continuing to blur ever more rapidly.

Never dull, sometimes controversial, but always a helluva lot of fun, Punk Marketing presents a manifesto for any businessperson needing to engage consumers—or any consumer seeking to understand and employ their newfound power. And here's the good news: It's based on principles that have existed forever. In an age of digital video recorders, "branded" entertainment, cell-phone TV, multiplayer online games, and never-ending social networking, a coherent approach to marketing has never been more vital. With Punk Marketing, there's a built-in plan to equip you with tools to make all this change work out just fine, thanks.

Punk Marketing is the first shot—soon to be heard 'round the world—of a long-awaited and breathless uprising that businesses want, deserve, and desperately need.

Reviews: Breeni (USA: NC) (2007/02/23):
Richard Laermer and Mark Simmons challenge the marketing industry to shed outdated strategies and take advantage of today's perpetually connected society in Punk Marketing: Get Off Your Ass and Join the Revolution. Laermer and Simmons argue that because of today's technology, consumers are more in control than ever and have a tremendous amount of buying power. They plead with industry to embrace the marketing tools available through today's high-tech gadgets rather than continuing to follow outdated tactics.

The authors provide tips for taking advantage of advertising opportunities in video games, creating television ads that entertain the consumer and don't assume the viewer is a mindless drone, and making one product stand out among an ocean of similar wares. While the book seems to be geared toward actual PR reps, companies can use the information to decide if a particular marketing organization is worth their fees.

While Laermer and Simmons are absolutely correct that evolving technology demands a new approach to advertising, this book is very generalized in its advice, so don't expect to come away with any specific instructions. However, as the authors suggest, creativity is a key instrument in revolutionizing the marketing industry. Punk Marketing will inspire the reader to view the customer from a new vantage point and create a blueprint for advertising that takes full advantage of what technology has to offer.

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